Theme by HollowBattousai
This theme comes with 8 HD backgrounds and gold icons, I don’t have a ps3 anymore so I’m using the theme builder simulator.
Upcoming themes:
The Flash HD
The Legend of Dragoon HD
Download Here
Awesome theme Hollow. ^_^
Any chance you could make a slideshow for a PSOne title called 40 Winks? Or even a Aquapazza theme?
cant wait for your legend of dragoon theme one of the best rpg for the ps1
@Light400: Great game. I’ll see what I can do, I don’t see many hi res wallpapers and scans.
Hey bro can you do a Tales of Hearts theme
@Lee Mellor: I’ll see what I can do, sometimes it’s hard to get scans and wallpapers from a game that far back.
can you do dragon quest vIII when you get time? best game ever on ps2