Theme by Yogosan
Theme based on the game, Dragon Age: Origins. 4 HD and 2 SD backgrounds, custom icons…..enjoy!
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by Yogosan
Theme based on the game, Dragon Age: Origins. 4 HD and 2 SD backgrounds, custom icons…..enjoy!
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hey great DA:O theme its absolutely spot on. the whole thing fits well now i’ve gotta wait for DA2 cant wait
i didnt try to make one for the first, i made one for the second but i didnt like it
You know Yogosan, thinking about Uncharted theme, I was wondering: why don’t you mix the backgrounds of the first theme with those of the second? In this way, it would be like an “Uncharted Collection” theme and the work you did for the first would not be wasted…
And, starting from me, I think it would be appreciated!
icos are finished! now for the hard part
about 25 more icons to finish, havnt done any backgrounds yet though
Finished Heavy Rain!

I don’t know who the hell invented the story of the bugs, I only know that I played the whole game without problems: it froze only once, then everything went smoothly!
All you guys, GO BUY HEAVY RAIN: you’ll not regret it!
hehe i don’t think i’m gonna change theme for a while now
unless a real sensational them comes along 
no i never finished the uncharted theme
DOWNLOADED! Thanks a lot, guys! You’re precious as always…!
Yes that’s the one:
I already searched: came out only DarkDenis and Deemy themes, plus a theme I don’t know who’s the autor. Is it maybe that last one?
I don’t think he ever finished the uncharted theme.
Regarding the Okami theme, search for Okami here and you shall find!
Well, I understand what you mean: I gave a peek on google and I find that your idea is more than valid. Instead, what I don’t understand is: which Uncharted theme are you talking about? You still have to upload the second, but where’s the first? Did I miss something (maybe when I got viruses…)???
About Okami, I’ve never seen the MOdus’ theme, but I loved that game ’cause I really like Japanese legends: anyway, I get the idea…
for example, i don’t like the game okami, but i still think modus’ okami theme is one of the best themes ever, certainly my favourite modus theme
its not exactly celtic knots, it just has alot of inter-weaving designs, similar to the whole celtic knot system. it works well, it looks like it should, i think its the best way to do it. im just glad i found an idea that works, unlike my uncharted theme which i just couldn’t think of a suitable look, the game takes place in so many places, so nothing stood out in particular. i tried alot of things but nothing worked out. i still hate the fact that i spent so much time on a theme that lookes so bland. it didn’t do the game any justice. what i like about most good themes is that you dont have to like the game,movie etc.. but you can still appreciate the time and detail that went into it.
Celtic knots, huh? The idea is very intresting… With a good imagination, I think this will be a great theme too.
You know Dahl, if you think about it, in all games we always press the same buttons: the only difference is that in other games we must press them frantically (just like in GoW, for example…) while in Heavy Rain the buttons are mapped with a very particular logic: even the motion sensor is used to make precise actions…
I can’t deny this game is for many, but not for all (considering its particular nature) and I must also admit there are bugs (to me, for now, crashed only once, though) but I can confirm that since the first hour it can give an incredible experience: you literally live the life of each character, including his emotions, his problems and even his internal conflict and moral values…
I played it ONLY for one hour, but I could go on and on to describe all that I felt in so little time!
In short, you can love or hate this game (or movie, or life experience…), is always a matter of personal taste: initially, even I was not sure to buy it (also because of the bugs I heard) but now I can safely say it is a must buy indeed…
P.S. I’m glad you’re still enjoying the Scrubs theme!

the icons look incredible, i’v done about 12 so far
i’ve been thinking alot about buying heavy rain to, but after i heard about all the bugs, and after i tried the demo, im really not sure, cause if all the game is walking raund and tapping X[]/\O at the right time, i just don’t think its a game for me.

Can’t wait for the gow3 theme Yogo.
Well Optimus, thin i’ll guess we will have to live without your themes for a while, but its okay, i’ve got my Scrubs theme!
i’v nearl sketched every icon, you wont believe them. google “celtic knots” to give a slight idea of what they will look like.
So the “train” has already left. Some anticipation of what we should expect…? Or is it top secret?
You know, after what they told me from the site, I finally decided to take a risk and I bought Heavy Rain: WOOOW! WHAT A GAME!
Poor Sony!
It can really make you feel the anguish, frustration and all the feelings of the characters. The direction (Jerry Bruckhaimer style) is very exciting. But I think that soon I’ll regret this choice: after just ONE hour, suddenly came out a black screen with a background noise so loud that nearly shattered my eardrums and of course the whole system crashed! The only solution: remove the disc and wait for the automatic reset of the PS3…
So, all I heard about the problems of this game is true: it’s not just simple freezing, tearing or any other stuff like that, but real programming defects!
A masterpiece ruined in this way: it’s really embarassing…
if i spend enough time sketching gow3 icons it might be a good theme. its alot easier to get the gow3 look by sketching than it is randomly drawing with the pen tool. so far i have a good idea of what to do, but as you know, the final product is never what you think it will be. the backgrounds will be the hardest part, i want it to be perfect, with a few variations. like with my dao theme, with the 2 variations
You know Dahl, unfortunately I’m having some problems to play and to create themes lately, because soon I will have to move to another house so I’m not having much time, but I’m trying at least to complete a very simple theme that I started a while ago: actually I have a lot of ideas, but these will have to wait…

