Theme by GlowBall
unique styled theme where 1/3rd of the screen stays static and the other 2/3rds changes image using the alpha effect
icons by Yogosan (thanks miss your work man)
create your own Slideshow theme without Photoshop for FREE here
Download Here
Ok thanks. Where can I find the forum?
You can do that with Photoshop and directly modifiying the script too if you want. In the forum you can get the answer to both methods
Ohhh man OPTIMUS don’t waste your time with something you can’t change. This situation in essence no have any sence. Leave this situation as is it to avoide more conflict.
Hi Glowball. I would just like knowing how you proceeded to have a static image and a dynamic image on a single image. Thank you in advance.
@GlowBall: See? That’s exactly what I meant when I told you that my words come in one ear and out the other…
If you had read my pm FOR REAL, you’d know that I’ve not “condoned” Audio’s behaviour and I tried to curb his “exuberance” towards you, telling him to wait and not to act rashly (and he always listened to me so far, as a form of respect for me) because I wanted to sort things out in a pacific way. But you keep on talking about things you’ve never really understood, or you didn’t listen at all, because you’re blinded by the absolute conviction of being right, by now.
As for the site’s rules: it’s absolutely normal that if a user asks for something not to be used, then the rules are adjusted accordingly (I did the same a long time ago, since there were many users who had literally stolen my icons and the icons of many others – like my friends Yogosan and F-Rott, for example – without permission). Then it’s up to others to respect such will, or at least ask permission before using that thing.
But coincidentally, that’s exactly what neither you nor Vitalogy did: after saying those things to Audio, obviously getting a rejection, Vitalogy asked you to help him remaking Audio’s theme, but none of you has bothered to ask permission before doing that… it wouldn’t have been so hard, after all, but Vitalogy obviously knew that Audio would no longer gave that permission, after being offended. The result is that both of you didn’t care about him: you’ve acted anyway, without worrying about the rest.
And don’t tell me that in any case Vitalogy had given credit, because that’s not a valid excuse: it would be too easy to always take someone’s stuff without asking, and then tell him “Sorry, mate, but I gave you credit”. The best way would be to ask first and, in case of positive response, make a theme and give credit (which is what everyone always did)
And you wonder why Audio got mad like that?!?
Audio was angry with Vitalogy for what he had said and done, NOT with you… but when you’ve come to the defense of Vitalogy without knowing what was happened exactly, and you acted like we know, it is obvious that he got mad with you too. And ignoring Audio, who was desperately trying to explain what was really happened, you did nothing but worsen the situation.
So… Who was the bully? Who was the victim? And who’s the guilty?
Anyway, on one thing we agree… you’re right, this could go on forever: I hate to be repetitive, and when someone forces me to repeat things several times in the hope of being able to reason with him to find a solution that will never come, well… at that point, even if I always try to be as fair as possible, in the end I drastically lose my patience and I prefer to let people go their own way.
So, do what you want… I don’t care anymore.
And another thing… don’t say that both me and Faxtron have acquired a negative mentality only because we’ve been involved from Audio: I already knew what had happened before sending you my first pm (and only later I asked to Audio and you), and Audio has never talked to Faxtron who was unaware of the situation (but it seems to me that he had already started not to tolerate your behavior, given that then he told you loud and clear, when you commented his tutorial by telling him not to use “other people’s work”).
Don’t say that, mate, because this way you’re just insulting our intelligence…
That being said, well, I’ll keep on following your work anyway because, as I said, I appreciate it. But that’s all.
