Deux EX Human Revolution MDT

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Dynamic Custom Theme : Deux EX Human Revolution MDT. Have 7 backgrownds 6 animated one with no animation, custom icons and custom sounds. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings > Background > Brightness > I recommend -2 or -3.

Thanks to :

1.Glowball for all the help he gave me in modification of position in .jsx script and the instructions for create the effect of shadow of gray in the modification of the eye backgrownd .

2.zembor0 for give us the tool : Dynamic Theme Editor.

Like always its a free theme !

Enjoy !
Download Here


24 thoughts on “Deux EX Human Revolution MDT

  1. Faxtron:

    Im sorry but as I said my friend I can not connect right now I want but I can not connect my console because Im using custom firmware right now in my console not because I don’t want and not for other motive. I want to add you as a friend but I can’t to me would be a pleasure but I can not conect right now and I prefer scene in my console that PSN. Sony don’t want users with CFW online. If I can connect in the future I will find you to add you to my friends list. Thanks For the invitation mate.

    Bad boy… 😛

  2. @CrazyXFox

    Im sorry but as I said my friend I can not connect right now I want but I can not connect my console because Im using custom firmware right now in my console not because I don’t want and not for other motive. I want to add you as a friend but I can’t to me would be a pleasure but I can not conect right now and I prefer scene in my console that PSN. Sony don’t want users with CFW online. If I can connect in the future I will find you to add you to my friends list. Thanks For the invitation mate.

  3. CrazyXFox:

    i thought you both own ps3 thats sad really really sad thought you both own ps3 so why you both on here anyway faxtron why you making ps3themes if you dont own ps3 doesn’t make sence thought you both are cool when you both get ps3 live me message if you get my is CrazyXFox01 would you both be my cool buddys buddys rock the world pals

    Lol! Yeah, sure I have a PS3, but I never “connected” it. 😀

    The fact is that, you know, I’m an “old school player” and I never been interested in going online with the consoles (especially because I’m also a lone player) even when they started to allow to do that (I’m talking about PS2 or Dreamcast, for example)…

    I come here via computer, that’s all. 😉

  4. i thought you both own ps3 thats sad really really sad thought you both own ps3 so why you both on here anyway faxtron why you making ps3themes if you dont own ps3 doesn’t make sence thought you both are cool when you both get ps3 live me message if you get my is CrazyXFox01 would you both be my cool buddys buddys rock the world pals

  5. @CrazyXFox Thanks a lot for invitation but like OPTIMUS, sorry but i’m not on PSN the reason I’m using CFW and I can not connect at the moment 🙁

  6. CrazyXFox:

    optimus you seem cool what is youre psn username

    Thanks a lot, mate, you’re too kind! 😀

    But… well, I’m sorry, but I’m not on PSN (I never been interested) 😛

  7. optimus you seem cool what is youre psn username faxtron what is youre username ass well youre coolest themes creator ever wanna cool buddy creator

  8. Faxtron:

    BTW : Thanks for create one of the best MGS theme I ever see. MGS its one of my favorite games of all time so thanks again for sharing here to us !

    No problem, mate, you did a great job!

    Yep, I’m a big MGS fan too, especially the first glorious game on PS1 (time ago I made a tribute theme in which I recreated pixel by pixel the faces of the characters that are visible when you talk to them via codec…)

    And thanks, you’re too kind, but… well, I HAVE to thank you for your appreciation: that’s the only reason why I make themes. 😀

  9. @CRAZYXFOX: Yeah, precisely! I felt like I was playing the glorious Metal Gear Solid on PS1, but in “first person mode”…

  10. @OPTIMUS

    BTW : Thanks for create one of the best MGS theme I ever see. MGS its one of my favorite games of all time so thanks again for sharing here to us !

  11. @OPTIMUS

    Thanks for the information. I had not noticed that mistake with this icon I will repair this error right now.

  12. i love that soundtrack friends promised me put it on my ipod i love it soundtrack is amazing 2 bad i missed collectors well getting soundtrack free downloadable free awsom cant wait 2 hear other music sounds in game i love game as well feels like metal gear rpg mixure anyone agre does some stof familiar metal gear sneek behind like solid snake i think my opinion like metal gear 2 me its my opinion theme is awsom ty

  13. Hey! You did a very good job, mate!

    Well, the video upload icon is 128×128 and not 256×216 (unless Sony has changed something again, I don’t know… :P) but it doesn’t matter, since the theme’s very good!

    You know, I never liked FPS genre, but the Blade Runner style atmosphere of this game made me want to go buy it (and I just finished it): the very first FPS game of all my longstanding player life, and… wow! It’s been a great game! 😀

  14. Ok today I will make a new version only with the eye backgrownd and the original sounds so wait for the theme be available here in ps3-themes in a few days 🙂

  15. Can you please upload the theme without the original sound and only with the amazing eye background
    Your theme is the most amazing theme i ever see but i don’t like the sound and the other 6 backgrounds don’t letme see you amazing work with the eye
    I don’t know how edited by itself, that wy iam begging you, i will check this video every day for a heads up
    Thank you
    (inglish is not my first lenguage so, sorry for the bad spelling i do my best)

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