Farcry 3 Dynamic

Theme by Faxtron

Icons from KillZone 3 Dynamic Theme #2 by “a100miles2go”
Download Here


81 thoughts on “Farcry 3 Dynamic

  1. wow it’s fantastic, the animation is great thanks!! you’ll find very few like this one in here

  2. not bad, what did you use. can you make one of deadisland 2. the loading screen might be good or the main title fall.

  3. Penningstoned420:


    and i drank soo much coke cola today!

    Awe mommy let you drink soda today, she knows better! Kids get all crazy once they have a little sugar. No more soda pop for you little guy & you are banned from using the computer.

    Lol, funny.. but did you know studies show that sugar does NOT make kids hyper xD, funny right lol

  4. thecultofpersonality247:

    and i drank soo much coke cola today!

    Awe mommy let you drink soda today, she knows better! Kids get all crazy once they have a little sugar. No more soda pop for you little guy & you are banned from using the computer.

  5. Who in their right mind gave this a thumbs down? Oh wait a second maybe their just jealous. Great theme Faxtron one of if not the best theme on this site.

  6. i also wanna talk to you psn! Im never on but i wanna say stuff to you. By the way, i hate when pepole start being a smart as$ *cough* seyna.

  7. By the way, iv been under a lot of stress becase testing, and i drank soo much coke cola today! And i might get a new dog monday or tues or wensday. It depends if she is still there. And iv been very highper. And i swaer i wont flood the forums or send too many pm’s. (iv been a bad boy, lol)

  8. Cool these comments look like youtube comments lol. Now on the matter of the theme, i have not played this game only seen trailers but i feel this theme really describes the game +1

  9. Those are the comments you’re supposed to make. (clap, clap, clap) very good. LOL 😀

    1920×1080 or 1280×720. Don’t mix & match though.
    One or the other.

  10. *cough* another joke lol. yea right, i int gota prove notheing. well ima get started makeing me own theme tommro. I found a site that has 1600 times 1200 pics. Is that the right size i need?

  11. Senya Saigyouji:
    Please, with all due respect, take your dim-witted protest to the forums, private messaging, or to avoid this fiasco altogether, kindly click the red “X” button on the upper-left hand corner, and refrain yourself from browsing the interwebz without parental guidance. It’s a scary place~!!
    Mocking you politely; regards:

    LOL that was wonderful

  12. Whoa! I was monitoring this rather…(un)interesting exchange of monologue and butthurt (I didn’t bother reading the walls of text, so excuse my assumptions) between comments from the dark, so I thought I’d join the fun and share my equally boring advice. 😀

    All joking aside, calm down, my prone-to-spastic-tantrums toddler; deep breaths. Fell better?
    Now, if you’re looking to prove…whatever you’re trying to prove, bombarding a friggin’ comment section and down-voting a PS3 theme won’t net you much attention as a threat other than making a nuisance of yourself.

    Please, with all due respect, take your dim-witted protest to the forums, private messaging, or to avoid this fiasco altogether, kindly click the red “X” button on the upper-left hand corner, and refrain yourself from browsing the interwebz without parental guidance. It’s a scary place~!!

    Mocking you politely; regards:
    Senya Saigyouji

    Magnificent theme. +1
    Also, please forgive me for my equally long-winded attempt at trolling. >_<

  13. DUDE! Are you OK? If you don’t want your stuff taken down keep your posts to a MINIMUM and no one is going to read these giant walls of text. Stop trolling, as my son would say.

  14. I have waited 2 years for somebody to brainstorm ideas and speak up on this site. i wanted to be that guy. I wanted to comment on every theme and show respect and support you theme makers. I WANTED TO BE THE MAN WHO SPEAKS ON THIS SITE. And now that i have made a account and stuff, everything i post gets taken down. I give up with this. I dont know who the hel* keeps takeing down my posts but iv had enough of this. I am trying to support this site. And all i get in return is “stop flooding the forums”. And i comment on themes and i get called a fagg and the f word. Well screw that. I have no uthrity whats so ever on this site. Does my opinions not even madder on this site? I am being nice and this is what i get in return. I have wanted to be on this site for 2 years and this is how i get treated? Well im done talking. I thought this site was cool but its not. I only like optimus becase he has posted the best themes on this site. and faxtron has to, along with adiovirant. But if i post my themes will they get deleted too!!? How do i know if this site isint fixed. this site isint even legit in my opinion. the guys i listed above are legit but everything else seems fixed. So gess what? i am done talking now. The next time i am on here, i wish to make themes and post them, and i expect pepole to talk to me and to stop deleting my ideas. I spend gobs of time makeing ideas. Thats all id ask for in return, is to have pepole talk to me and stop complaining about my ideas. I wont even get started this month but next month i will try, and if i am sussesfull. I better have friends and pepole who give me there honest opinion about themes. Your not gonna hurt my feelings if you say something bad about them, il take it like a man and not evev respond to the fools whon call me names. it will be the ultimate insult to them , becase all trouble makers want, is a response from others and attetion. So i have had enough of being ignored and left out. I want no glory or fame. I just want friends and to please pepole. Nothing moor. So if i cant make a theme or figre it out. I will never post anything again on this site. (maybe ask for help) but thats it. And if i do start makeing themes, i will have the right to speak. But i gess words mean nothing compaired to acculay doing. And i say good bye intil i earn the right to talk freely. Becase i see how things are on this website. Its ether make themes and gain the right to say anything you want, or say notheing but good job +1. Well nobody seems to care if you like it or not. And iv been getting ctrisized on everything i say, and i am done with this crap. I will make themes and please others.

  15. btw and you probaly are talking to a kid behind a keyboard. lol. (not me, ima tee uhhh, thats classified)

  16. faxtron, you are legend dude. im trying to show a huge amount of support to you and other theme makers. so how is your day faxtron?

  17. Some users apparently think they are in the school yard or are using some type of drugs before write the comments. Mrj qqq man I will recommend you to grow up you are acting very,very childish. What is your problem are you on drugs ? Or I’m talking whit a kid behind a keyboard ?

  18. mrqqq why the hel are you calling me a fag? Call me anything you want. I dont give a funk and you cant do a thing about it. and if you int down with that. well i got 2 words for ya, SUcK it! your giveing this theme a -1, trash talking everybody on here. You int gonna do jack. And why the heck are you calling me names? you have no right to call me anything you son of a qqq. What kind of name is qqq anyways? I thought you were nice. Can somebody tell me if this guy is nice or not? if he isnt -1 this comment. If he isint +1 this comment

  19. The theme desevers 500+ It does not derserve 3-!!!!!!! thats gay man. 3- REALLY? ……………… REALLY?…………… RREEAALLYY?

  20. thats gay. -3. what uhhh here we go again. well ima stfu before i make some pepole mad. anyways i went to the dog pound today, and was supposed to get a free dog. well somebody showed up yesterday. They wanted the pound to keep him for a day, then take him for a walk, and see if he likes the dog or not. Well if he dont like him, i get him. ISINT that gay? If you want a dog, just say yes or no. Dont make other pepole wait to see if you like him or not. I dint even see a picture of the dog and i woulda said yes. Well i still say yes. I got to see the dog and she jumped all over me and gave me kisses. I hope the other guy dont like him. If he dont and i take the dog home, I am going to explode of joy. But i have to wait for a phone call today through tuesday. And it will be a “You can have he”r, or a “he diced to keep him” from the pound. Oh good ness i am soo nervous. The dogs personality is exacly what i am lokking for.

  21. @everybody

    Hey! What the hell’s going on?!?
    I’ve been away for a while, and now I find myself in a… kindergarten LOOOL! 😀

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