Theme by OPTIMUS
This theme is dedicated to my friend Adyp, who long ago was hospitalized to undergo surgery to remove a cancer.
The last time I heard him, he told me the surgery was successful and doctors said that he was recovering faster than expected, so he would be discharged from hospital soon. But from that day, I didn’t have news of him anymore…
I remember he’s popped out of nowhere and has started uploading beautiful themes depicting wonderful cars: so, given that very long ago I was a race car driver, we befriended very quickly, because we shared the same passion for sports cars and motor racing…
Well, I don’t really know what happened next, so: wherever you are… keep on running fast and free like the wind, my friend!
I miss you…
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@optimus hey man r u there? say somthing
im really worried
ok opti. lol
@Optimus: really man that sucks, u missed day 1 Optimus miss day 1. boy it must the end of the world lol, heh dont worry man u’ll get it one day.
@LISA, THE_DEAD_NG & DOOM – Ugh! Sorry guys! I started with my new job, and I’m very busy now, since I work from 8 AM to 8 PM…
What did I miss?
-LISA: Well, I don’t really know if it’s possible to put attachments in PMs, here… and I don’t know if Faxtron would agree, since he too worked on the theme.
But if you say you like, at this point I can upload it (no matter what people say: important is you like it ;)…)
As for the “shaking”… well, I thought about dropping it down (and I spoke about it with Faxtron): the problem is I worked in high definition on background, elements and effects, and to keep the image at that definition (1920×1080) we’ve been forced to create only 15 frames. It means that slowing down, the final animation would be something like:
Frame 1… long pause… Frame 2… long pause… Frame 3… long pause… and so on.
Well, I think that way it would be even worse…
But I also thought that maybe we could start all over again: this time I could create all the elements and the background at a little bit lower definition, so that Faxtron could make an animation with 34 frames instead of 15: this way, the speed feeling I imagined would be lost, but at least we could easily get a smoother animation…
(only problem is… it would take very long time, because my only day off is Sunday, for now)
THE_DEAD_NG: No, mate: for the first time in all my longstanding player life, I missed a Day1, and I don’t really know when I’ll be able to buy a PS Vita…
DOOM: Hey! I don’t know, my friend, it seemed to me that you were literally jumping in and out the site like a ball, recently… LOL!
DEAD NG HIIII lol. my eyes are so dry i cant read all these messages.. ill be back this afternoon sometime. zZzZzZz
yogosan.. thank you man..
hey, im right here damnit… lol. whats all this talk of me jumping around, lol. nice theme by the way! sorry ive been kinda bizzy lately, multiple projects, multi tasking, im always around, but just like now i should be sleeping, i dont know whats up with me but i cant sleep at night anymore. even when i cut a few sleeping pills in half. its driving me nuts. lol.
hey optimus did u buy ps vita or no
& if u did how is it
i don’t want to change your vision opti it’s fine as it is. i understand what you achieved.
send me that ver opti through pm. i do like the video cam but the can the shaking be dropped down a notch just so your eyes don’t get too dizzy imagine that on a 3d tv. other than that i like it thnx guys! i will give this to kelly to see what she thinks as well as she wants to see.
I still make themes and visit the site, I just don’t get time to finish the damn things! I’m working on a journey theme and gremlins theme but theres no end in sight for them just yet
luckily my room mate brought his ps3 up to the apartment so i can play games. between work, sleep and sitting, I havn’t got alot of good free time to make progress on themes, unfortunately most just end up being prototypes.
@LISA: Well, you know… the fact is I always been a “visionary”… too much, lol!

