Dark Souls Theme (HD only)

Theme by Sentiel

Static theme based on the upcoming game Dark Souls. Featuring 16 HD wallpapers made from Dark Souls screenshots.

EDIT: There has been an error with some of the backgrounds and they sometimes failed to load for unknown reason, which resulted in default XMB background instead.
It has been fixed and as an apology i added 2 more backgrounds and edited icons for video upload and minis.
Download Here

18 thoughts on “Dark Souls Theme (HD only)

  1. Lol! No problem, mate! 😀
    That’s because PS3 is not able to display themes with backgrounds bigger than 1MB (absurd!)…

    Making an update which allows to use PNG images for a theme would be much better, since with that format you can create very high quality backgrounds in full HD with a file size of about 800-900KB… 🙁

    Damn JPEG format! 😛



    Well i noticed that as well. I thought maybe one of the backgrounds is corrupted or something, but it isn’t.All backgrounds are present as they should.I’ll try to redo it using different tool.

    There’s no need to use another tool… it’s just because there are 2 oversized backgrounds:
    -background 7 is 1,25MB
    -background 16 is 1,13MB
    Just save them again by increasing the jpeg compression a little more, and everything should work correctly…

    Yup i figured that out as well once i started to check things out. I had no idea there was some sort of limit to how big the background can be. Too bad you didn’t write this sooner, it would save me lot of trouble. 😀
    It just shows that i’m still a beginner at this.
    Anyway, i’ve uploaded the edited version yesterday.

  3. Sentiel:

    Well i noticed that as well. I thought maybe one of the backgrounds is corrupted or something, but it isn’t.All backgrounds are present as they should.I’ll try to redo it using different tool.

    There’s no need to use another tool… it’s just because there are 2 oversized backgrounds:

    -background 7 is 1,25MB
    -background 16 is 1,13MB

    Just save them again by increasing the jpeg compression a little more, and everything should work correctly… 😉

  4. Well i noticed that as well. I thought maybe one of the backgrounds is corrupted or something, but it isn’t.
    All backgrounds are present as they should.
    I’ll try to redo it using different tool.

  5. hey man sorry but i noticed that somtimes there r no DARK SOULS backgrounds it just normal ps3 wave dynamic background with ur theme icons, it maybe a problem

  6. wooooooow wooooooow , braaaaaaavvvvvvvvvoooooooo braaaaaaaaavoooooo 100% perfect so awesome man i really really really really really love ur DARK SOULS themes , OPTIMUS is 100% right i really love ur work man , keep it coming man please please please please please please dont stop making DARK SOULS themes please , demons souls was & still the best game i ever played , DARK SOULS is going to be sooooooo epic , man just keep it coming , hey this my psn (dead_ng) please add me

  7. Yep, it’s true! I had the very same problem with some other themes I made, like my latest Darksiders and Skate (not to mention MGS Rising: but that’s normal in this case, because I think even Kojima doesn’t know when the game will be released :P)
    Looks like some games are really underestimated…

  8. Thank you. I think i would do a better job if there was more artworks, or wallpapers released. :/

  9. Time ago, I made a Demon’s Souls theme for my friend THE_DEAD_NG and… well, even if I’m not a fan of those games (although I like their atmosphere and the genre) let me say you did a good job, mate!
    (and I think Dead_ng will appreciate it) 😀

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