Deux EX Eye

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Custom Dynamic Theme : “Deux EX Eye” with original sounds. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings > Background > Brightness > I recommend -2 or -3..

For those who just want the Deux EX with only the eye background.

Thanks to :

1.Glowball for all the help he gave me in modification of position in .jsx script and the instructions for the effect of shadow of gray in the modification of the eye backgrownd .

2.zembor0 for give us the tool : Dynamic Theme Editor.

Enjoy !
Download Here


11 thoughts on “Deux EX Eye

  1. I LOVE this theme, it’s amazing and so professional looking. It looks like an actual theme you’d get with the game. I’d rate it at a 95%; the only thing stopping this from being absolutely perfect for me, and it’s only because I’m picky and have this weird thing with colour co-ordination, but the pop up box is bright yellow, whereas the overall theme uses a gold colour. Is there any chance you could make a version where the pop up box in the top right hand corner uses the slightly darker yellow that’s available on PSN? 🙂

  2. the more i look at this the more i like it, any chance you could upload a non dynamic image of the wallpaper so i can set it as my desktop wallpaper, thanks

  3. now thats the one, i liked the multi theme, but this one is bad ass, loving all the original stuff coming out keep up the good work mate

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