So, my ideas are usually too difficult to be realized: even when I compose music, a lot of people do not understand it. Looks like they’re not able to “see” my visions…
And very often, the same thing happens with themes… and now that I have the chance to realize some of my ideas through animated themes, thanks to Faxtron, turns out that some of them are still quite difficult to realize because of the limits imposed by the tools. Thus, it happens that people do not understand my intentions
Anyway, here’s the link to the video preview that Faxtron uploaded on YouTube: if you remember the explanation I gave you before starting to work and you like the theme, I will upload it… but if not, then we’ll see to find another way to get the speed feeling I imagined (or at least, Faxtron now has all the material I created, so he could make another kind of theme)…
@THE_DEAD_NG: I know how you feel…
Same damn thing for me! Sometimes I’d like to scream “stop the world, I wanna get off!” LOL!
heh nice
i really miss my ps3 friends i havnt ply ps3 for a while now , agh why meeee , lol im crying like a baby .
i tell u man this thing that is happing to me is bad but not 100% well almost 80% bad & 20% good
i’ve learned things that i didnt even knew that esisted , i mean really its like a dream somtimes i stop & wonder is this real or im dreaming o_O
lol rough waters eh opti?
@THE_DEAD_NG: Yeah… well, that’s what I’m trying to do, but problem is that I have to be costantly monitored anyway, because looks like all the mess that is happening to my brain (degenerative process, memory loss, limbs trembling and all the rest) is caused by a cancer: doctors say it is located deep inside the brain and cannot be removed, but they want to keep it under control to see how it goes and if some other kind of cure can help (aside the one I’m already doing)
Well, I worked in cooperation with Faxtron on an animated theme based on the 80’s movie “The NeverEnding Story”…
Now, we joined again to make an animated theme for the SSX game: but we’re waiting to upload it, because the idea I had to make it is quite particular and hard to be understood (and the first comments in the preview that Faxtron uploaded on YouTube are not so good) so we firstly want to know if it’ll be appreciated by the one who asked for it…
As for Yogosan and the others…
-Doom jumps in and out the site once in while;
-I’ve heard Dahl few days ago, but looks like he’s literally caught by another site in this period;
-Yogosan uploaded a great theme (named 15) time ago, but he told me his PS3 has gone and I didn’t hear him anymore;
-F-Rott is finally back, and started uploading new themes;
-There are new friends like Faxtron, Kelly, GlowBall…
-And… well, as far as I know, all the others keep making and uploading their themes
@Optimus: thats really great about you finding a job man . about ur health all i can say that try to ignoore it , thats what i do. i know i didnt tell anyone but i have some health problems too im really tired about going to hospitals and listening to doctors telling me what i can do & what i cant do, what i can eat & what i cant eat ugh. so i decided to just ignoore all that & live my life as ahealthy person. & thank you man im really glad that im back, so are you working in a new theme man, & what about the other guys yogosan , doom & i forget the rest heh , sorry
@THE_DEAD_NG: Well, my friend, I can understand… here in Italy is more than a year now that we try to survive the crisis, but it’s reeeaaally hard: it’s practically impossible to survive when the only thing that politicians do is raise taxes and prices of consumer goods (they already did it 3 times in a year) and there is no money to get to the end of the month because, while taxes go up, wages are always the same (think that we have the lowest wages in Europe). So, everyday there’s a strike for something, or a protest for something else… they’re only killing us.
As for me, I finally managed to find a new job, but in all this mess (and my health that is getting worse) honestly I don’t really know how long it will last…
Oh well, aside all… I’m really, REALLY glad to hear you again, mate!
hey optimus im really happy that u saw my comment
its really great to talk to you again
& u know im trying to get out from the crisis that hit 6 months ago its really hard thats y i’ve been off for long time enough about me
so whats up with u my freind is there anything new in ur life
@THE_DEAD_NG: Heeey… my friend “NG”!!!
Well, we’re fine (I think :P), thanks!
What about you?
Where the hell have you been??? O_o
heeeeeey guuuuuys how are you
wow it’s been a long time since my last visit
sooo my friend optimus i see that you still make great themes as always.
so how are you and the other guys?
@ADYP: Well, you know my friend, I have neither family nor friends, so my only energy is… myself
But you’re right, I’m a fighter (or I try to be, at least) and I think what I just told you is the reason.
Oh man, I’m so glad to hear that! And it’s so damn good to hear you again!
Don’t worry, my friend, take all the time you need: I’ll be waiting!
Yeah! The undestructible AdyP is back!!! Looool!
@OPTIMUS, I am very touched by your concern my friend, I have had so much support from my family and friends in the last year or so and people just don’t realize how important that is, to put it bluntly IT’S A LIFE SAVER ! so thanks once again.