And now, if you’ll excuse me, enough talking: I have to get back working on my “non-dynamic” themes…
omg @glowball what is wrong with you , if you wrote the hole sentence that admin replied to you ,instead of just what suit’s your argument he also said if a user thinks that his or her theme has been copied , they can ask for it to be removed and he will do so.. so your little crusade against me has been rather weird !! and personal i think !! so if anything needs to change its the upload rules stating you can not upload other user’s work!! problem solved !!!so i was in no way doing anything wrong ,i am new to this site too if i thought that the theme was going to be removed completely i would not have done a thing ,after i found out the theme was gone all together i spoke to admin and had it restored been that way since a few hours after you came to my pm and you had this to say … sorry audiodeviant but the balance needs to be restored so im banning you from the use of my tools ,themes scripts , methods basically anything i do , and you wonder why im upset you had no intention ever replying to me or optimus , so yes im a bit fed up with blokes like you that abuse there “power” trust ” knowledge ” you never even considered listening to anything i said , you didnt care about my side of the story , it just makes me wonder what your true motive is ??? and as far as im concerned this a community and its a damn fine one at that, you say im the black sheep, this site doesnt need users like me!! well other than a misunderstanding with this theme and now this, i have a clean conscience ,i made a simple mistake and you thinking you have to get invovled and try and use your standing / as a ps3 theme god/ come to vitalogys rescue , and stop little old me from making themes, like i said before glowball who gets to punish’s you for being this way hmmm who gets to make this balance right/restored !!for the ps3-theme experience you have given me? …also i dont think its any good making a point to optimus about how i handle myself he knows im hot headed man tool, he is the one that has stopped me from making a bigger fool of myself a number of times and because of him and his wisdom i will continue to grow as a person !! + some of the things i have said in pm to him about the hole situation geezz lol + optimus is not responsible for anything i say or do !!
im so glad faxtron has stepped up into another level with his methods and skills ,knowledge to share with us all here to give as other options than to use your work.. maybe you need to take a break or something man your getting to personal taking out a vendetta on me for something that had absolutely nothing to do with you!
@ xXx
thanks man
@ ortiz9540
happy you like it fella
this could go on forever fella lol so lets clear up this confusing mess with the facts of the site not opinions or comments.
so I wasn’t 100% clear on the upload/sharing rules so I asked 3 questions here in short this was the admin response “If you upload a theme with something custom you should be prepared someone else might use it or modify it, this is the internet and that’s how things work.
If you don’t want someone to use something you’ve created then maybe add that in your theme description and hopefully people will respect it”
from that man I have and do only state that I mearly don’t want my tutorial to be modified and I don’t want audiodeviant to use what I am affiliated with. I never stated anything about ownership but since you bring it up have a read at the footer of this site it’s clear enough.
ok I do apreciate the fact you want a healthy community here but thats not what this site is just about as the site slogan is “#1 Resource for PS3 Themes” that tells me this site is about the themes pal
not the people or the users man so I suggest to you that you push the site in the direction of a “community” to satisfy yourself fella.
within this “community” you are condoning and supporting verbal abuse by saying I can’t request audiodeviant not to use what I do. just read the last comment he made, if you like this sort of behaviour then fine but if not how would you deal with it if you were the person he aims at? cus I believe he will continue this way and I don’t condone that so thats another reason why I don’t want to be affiliated with audiodeviant.
I hope this clears things up from my side man
omg its so cool
@GlowBall: Well, it’s not a matter of optimism or pessimism: I always appreciated and praised your
works right for the fact that they always been carriers of innovation, but these 3 themes have not impressed me like the other ones you made so far.
Sure, they’re nice and everything else (as I already said, I like them) and there’s no doubt that they required a certain work, of course, but honestly I find they’re not as innovative as the previous ones you made, because objectively they’re still slideshow themes. We could simply call them an evolution, which is a very good thing anyway, especially for those users who want to create something nice and original in a simple way and don’t want to peck a headache trying to figure out how to get this or that effect.
Yeah, I agree that a theme like that had not seen yet, but it remains a slideshow anyway: the fact “I don’t make dynamic themes” like you said, doesn’t affect my judgment skills, and for me that’s a valid and effective evolution, but not a real innovation.
Sorry, mate, but that’s my opinion…
Or should I change it, by any chance?
I ask because, you know, looking at how you’re acting lately, it seems that everyone is supposed to do what you say.
