Different Snow Worlds MDT

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Custom Dynamic Theme : Direrent Snow Worlds MDT with 2 backgrownd animated with original sounds . Snow falls.

Thanks to :

1.Glowball for all the help he gave me in modification of position in .jsx script.
2.zembor0 for give us the tool : Dynamic Theme Editor.
Download Here


16 thoughts on “Different Snow Worlds MDT

  1. Thank you so much, those icons match it perfectly, you can barely even notice them, so all my attention goes to the beautiful backgrounds. The dynamic snow is an awsome idea for that first background, it looks like the snow has been falling on their shoulders. Mint.
    Thanks again, StEpS

  2. i think this theme looks great with the snow, what i don’t like is those huge ugly icons, it would look better with generic red or even black icons. Just my opinion, but i do love the choice of backgrounds. (Sucker Punch right?)
    What i think would also look super cool would be if the eyes glowed red dynamically somehow. I’m sure that’s probably hard to do, i’m a noob here, and i am soon going to try to make my first dynamic theme, we’ll see if i have what it takes.
    Peace, StEpS

  3. You didn’t get my comment, I meant that there is already an application like that, but it seems like the one you posted is updated……. not really sure what could be updated

  4. Thanks for all comments ! Im working in new themes to share so more themes to come soon.

    BTW : Today PsDev,was relesed one great tool for us called : Ps3 XMB Theme Emulator application that will emulate how your XMB will look on your computer, before making a theme. This application will let you view your XMB and it’s icons, backgrounds and colors fast and easy.


  5. sorry for double post

    @glowball: looked at your killzone theme. its really awesome XD love the sounds background and everything. would be typing this on your theme page but its old so >.>

  6. @glowball: oh my god you serious 😐 i thought the snow was a new thing =P man lot of quality themes creators are gone and random people pop up and still a bunch of other ppl work =P good job to the people who still make themes the hard way 🙂

  7. Not a fan of this one fella. It’s just a throw together 🙁

    Remeber that patients is a virtue lol.

    BTW The snow effect was made for the Killzone 3 dynamic snow theme so it won’t look right on any other trust me I designed it that way.

  8. whoa this looks so good D: maybe its because of the 1000 same dynamic themes ive seen but this looks very good. downloading now

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