O_o Hey Yogosan! NO COMMENT…

Thanks for sharing.
buy god of war or get shitfaced on St. patricks day… bf:bc2 or get shit faced for my sisters 30th……. buy gt:5 or get shitfaced in bulgaria for two weeks……. buy red dead 2 or get shitfaced at oxegen while listening to wolfmother and kasabian (not eminem though)…….. buy twisted metal/MAG/socom 4/fallout new vegas or get shitfaced for my birthday……… i wont be able to afford another game until next christmas
Really nice work Yogosan! got the game myself hehe and i gotta say it’s a good game if you like rpg

So are you two (Optimus and Yogosan) gonna reveal a little about your next projects, or do we need to wait and see?
Thanks, what you say reassures me a little more! I know this game is a masterpiece, but then… what are these problems which all discuss in the various sites (especially what concerns the system crashes while saving data)??? Is it possible that these bugs are present only in some versions of the game?
I live in Italy and I heard a lot of people are having these problems, so that even the software house is looking for a way to resolve the situation… I don’t know what to do…
Heavy Rain worked just fine for me except it froze once, just restarted it and it worked fine again. It’s a must buy!
So, I was right: it seems you’ve not been killed by a Big Sister, but you’re LOST in Rapture, though…
so, I’m asking around…
Tell me Khaloood, have you bought Heavy Rain? If yes, have you had any problem?
I ask because it seems this is maybe the most bugged game in history
Damn! I really would like to buy it, but I’ve no intention to spend 60euros for a game literally massacred by bugs!
So, nothing to report?
HAHAHA i’ve been playing Bioshock 2 Oh sorry man i gotta go see ya
Hey Khaloood! Where the hell have you been???
I thought you were lost in Rapture and killed by a Big Sister…!
Yep! In fact, make preliminary sketches can be a valuable aid: I’ve done it to create the icons for the Scrubs theme I made for Dahl, and it was very useful. It’s like creating the storyboard for a movie, a comic or a game…
Well, for the icons it would not be bad to create something that somehow has to do with Sparta: maybe doing a quick search, you might find something resembling the decorations, customs or even the legends of that people. It’s history, after all…
I think it would be nice and very original.
Ohh My eyes i can’t see anymore everything in this theme yellow OHHHHH
thank you YOGOSAN!!!!!!!!!!
i honestly don’t know, i’v been sketching some stuff on paper which looks good, but i havn’t sketched any icons. i started sketching icons since my mw2 theme, it’s alot easier i find.
Then everything is ok! Fortunately, I don’t have it connected…
What do you mean exactly with “magically popular theme”? Given what happened between Madthemez and the site… maybe it was a little too popular: at one point I seemed to see a reality show…!
However, I’m sure it would have been very popular (as always) even without that mess!
So, in the GoW demo there was not this first person view? Strange, maybe it’s a later addition. By the way: what “diabolical plan are you plotting” for GoW theme???
that bug is only on older ps3’s, not the slim
No, TVs have nothing to do: it’s my bionic eye…

Good! Waiting for GoW theme (by the way, have you read the news I told you about it?)
Oh, Yogosan! Be careful! DO NOT CONNECT YOUR PS3: there’s a bug in the PSN servers which resets the internal clock of the console, bringing it back to December/31/1999 and corrupting all games saves & trophies!!!
P.S. I still don’t remember that letter to Santa Claus…
i’m planning a god of war theme
lol, i was hoping you would see that. the brightness of my tv doesnt make it look dark, but every tv is different. it’s all i have to go by un fortunately
excellent theme.
though i’m not into rpg’s, you do an awesome job making custom icons.
i hope you do a God of War 3 theme that is just as good, if not better than this.
Wow, what speed! Just today you told me you uploaded it, and here it is already… how can it be? What “spell” did you use???

However, GREAT WORK! The style reflects the game very well and the icons made of parchment are truly wonderful: maybe a little dark, but very beautiful!
Hey, wait a minute! Thinking about it, I don’t remember ever having written such a letter to Santa Claus…!!!
Anyway, I hate to be repetitive, but… 5 STARS!