Well, I’m not “everyone” and even if my brain is going adrift, I’m still perfectly able to freely express my opinions… what I told you was a constructive criticism because I liked these themes, but after a while that you’ve not uploaded anything, I was expecting something more.
The fact that all users always give you positive feedback does not automatically mean that everything’s always ok, but looks like you’re now so used to receive only positive comments – although you say you don’t care about them – that you’re not able to accept something different (the way you replied to my comment here makes me think so)… and if you’re not ready for this, well, I don’t really know why you’re still here, and maybe I’m just wasting my words…
Just like I wasted my time trying to make you understand how things really went between Audiodeviant and Vitalogy and the theme’s removal was just a big misunderstanding.
And when you asked those questions to the admin in the forum, I realized that everything I told you has entered in one ear and out the other.
Then, magically popped out your latest tutorial where you say you don’t want anyone uses/modifies (or anything else) your scripts…
Holy crap! If you had literally created those scripts, then I could maybe understand your intentions. But it’s not so.
Ooh maaan! I tried to be diplomatic with you, but now I sadly have to say that really looks like you’re so convinced to be the owner of that stuff that you don’t want to understand that you actually are not the owner of anything, except your ideas and your creativity.
Everything you’ve been able to do and create so far is not only the result of your efforts: it is mainly the result of someone else’s work who worked on those scripts a long time before you… but even that guy isn’t the owner of those scripts because also his work was based on someone else’s findings, and so on.
Just because you’ve modified those scripts to get new things doesn’t mean you hold the rights, because those scripts are owned by someone else (which would be Sony, to be precise)… not to mention the fact they’re leaked – ie illegal – stuff.
Ah well it doesn’t matter, because the point is that you keep on making themes, tutorials and everything else telling people that you just like to share your stuff with everyone, in order “to give support to the site as a way of thanking PS3-Themes”, but you feel entitled to decide who can do what and how to do it (like you did with Faxtron and his tutorial) or to even prevent someone from making themes (like you did with Audiodeviant) just because you think… whatever you think.
Well, I got a quick news for you: this is a community, mate, not a patent office!
You’re here to share, huh?
So, tell me what you’re sharing… something you don’t want to be used by others???
Man, if that’s your vision of sharing, then I really think you’re veeery confused.
I always tried to be as fair as possible with everyone, because I always respected the ideas of others, and I would never imagined to be rude to someone… but things are getting very ridiculous.
You say you don’t want that Audio uses anything affiliated with you… so that’s your game: you’re only making some kind of crusade against him just because you’re convinced he’s wrong, but like I told you time ago, you didn’t considered every aspect of the matter and you just decided to exclude him from the sharing of your stuff… but when you decide to share, then you have to keep in mind that what you’re sharing inevitably becomes everybody’s stuff, no matter what you think of this or that guy, and you cannot prevent someone from using that stuff because everyone here who wants to make dynamic themes has no choice but to use it.
And you even got the nerve to say that Audiodeviant took internet personal.
So, yes, I’m involved: I’m always involved when I see things that I really cannot stand.
