Theme by Faxtron
PS3 Duke Nukem Forever Animated with a mix of custom icons created one set by Glowball and the other set by Darth Black
with original sounds. For the best experience possible use on this theme the background brightness -2 or -3. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — “-2 or -3?. Like always for free I recomend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with different brightness settings.
with original sounds. For the best experience possible use on this theme the background brightness -2 or -3. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — “-2 or -3?. Like always for free I recomend to play with the brighness because some themes looks better with different brightness settings.
Download Here
I liked duke nukem land of babes.
Nice theme, I don’t like that game but the animation is amazing
who the F#@% gives faxtron a thumbs down!?
…….really? lol. haters.
hey guys! cool theme! i like the nintendo64 ver of duke lol. hows everyone bin?
Thanks all for your support, you know I’m not a fan of this game too but I saw this animation I don’t remember where and my first reaction was I have to make a theme with it because I think will see cool anyway
I think is good for any fan of this game. I know this game was a deception but I know there always be fans for this Duke no matter the last game was a totally disaster.
Though I’m no longer a fan of Duke Nukem this is cool because of what F-Rott said. +1
Yo PLZ can you or some1 make a badasz BIOHAZARD them
I like the icons! Pretty smooth animation, too! 1+!
5/5 i like every thing about it thanks!
Good,even though it’s duke nuken
Never been a fan of the duke, but… hey, you did a great job! +1