Theme by DemiGod7
Okay so, initially this theme was supposed to be something different. It was supposed to be my first dynamic theme. But I failed at that…..big time. So yeah, I believe that this theme has potential to be much better than my version, if someone out there feels like editing it with dynamic elements.
My idea was to animate the bonfire as if it’s burning and maybe add some smoke effects etc. Also, maybe you will see two square boxes on the right. Maybe video footage can be added there or other dynamic effects. I was told that it is very hard to animate fire, and I tried to use a combination of Photoshop and GIMP but I failed miserably, it wasn’t even worth uploading. I guess my expectations were too high, huh OPTI? :). Maybe this is a request after all…
– What wallpaper is this? I can’t seem to find it….
Yes, this is possible. Visit the official dark souls site, and you will see that this is the background. I have a tool installed on Google Chrome that lets me edit a webpage. Initially, in those two boxes on the right were links for video and pre order (I think) but I erased those.
– Why cut all the icons?
Why not? It took some time, but I wanted to make a Dark Souls theme different than others.
I accept all criticism, be it bad or worse only when it is constructive.
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@F-rot lol f-rot has -2 on his comment. F-rot, im hyper today. i felt like typing your name in sevral times. It just felt saticfying. no offense & im not makeing fun of your name.
@Optimus why you no pm me? Anyways how have you been lately? STOP KILLING THOSE DECIPTICONS! dam i hate it when you do that!
you need to pm me
:sad face:
F-rot frot frot frot! yey, where you been? pm me.
Nice looking theme! Good job!
@DemiGod7 & thecultofpersonality247
=> DemiGod7: Yeah, you got the point, my friend… old games were so hard that it was a miracle being able to finish them: very few lives available (or nothing at all, in some games); limited credits/continues (do you remember?); no checkpoints, as you rightly said; only a gun to face endless hordes of enemies; fights against incredible bosses (oh man… R-Type was nearly absurd, but there was a similar game even harder called Saint Dragon); no time to rest between a level and another…
It was a crazy world indeed!
Oh yeah! Sega Master System, Alex Kidd…
Aahhh, memories… Hey, don’t forget I’m an oldie and my heart starts to be quite weak!
=> thecultofpersonality247: Yep, as I said, PS1 games (and part of PS2 ones) were quite hard indeed, but still far from the difficulty level of 80s games.
Ghosts’N’Goblins for PSP could be a good example of what I mean, but even this revision, although quite similar to the original game, is not the very same: you should try playing the original games (Ghosts’N’Goblins and Ghouls’N’Ghosts)…
@DemiGod7 Lol. That difficult? The hardest game iv played in all my life is Ghost&goblins. They made a verision on the play station portable (i think its the same gameplay) And i started the 1st lvl & if you get hit 3 times, THE WHOLE lvl is over with. I couldn’t do it. At the time i was moor into the games they make now a days (easy games).
@OPTIMUS well the lol part above was not for u it was for demigod. But back to you now. I KNOW todays games are soo easy. I used to be good at older games like ps2 & ps1 games. Now i suck a them. Iv played ps3 games for soo long, i cant even play some of my ps2 games lol. About 3 months ago i finnaly started playing my ps2. I was playing a good old classic Ratchet & Clank. I was sucking at it but then i started getting good at it. Another one thats Insainly difficult is star wars bounty hunters. It dosent hold you hand, The lvls are like Huge. Soo many bad guys, soo litle health. I beat it 2ce. But i havent played it soo long id probaly would get stuck on the 1st lvl.
As for gameing i like the new inprovement that they have made with 80% of todays games. I like the health regeneration that we get now. I always hate if your playing a shooter and all the bad guys got machineguns and god like aiming and very little health bonuses & you also have to worry about ammo.
I used to throw a fit when i started to loose. I used to punch my ps2, then wacked the controller then smack my self lol. I was gettng a tempor, but a Huge secret to gameing is “DONT GET MAd” the calmer & focused you stay, you will never loose. & if you do, your chances the 2nd time are very high of susscess. Its a very good tip to gamers. Thats also the problem with gamers. They get soo mad & the mader they get, the moor there gonna lose. Calmness is the key to gameing.
Nice theme and you did a good job on the icons but I can’t see how your computer isn’t powerful enough, I could run Photoshop and the other programs with only using about 2/3 usage on my 2009(- 14th March 2013 ;() computer that had 3gb ram and had a 2.4ghz processor so unless you’ve got a really old computer then I don’t see your problem and if it is that old you seriously need to upgrade.
I dunno, I’ll figure it out at some point, maybe I expect too much
As for that big reply…..
I am 20 years old. I started my gaming years at early age with Sega Master System and mainly playing Alex Kidd. Side scrolling game with no checkpoints, just a certain amount of lives. I never finished it actually but it was the first game I ever played. Damn I miss the little pixelated dude who has my name…..
@DemiGod7 & thecultofpersonality247
=> thecultofpersonality247: Well, you’re lucky, mate! If you started your “player life” with the N64, you were already entered what I call the “simplified era”.
You cannot even imagine how hard the games were for the home computers and consoles in the 80s: this is because they were direct transpositions of their arcade versions, and the gameplay concept of that period simply was to make people wasting a huge amount of coins in the arcades… so, videogames were programmed to be nearly unbeatable.