If I was you, my friend, I’d be asking myself why I’m here and for what
mate , im not intersted in anything you have to say , this was a private matter , you made it public , i actaully thought it was behind as all, but you had a little problem with what optimus said on your comments so you decided to bring me ,and the problem we had public for no reason , ive wanted to to tell you how much of a so and s o you are for ages ,but optimus has asked me not to, but the fact that you blurt it out here on your comments proove to me your a sad liite man… optimus has been involved from the start man and faxtron a little later they now evrything , more than what you did on the hole situation ,and you came after me personally with a vengence, was or is vitalogy your boyfriend, or somethin?? di he get mad atake your keys to your pink hyundai why gets so personal man we had a silly arguement why come after me like this , i have never used any of you tutorials or your themes , everything ive done ive have learnt from faxtron the only thing you contributed BESIDES YOUR EGO WAS was a folder named ANIMATED TOOLS witch i got from a link of faxtrons youtube, ive never used or well i ever use anything of yours man. !! and yes i am angry and you did bann me from making themes , if this is the only way i know how , from watching faxtrons tutorial on the animated methods over and over again ,for ages i went on to think i couldnt make themes i didnt know what to do for months because i thought you owned the methods rights they way i made them !!/what ever, but you dont!!!! you just think you do! you have made this get way out of hand , as for your comments about me and what this site does and doesnt need pffft , your just a grumpy gus because a few people dont think you alpha slideshow’s are anything new , and you bring me into it , why not reply to one of the hundred pm;s that me and optimus sent you, tell us there ,no you couldnt do that !! so you putt it public here ,so i am pissed off, and your right to start of with i was a bit competitive i did care about the likes/dislikes its in my nature im australian but after speaking with optimus and his wisdom he put it all in perspective, and i adapted , it doesnt bother me now !! so short version i should of made this public ages ago maybe then it would have been sorted then instead of waiting for a response from you that was never going to come!! i dont need anything from you or nor did i ever so just f=off and leave me the hell alone dude
Nice job as always dude
everyone has an ego fella just mine is based on facts and truth… I never “banned” you I just simply said I don’t want you using anything affiliated with me
reacting the way you just have only shows your the one with the negative ego problem and trying to get OPTIMUS and Faxtron involved has only given them a negative mentality
I love to create but I make themes because I enjoy the results I get on my tv not the comments, feedback or thumbs up. I do tutorials and give support to the site as a way of thanking for the opportunity to share/give my work to others. At first I believed you were thinking the same but you only made themes for your ego and self satisfaction which is fine so long as you don’t bully other users and make out it’s all your hard work.
Like I said to you before “you are exactly what this site needs” but I have now seen the light and you are exactly what this site doesn’t need fella
you got everyone all wired up man,
what now?.
why dont everyone just squash this s*** and cheer up?
damn glowball second page i jumped on tonight n saw some bully stuff.. who peed in your fruitloops man?? did your dog die or sumthin? you just dont seem like the type of guy to start buggin out like this..
u ok??
Ohhh man Glowball… what’s wrong with you ?
You are loosing your site. We are here to share : Themes, Knowledge, tools and help or not ? Why you insist to follow the wrong way ?
Please Glowball we need the user that like to help others no matter what. Not this new Glowball.
Man continue your work here because nobody here is owner of nothing. The tools are extracted directly from the SDK and the script for the animated and the slideshow is a modification from the original “mustache.js” extracted from the SDK too. BTW : The first person to give to us the animated script was “a100miles2go”. About the Glowball : help, tips, themes, tutorials nothing you can do because is Glowball property and if he does not want you to use you can not use it.
egoball ,you can do what you want ,, what do you think your going to do get admin to remove my themes because im using your stuff , lol isnt that what i did in the first place and ,you banned me , i think you are a joke, this isnt your site man and you are not the ps3 theme police/dictator , or maybe you are that last one, this was just a couple of dudes/users having a silly arguement over a theme and he runs to you , you got invovled and made a s##t storm for me , so id like to make this public i thought you were the shit man i admired you so much, but now i think your a self centerd jerk and you can go to hell, i love this site an ive sufferd enough for a stupid mistake misunderstanding , but by all means do what you want , i will never give you credit for anything in my works man , plus i have a few animated scripts that are not yours anyway, uLtRaMa6nEt1c gave me his edit ages ago, and im sure faxtron script will be avalible soon , so i wont need any of your old out dated methods ,also dont you dare get an attitude towards optimus man he is twice ,10 times the user/person you are he always does the right thing for whom ever is invovled maybe its because you know he is right and is not taking sides with the great egoball ,,pffft i dont care anymore i love this site, i love making themes you cant control me, or this site if admin deletes my themes , it will suck but i will go elsewere !!
