Theme by OPTIMUS
Hey, Dead_ng! Here is your theme, as I promised!
Ok, as I said, I never played this game because I don’t have it, so I had to use my imagination…
Well, I thought: this is a “medieval-fantasy” style game, right? So, when I managed to find some nice artworks, I decided to treat them using a very slight “old and raw” effect and I added simple decorations so that every image looks like an old illustration of an ancient book.
Then I thought: this game’s also really hard to play, right? And maybe the most important thing is the defence skill, right? So, I decided to use medieval shields for the icons and I created something like ancient symbols made of various metals such as tin, steel and raw gold and then carved or decorated on every shield, adding some effects like a blue and red aura.
Also, I reproduced some original symbols of the game to make the cursors.
So, this theme contains:
(as you said… :P)
-80% of hand made icons.
-19% of backgrounds (6 HD and 6 SD).
-1% of no boring sounds.
Well, I sincerely hope you’ll like it…
Enjoy, my friend!
ALSO, here is what I was telling you in Yogosan’s theme when you decided to “disappear”:
Nobody is “exiling” you, mate.
I’m just saying that we don’t need to compete between us because we’re all friends who respect each other and we’re like a family where all are welcome and have a place to stay.
So, don’t be stupid for real… keep talking with us, comment whatever you want and stay here: your theme is coming…
im sorry im moving a little slow, the top icons will be bigger! roughly around the size you said, like the top icons are the deamons, the imp, zombie marines, hell knights, cyber deamon ect… the smaller images i have are for the secondary icons like ‘settings’ and all that.. i found some intersting ‘3D’ backgrounds!!! from doom3. the size of them aren’t that big and im not sure if its sutch N awsome idea.. lol, would i be the first to suggest that my theme be ‘3D’? lmao.. just some stuff i found lastnight,
Yeah, I totally agree: that’s why I really miss the good old days, my friend…
At that time, there was very few technology but a lot of imagination and the games were more original and inspired.
Now, the technological progress has killed that imagination and all games seem just a way to show which of them is able to use the largest number of polygons: maybe they can also be very beautiful from an artistic point of view, but they no longer have the “magic” of a time, they’re no more inspired and original like the old days, and for this reason they tend to be all similar…
Yeah, I checked out the stuff you sent me. Well, actually there was just one image named “for gravatar”, while the others seemed to be generic…
Yep, I already saved the icon for USB device: well, 23×26 is a very small size, considering the icons are 128×128, but I can leave it that size, though…
Anyway, send me the rest (maybe specifing to which icon you want every image is associated)
By the way: did you find the “doom icon” I created for your gravatar? And did you like it?
I’m waiting for Doom to send me all the stuff for his theme. In the meanwhile, I’m working on a very simple theme…
So, did you like your brand new DS theme?
Well… aside the fact I didn’t even know who or what Neurosis was, untill you told me about that (sorry fo my ignorance)…
But, what do you mean by saying “atmospheric” icons???
Anyway, I have to work on something else first: then, I’ll see what I can do, mate.
Hey Doom!
@Optimus, never heard of it, but damn, video game creators tried to be original at that time, and many of those games were made in a garage or something…
I mean look at all the B.S. made with big budget they’re trying to sell you now…
damn im finally home… 2:35am. im getting started now!
@ OPYIMUS, i just read your email.. i think you didnt understand what i did, 99% of the material i sent you thismorning was for GRAVATAR! not the theme!! lol.. i sent ONE icon to you so you can see the size of it. its my usb icon, is ’23 x 26′ ill send it again so u can see what the texture looks like.. the subject will read, ‘icon’ k im off to work after..
hello nippo!!
@ dead_ng, yeah sometime after i get out of work, he may be doing mine..
@ OPTIMUS u check the stuff out i sent before i went to sleep?
r u working in a new theme ?
if u r tell me what ok buddy
Can you make a Neurosis given to the rising theme? without the words and just the horse, and atmospheric like icons to match the theme?
Oh yeah! And I don’t even need to watch the video, my friend: I have that game…
Yep, it’s hard as hell, especially because of the commands response that is a little slow: funny but frustrating game at the same time.
And talking about french (and hard) games… have you ever played METAL MUTANT?
Made by Silmarils, it’s a futuristic game in which you are a some kind of robot on an alien planet that is able to transform itself in a cyber dinosaur or a tank after having found the right modules.