The point is during 70s and 80s, video gamers were considered a “niche audience”, people who liked to spend their time in the arcades, in order to immediately play the newest games, or try to set new records – or beat them – and stuff like that: they were the so called hardcore gamers… so, as I said, the main purpose of video games was to make people wasting coins.
When in 1994 began a new era with the first Playstation and Sega Genesis/Saturn (and then N64 and all other consoles) the games were still quite hard, but something had already started changing: the number of video gamers was growing exponentially, but the most of them was starting to be made up of “normal” people, guys who simply liked to stay at home sitting on a couch to play their favorite games.
This change led to a revision of the gameplay concept: it wasn’t worth anymore to make people wasting money in the arcades, because many more people preferred to buy video games and play them at home, by now. And since in that period, as I said, gamers have started to be normal people and every new generation was mostly made up of the ones that now are called “casual gamers”, the best way to keep having a wide audience and ensure an increasing revenue, was to make video games more approachable.
Think that in the 80s, games didn’t even have a difficulty level like those made in the 90s or current ones: they were simply set to a nearly insane difficulty level… you inserted the coin (or you pressed the start button) and you started playing in the hope of being good enough to get to the end (and I can assure you they were really frustrating, some times). Instead, we now play games that may have a difficulty level that can even be set to “newborn”, lol! or games (like the newest Tomb Raider, just to make the most recent example) that literally take your hand and guide you from start to end, telling you all you need to do.
Anyway, in the current video gaming scene, there may be some exceptions like Demon’s Souls (or Dark Souls and its next sequel) which can be very hard to play, if not even insane like the good old games: so, back to what DemiGod7 told you, if you want to play it, you have to be absolutely conscious of the fact that it can be really frustrating…
Good luck, mate!
=> DemiGod7: Umm, kinda weird… despite my computer is old like me
GIMP never froze when I used it (although I rarely use it)
No, wait… it happened just one time, but I seem to remember it was just because I didn’t set something correctly.
Anyway: Are you sure you downloaded the latest and more stable version?
Um….I am not sure.
This is a very unique game. You don’t have the Skyrim environments, but instead you have close quarters in multiple levels. You can go pretty much anywhere from the start of the game and the enemies are not leveled. The only reason to understand that you are going the wrong way is that you will die a lot…In order for me to go and complete the first big objective, I had to watch a walkthrough. I was getting lost all the time.
Oh ok. Well is it free roam?
@thecultofpersonality247, yes that one. Dark Souls Prepare to Die I think came last year. And Dark Souls II is being made now.
@OPTIMUS: I have downloaded this script for GIMP called “Animated Fire”. Sometimes the program stops responding…..well, I’ll see maybe I download the program you mentioned. Also, thanks!
@DemiGod7: Hi there!
So, my friend… what happened with the fire?
And what’s wrong with GIMP?
As for the icons: try with the program I always used to draw my icons, backgrounds, etc…
The name is RealWorld Paint. It’s free, but despite this it has several professional features and it doesn’t require tons of memory.
Your theme…? I like it!
Nice icons! +1!
we are talking about the dark souls that came out a year or 2 ago right? (maybe 3)
LOL. I have that list you have. I am a really good gamer. Iv been playing games since i was 5. I was sitting in my room playing the nitindo 64. lol. I was playing james bond on it. (cant remember what one)
No puase menu, that insaine. Is it free roam? Does your stagma come back on its own?
You need some things in order to play Dark Souls:
– Patience
– Acceptance of the situation
– Tolerance
– Not being a casual gamer who plays for 2 hours per day
– Anger management
Now, if you have these things, you are clear to proceed in playing one of the hardest games ever made.
– There is no pause menu. Even when you enter the inventory, the game plays on
– There are not invisibility frames while drinking a potion. You can still get hit
– There are not scripted battles. Boss will come and you have to hit it multiple times
– Stamina. Jumping, sprinting, blocking, attacking deplete your stamina. No stamina = death.
And these are the basics.
Is dark souls a good game demi, faxtron?
I appreciate it Faxtron, considering you make some of the best themes here.
And now comes the big problem. My PC. In order for me to run Photoshop and edit the icons, I have to close everything. Also, I downloaded the 32bit version of Adobe After Effects and it just won’t install. Moreover, when I try to do something on GIMP, most of the times it freezes and I get the “not responding” message.
It took me 3 times longer than usual to edit the icons because my Photoshop takes longer to process and edit icons.
That being said….I do not feel like giving up yet. I might send you a pm because I have a couple of questions on an idea I am working on.
And thanks
I see work from people like you and it makes me want to try my best and make good themes.
Thanks man and +1 this theme is very well done. You have talent to do this every time I saw a theme created by you are good.
To animate that theme with fire for example you can use adobe after effects, or even use a video with the effect pre made with a translucent background and incert the fire in the place you need with Photoshop. Or you can use a 3D program to do what you want too. Anyway there are many ways to get that effect there you only have to decide what method is better for you and then find a good tutorial to follow in YouTube or in the web to archive what you want. As I said you are very, very good creating themes and if you archive what you want you will be creating very good dynamics themes on this site soon.