Theme by Rahim Esmail
Unofficial Dead space 2 theme, please be gentle this was my first theme,wallpapers are not mine I got them from the EA website, but the Icons are.
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by Rahim Esmail
i don´t like it… but it´s my opinion
good job and keep it up
dude nice theme i love the pics and icon the sound complements the theme as well hope to see more ds2 or other themes from you again nice job
Be gentle?? Show sum confidence n ur work, i came here looking 4 a dead space 2 theam n this is my fav… nice work keep it up…D
1st to rate a really good theme looks great just the Pic size is a little big i tried switching size on my tv to make sure it wasnt the problem and the only thing wrong is that you only see half of the 2 everything else great job