That game’s also quite strategic, because you have to choose the right form in order to face the enemies and the various threats in the best way.
Oh man, talkin’ about Ghouls’N’Ghosts, it remembers me a game I had on my Atari ST.
It’s call Fred, but I think it was french and not very famous, so I dunno if you had the chance to play it.
The game was hard as hell too, but funny. Take a look and tell me:
I think that the HUD was a great idea lol, the apples are your life, and the knifes on the table your ammo.
so i sent you 1 icon so you can get N idea of the size of the rest. the other pics i sent you wher for gravitar.. a couple of em may be to big to play with idk. i sent a handfull! im pretty excited!! lol. ill start getting all of my stuff together tomorrow. i hafto go through a bunch of stuff, first thing after work, probably 12:30am ill get started…
Yeah, great games!
And if you seen my “Old Glories” theme… I made it using various characters taken from lots of glorious games!
Hey, Doom! I sent you a message to the e-mail address you gave me the first time! So… what are you waiting for???
Thanks a lot, mate!
And you didn’t see the other themes (especially my “return theme” named REBOOT…)
Oh, well… yeah, we talk a lot
You can join us if you like, anyway
Dragon’s Lair… wow! I also played it for the first time in an arcade: it seemed like a revolution, at that time!
Super Ghouls’n’Ghosts… yep, a hard game: I played it on ST, Amiga, Genesis and lots of other systems, but I found the SNES version easier than others. You could give it a try…
Super Pang… damn if I remember Bomb Jack (I have it on ST, too) but there, you have to desperately jump and fly around the screen to collect all the bombs (and it can be frustrating, I agree)
In Super Pang, you only have to shoot the falling balls: I think it’s a little more relaxing (much like Tetris)…
Yeah, I know, and you’re right, my friend! In fact the other games (like Need For Speed, V-Rally, Dynasty Warriors, F1 and so on) are all SLES.
By the way: I’m asking to a friend (who has a “retro store”) for Tekken… I’ll let you know!
super mario rpg
super metroid
the legend of zelda a link to the past
secret of evermore
elusion of giya
super punch out
mario all stars
zombies ate my neighbors
donkey kong
very good theme oh and very long descusion you and youre mate had
Oh I remember dragon’s Lair :O I played the arcade version back in the days!
Super ghouls: Man… I’m not a hardcore gamer enough lol.
Super Pang: A puzzle game right? I suck at these games, already with bomb jack on Atari ST. Do you remember that? haha
Oh and I think that in SCES, SC means Sony Computer, games made by Sony, the other are Sony Licensed.
Yeah, precisely! But in Italy they were marked as SCES.
So, I have:
R.Racer = SCES-00001
Tekken = SCES-00005 (cardboard box)
MK 3 = SCES-00060 (cardboard box)
Also, Ridge Racer became a tradition for me (like a superstitious cult :P) every time I bought a PlayStation at day 1…
1994: PS1 + Ridge Racer
2000: PS2 + Ridge Racer V
2006: PS3 + Ridge Racer 7
2007: PSP + Ridge Racers
(now, I hope they will make one for the upcoming NGP, or the tradition will end… :D)
Yep, Tekken in cardboard box is veeery rare by now. I’ve seen one, time ago, but it was ridiculously expensive!
Ok, those games are rare, but… 150€ are too much!!!
Oh yeah, Snes9x! I heard about it: looks like very interesting (but they say it still has some problems with the sound emulation)
Ok, then… you absolutely need to play:
-Dragon’s Lair
-Super Ghouls’n’Ghosts
-Super Pang
(just to suggest you some good game… :D)
Oh man I know, that was the first games, Ridge racer (SLES-00001), tekken, MK3, WarHawk…
I need to find that tekken in carboard box, as a real fan of the serie… I only have the normal one. Yeah I know about Soul Blade, that’s a bit like Zelda lol. People think it started with OoT on N64 lol, the first one was on NES.
Don’t worry for the emulator, I got snes9x and it works well, I managed to finish super adventure island lol.
That’s true, mate! As long as there will be people like us, the great PS1 will never die!
Oh yeah, I remember: it was the limited edition! WOW!
