Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Deus Ex Human Revolution Theme
3 Backgrounds
Full custom Icons
3 Backgrounds
Full custom Icons
Still working on my new full set of Icons for Zelda, but in the meantime, here’s a quick Deus Ex theme for the long-awaited return of one of my favorite series of games!
Download Here
I love this game and this theme! Thank’s F-Rott, awesome job
^they already have an official theme and it looks amazing.
Fantastic theme, thank you!
Even has all the icons
I agree with what Rorek_IronBlood said, this should be on psn. Maybe it will end up as the official theme.
I use PhotoShop
Im using Photoshop for the icons creation.
With that theme name for sure you get the first place in popular : View/downloads
je,je,je,je …. Keep doing the good work in themes !
My next Theme is going straight to the top of the popularity charts. It’s called:
“Dynamic Nude Black Ops Boobs”
Good job here I like it.
I wasn’t aware they had a Deus Ex theme on the PSN…
Ah well. This was just a little idea I had when I saw the Loading icon spin around in some early release videos…or the website…Such a long time ago, I can’t remember…
Okay. I just wanted to state something I believe should be stated. F-Rott, I want to say your theme is awsome. I know I said something alike in my last post. However, I want to also thank you, for sharing your theme and work with us here and allow us to apreciate this theme. Sadly I think your theme should be up in the PlayStation Network store.
Why? Because, between your own theme and the one being outrageously over priced and charged for; your theme is by far better. Your theme just has so, much more detail put into it compared that other (which is sheer junk by comparison.)
Keep up the awsome work.
i need to sort my ps3 out before its released
Hey, Dennis! Really glad to see you’re still here!
GREAT job, my friend!!!
great theme
I could have sworn the game actually released today (or maybe even as early as tomorrow.) Still. Good solid theme, F-Rott.
I am getting the game on release day!!!!
Nice work m8.
Solid theme, dude!