@EGOBALL you can suck it .. try and stop me MAKING THEMES MAN , and i didnt threaten to sue any body you muppet i just brought it up in conversation so get you facts right ,i said this is how people get sued… i didnt do anything wrong you FOOL you cant upload your to the internet man for people to use and tell me i cant who do you think you are man your just a user like me you edited 100miles 2go script , its not yours i can do want i want you came to my pm and banned me from making thmes and using your stuff , optimus and faxtron , know your in the wrong man and you have no right to even consider this but because you are
thanks :)… but I find it strange my friend that yourself being a non dynamic theme creator can say there is nothing new in the 3 themes I uploaded man. I’ve can’t remember seeing a theme where only 2/3rds changes image lol
it sad for me to see this attitude from you… I mean you have always been an optimist thats where you get your name right so why turn into a pessimist lol
also I will give you a public answer on audiodeviant and it remains that I don’t want audiodeviant to use anything affiliated with me GlowBall (tools, help, tips, themes, tutorials, scripts etc) and the reason is simple he got a theme removed and threatend to sue vitalogy (who no longer uses ps3-themes) for copyright. this is big no for “free” unencrypted content across the internet and in my opinion an even bigger no for ps3-themes cus creation is supposed to be fun and enjoyable (I learnt that)
@ Jaydee1003
thanks :)… the answer is not a lot lol but unlike the pro slideshow you can have upto the maximum of 15 images which fade using the alpha channel so xmb interaction is available and each image change is random so there is no sequence man
@ StEpS
thank you so much mate
yeah slideshow themes are much better quality fella and I am hoping to add more effects to this style like moving logo’s or xmb interaction effects
@ DNLB14
thanks man
@ hotguy316
I know I don’t have time fella lol but if you add your request to the forum someone may create it for you man
@ uLtRaMa6nEt1c
cool I will create some logo’s for each name then we can decide off that fella :)….
…and you are absolutley correct it’s for beginners or new users to themes so thanks for seeing this in that perspective lol
Love this theme GLOWBALL, awesome game series, perfect hd quality pics, and i really love how the left side keeps a constant image, while the right side has the slideshow. Very cool. It’s just my opinion, but i like this style better than the themes that have a video window, the quality of those video windows are always lacking, but with this style, every image is crispy and clean on my big screen. Thanks for all the hard work and time you put into making themes and new ways for people to make them. +1
Thanks, StEpS.
can u guys do a yugioh dynamic theme please cause that is my favorite cartoon show of all time
Well, my guess is the result may not be new, but the method of creation is. It says we can do this without Photoshop. Plus there’s a tutorial now. This is great for beginners who want to create something a little more advanced.
nice its cool +1 .. soo what’s new about this? im curious like everyone else lol is it the codings ?
@GlowBall: Hmm… I don’t know, mate… all 3 themes are very nice, as always, but I honestly don’t see anything new…
Anyway, what really matters is that I like them, so… +1!
Also, I want to thank you for having remembered one of the most talented themers I ever met here… a guy who has been my very first friend shortly after I joined this site.
I miss you sooo much, Yogosan!!!
@GlowBall – No sweat man. Thanks for doing this for me and the rest of us.
Hahahaa, those names are cool. I don’t know which to pick. ‘SideShow’ would seem to make more sense I think. idk lol.
@ uLtRaMa6nEt1c
thanks again man
and I’m hoping to get the “GlideShow” or “SideShow” (you decide the name fella
) done asap apologies for the delay
@ Faxtron
no problem its your opinion lol and thanks also fella
@Faxtron, Yeah, I managed to create this effect on my own in a real roundabout way also, lol. I was trying to do the horizontal thing to it as well, but that’s where I failed.
Thanks man and +1. But sorry my friend I don’t want to sound like an ass but I don’t see nothing new in this theme. Is the same pro-slideshow with more pictures on it and a static picture on it. I saw this before on a few animated and in one pro-slide show. But awesome work anyway…
This is cool. The Dead Space series is awesome. 3 is real dope. +1