I am so saddened by your situation mate, I know how it feels to be on the shitty end of the health scale and fearing the worse but, at least I am almost back to normal again, I just can’t think how you must feel.
One thing I have noticed in your posts (and I think I am right) is the fact that you are still very upbeat about life and that you seem like a fighter, this is a very good thing my friend. Being positive and not giving up is a healer and can prolong life no end. I know it’s not easy all the time, but with support from family and friends you gain energy and energy is what keeps us going strong…………………….I am not maybe back I am back, but I am a different person after my experience, Like I said I have a few themes on the go, but I am not working on them as intensively as I maybe would have done a year or so ago
Keep your spirits up mate and don’t lets this thing beat you, stay strong and positive and keep those wonderful themes coming………………
Oooh maaan, I was soooo worried for you, my friend!
2ply told me that after the “mess” your priorities probably have changed, but I was obviously worried anyway…
And you don’t have to apologize for anything: after what you’ve passed through, it’s perfectly understandable that you want to re-organize your life as best as possible!
You’re back on your feet, undestructible man, and that’s what really matters: and now that I finally know it, I’m literally in peace!
Wow! I can’t believe that… Adyp is back (maybe :P)
Yep, my health is getting worse day by day: well, actually it’s official that I’m dying and doctors can’t do nothing… but it doesn’t matter because I lived at least half of my life as best as I could

You know, I always thought there’s a “cosmic rule”: for one that leaves this earth, there will always be another one that will manage to get back…
Oh man, I can’t explain how glad I am hearing you again!!!
OPTIMUS, my great friend, I am very, very touched by your kind words and yet another great theme.
It was only by pure chance that I popped into the site for my first look in a very long time, and saw your moving words. I apologize for not letting you all know my situation, but it’s been a tough year or so.
To let you know the whole story would require me writing for the next hour or so………..LOL, but the short version is that I have had a lot of complications after I had a cystectomy and they replaced my bladder with a Neo-Bladder, I have been in and out of hospital many times in the last year, but now I am almost back to 100% regards my health.
The biggest thing that has changed in my life are my priorities, I have spent the last ten years sat on my fat arse (not so fat anymore…..LOL) in front of a PC and I have just decided not to let the world pass me by any more, I am spending loads more time with my wonderful family and friends, I have just started to work again after being away for 1 ½ years, I am getting out more and trying to exercise as much as possible (which is difficult as my body is still in recovery)
I have not forgotten all the great people on here, especially you OPTIMUS, it’s just a case of priority, I have had so many ideas for new themes but, I knew that if I started to follow through all of my ideas I would be back in front of the PC and I don’t want to go back to how it was before. I have started a couple of themes but I’m taking things really slowly.
I was very dismayed to read that you are not too good on the health yourself mate, I am so, so sorry to hear of your troubles, it saddens me to hear it, is there anything the doctors can do?
I will now try and keep in touch a little more often but, it may take a while before I have any new themes finished……………..thanks once again for your kind words, and keep your chin up mate It’s not over until it’s over………….!
@2PLY: Lol! Yeah, it seems so.
Nowadays electronics seems to be specifically made only for “disposable” products…
But that’s weird anyway, since Sony keeps saying that PS3’s life cycle is at least 10 years: at this point, I think they actually wanted to say that people would have had to buy more than one PS3 for 10 years, lol…
I think that is probably why yours is still running. PS3 seems like they have done the opposite as what 360 did lol.
360 was questionable quality when it first came out (I can attest for that, had to fix RRoD myself about a dozen times) so they improved it, but PS3 was high quality when it released and they started making it cheaper.
Seems that way anyways lol.
I’ll tell you this though, any new electronics I buy from now on I will be spending more for the extended warranty.. they just don’t make quality/long lasting electronics anymore.
