Theme by Bizmarck88
Its a Final Fantasy XIII-2 Theme With the Time Orbs as the Icon selection. Hope You Enjoy it. I Extracted the icons from 2ply’s theme want to give him props, thx.
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by Bizmarck88
You could make a Lightning theme and only of it, with this image mainly since I like it
If you did, I would appreciate it, greetings!
ah I forgot, that image can not find it in HD if you could find it in high quality would be enough for me if you do not want to do the Lightning theme
well this was all I wanted to comment, I hope you help me and sorry if I ask a lot
No props needed, they were originally lifted from square enix’s XIII theme – which were uploaded here by Beerzy
I must say this is a much better theme though!
If only I could still stand the actual game itself, 1 playthrough was enough for me lol.
I think i’ll try out the sites new thumb up system while i’m at it too! +1!
Nice theme, love it!
Noel and Serah makes cute couple they look so cute together.