As you surely know, there were many games packed in a cardboard box in the early years. I still have two glorious games with that kind of packaging: Mortal Kombat 3 and Tekken (this one bought with Ridge Racer and the console at day 1)
And last month, I finally managed to find the very first Soul Edge (also known as Soul Blade, and then Soul Calibur): damn, the whole world thinks that series started on Dreamcast…
Great game! The ending scene of every character had multiple choices: they could be activated only by pressing specific buttons that were not even displayed… O_o
And the intro was fantastic!
As for the emulators… Uhm… I don’t remember which OS you have: anyway, I can suggest you lots of them.
Oh man, everytime I got some money safe, I spend it for a figure on the net, or a rare PS1 game (favorate plateform ever!)… As you say I’m a true otaku lol.
Like last week, I found Total Nba 97. For the ones who know, that’s that game with the cardboard box, and rubber on the cover:
AAaah one word: Epic! I miss the 90’s man lol.
Anyway I think I’m gonna try and find your games on emulator, for now…
GREAT! We got a new member!
Welcome to the ARC (Atari Retro Club) my friend!
Yeah! No doubt, you’re the one I’m talking about: my best OTAKU ever!!!
I’m so glad to see you’re here again!
Yep, they’re very rare everywhere: think that I’m going crazy to repair the secondary power supply connector of my ST…
Hey… what about those games that you were playing on SNES and the others I suggested you?
I have my original Atari 5200 (box & all instructions, almost mint) set up. Just waiting to pick my controllers up from getting fixed, they didn’t work after all these years. The track ball works, so I can play centipede! I can’t wait to see how I feel about Pole Position after playing GT5 LOL
Oh you want a proof then?
Hmm Atari… Maybe I’ll talk about the ST series, the one I had when I was a kid, playing SFII and Buggy Boy with my black & blue joystick lol.
Or maybe the beautiful Atari 7800, the one I’m still tryin’ to catch somewhere… >.< Those are rare in france damn.
But…If there is one thing I can tell you, is that I still can't beat your damn highscore in Shoma's home run game ah ah !!!
Holy shit! Man, in my “Reboot” theme I tried to tell you there are always idiots that complain for this and for that, and enjoy to leave bad comments just because that’s the only way they know to feel bigger than others… but that’s not a good reason to give up and you just need to let them fucking each other.
But you were already gone!
I even tried to contact you on deviantart, but nothing…
Sheesh… I’m so happy that I’m literally jumping on the chair, my friend!
(Yeah, yeah… and my name’s Shoma Sawamura! :D)
Hey, wait a sec! How can I be sure that you are who I’m hoping you are?
Hmmm… let me see…
What do you answer me if I say ATARI???
I knew I’ll get burned… By you! xD
What? no no my name’s Kyosuke Kagami ^.^
What? Shadow… is it really YOU???
Ha ha
You already know, my european friend!
Thanks a lot, mate! I really appreciate!
Hey! Are you a Rival Schools fan, too???
Optimus= always means a good quality sign! ^.^
5 stars!!!
Well, there’s to say that game’s quite old, so it would be very difficult to find good images…
Anyway, I have to make another requested theme first, but don’t worry: I’ll see what I can do…
@ADYP: Thanks a lot, my friend!
@JASON2590: Thank you very much, mate! I really appreciate!
@DEAD_NG: Well, actually I was worried that you were disappeared again… right now that your theme’s out!
I’m really glad you like it, mate!
@YOGOSAN: Thanks a lot, my friend! Yep, I’ve not played it, so… that’s precisely the aspect on which I focused.
Great theme! Great game as well
Could you by any chance make a theme of the game Bully?
Great Theme! Good game as well
Was wondering though if you could by any chance make a theme of the game Bully?
graet theme, i havnt played it yet either, the icons look like they suit the game, kinda rpg style
wow dude OPTIMUS
& u were worried about me not liking this theme,
will i looooooooooooove it ,
its amazing
well its optimus 5* nuff said :p
great theme again
As per normal OPTIMUS great work, yet another top job…………………………5/5 may friend…………..
@DOOM and RIK: Thanks a billion, guys: I really appreciate!!!
(And I wonder: now the theme’s out, where’s Dead_ng?!? :P)
???What’s wrong, mate???
very good theme! preemo werk on the icons, very sharp! awsomus prime! LOL
u beat me by 3 minutes ya bastidge… lol j/k.
holy cow that’s tight!
not a fan of the game but appreciate the work u did on the icons
another AAA theme
one by yogosan, the other by you
when will it end lol
oh snap! im checkin this out right naow
First!?? o_O