@2PLY: Yeah, that’s true! When it comes to physics, tuning, cars, or even tracks design, Gran Turismo always been the best of the best since the debut on PS1 (well, GT1 and 2 driving style was a little bit arcade, of course, but physics and the car’s behaviour were already awesome)
Oh man, I don’t really understand how it’s possible. I hear lot of people saying the PS3 has gone: just the last month Yogosan told me the same thing (if I’m not wrong, he has even lost something like 3 PS3s, I think)
How the hell can it be??? O_o
I bought my PS3 (60GB Fat) at day 1, and it still works perfectly like the first day I turned it on…
(If it was a Xbox360, I could understand… lol! :P)
I agree GT5 was underwhelming to say the least, even with all the updates they’ve done now (like adding cockpit views that are an ugly joke).
But as far as the actual driving physics, tuning options, and car selection goes it can be satisfying.
It’s a perfect game if you’re a drift fanatic in like me
And yes, no more themes from me for the foreseeble future.
Not without a functioning PS3 and a decent PC anymore.
The one i’m on now is doing good to watch video lol.
Just won’t have the money to fix or replace either for awhile.. totally pisses me off since both PC and PS3 were under 2 years old.
@PORCHE00: Well, I competed in different categories for a private german team owned by my uncle very long ago: but one day, I got both my knees (and some other part of my body :P) destroyed for an accident, so I had to leave that world…
@2ply mine did the same thing on new years day it takes the piss i just got mw3 4 xmas so i was really pissed off
@FAXTRON: Stay tuned, mate!
@2PLY: Thanks, mate!
Well… actually, only 2 days after the surgery, he had already restarted to log in from his laptop, even though he was still lying in bed: that day, he told me the doctors said he would be back on his feet within a couple of months. But then nothing, only silence…
Maybe it’s as you say (and I really hope so) but I think that, as friend, he would be back at least one last time just to say goodbye…
Well, as great fan of the series since its debut on PS1, honestly I have to say this GT5 disappointed me.
Sure, it’s still a good game and one of the best of the genre, but I find that in this new iteration it lost many things…
Oooh maaan… that’s Mayan prophecy!!!
I’m really sorry for that!
Lol, just kidding…
So… does it mean no more themes for now?
What did u race optimus
Its ok you can compress the file with winrar and create 8 files dont worry. If you want you can upload the file using mediafire and send me the email with the link to the files if you want too.
Well that’s quite the theme title!
Quite touching too, i’m sure he has recovered and is fine.
I’d bet surviving something like cancer changes priororities a bit and he doesn’t spend much time on a PC anymore.
But for the theme, I actually just bought GT5 a few weeks ago and would defintely be using this, very nice!
That is if my PS3 hadn’t just stopped reading discs the other day..
My PC’s power supply even went up in smoke the same day too! >:( URGH!
@RADZ: Uh! Thanks mate, but the problem is I have to send that stuff directly to Faxtron’s email address.
What I’d really need would be the most powerful files compressor program available, lol…
@LISA: Well, you could simply send a personal message to me or Faxtron using the PM system right here in the forum…
M8 use this its free may take a while but it will do the trick
if not then we need a pro at this stuff. what im trying to do is something we haven’t seen before sure pics and vids are great but need something that’s say wow! and this is idea is it. i want to tell my idea but i don’t want to say it as people will take my idea. im very confident we can sell these to sony.
btw how good are you guys in creating animated objects….and light shows and stuff….. i have to idea that will take this to the top as sony and it’s themes creators hasnt done this before.
lol am i being left out here? btw fax and opti i need to call in a board meeting.
@FAXTRON: Hey, mate! We got a problem…
I was compressing the files I have to send you for the SSX theme, but even at the highest compression level, the files are too big…
Damn, I tried WinRAR, ZipGenius, WinZip and everything else, but nothing: the file size of each archive exceeds the maximum allowed by the sending system of my inbox.
Lol, those programs are really useless!
So, I’m afraid I will have to send you something like 8 packs, instead of the 3 I told you about…
@ALYYSE & FAXTRON: Thanks a lot, guys: you’re too kind!
Thanks and for sure he will feel happy, with this theme is great. Exelent gesture and great heart with others OPTIMUS this world need more people like you.
you seem like a cool person optimus. you also make great themes.
Thanks a lot, mate!
they will appreciate this good job
I really hope so… thanks a lot, my friend!
This is a nice gesture, and I’m sure they appreciate it.