Theme by OPTIMUS
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Hey, mate! Here is your theme!
(Sorry for the title, but when you told me that you finished the campaign, well… I don’t know why, but it exploded in my mind and never left me :P)
(Sorry for the title, but when you told me that you finished the campaign, well… I don’t know why, but it exploded in my mind and never left me :P)
Ok, as I told you, I don’t have this game (and I never played it, of course) so I had to use my imagination…
As for the backgrounds, there were few images available and really suitable for a theme, so I could only use the best ones I found, and I created little artistic effects for some of them like smoke, dirt and other stuff like that…
Also, I made two versions of the theme.
So, we have:
6HD/SD backgrounds
Hand made icons
No sounds
Hope you like it!
(Anyway, if you prefer something more “traditional”, just let me know…)
to make things even more clear to you guys, my name, my psn account and this theme ive been trying to get off the ground is actually in memory of my best friend… me and jerry used to play Doom64 and blast Korn while we cut school n got stoned all the time… i actually still have the console with little burns on the top of it where i put a joint down on it, so i found optimus, oldschool… badass skills.. to help me, dont think for a second that i would abandon my friends for some new generic… Read more »
some time passes……….. he came back with his reboot theme, i had forgotten about optimus untill i seen him come back… i was like HOLY S***!! THATS THAT DUDE!!! so i made n account and figgured id join his fan club!! lol, but instead of being a fan of optimus… he became my friend on here… im not impressed with these dynamic themes, im not easily thrown by these generic dynamics… my theme idea… my icons i have saved on my drive…. will make for N awsome theme… i chose ‘optimus’ to help me because i belive optimus is the… Read more »
not to mention that doom was the original FPS game that started the existence of the FPS games witch is only one of the reasons why i requested the theme to be made…. so i find “OPTIMUS” on this site, i see his “OLD GLORYS” theme, N im like HOLY S***! thats the guy!!! but i have no computer…. i tryed adding optimus to my psn list but i didnt know that he doesn’t have the network….
i was going to see what this guy was going to make spin, what he was going to do… a doom theme is a little bit off the beating path of these trendy new dynamics. as a matter of fact its off the beating path of regular themes as well, witch kinda disappoints me a little bit… because ive seen a dozen mario bros themes ‘NINTENDO’ but when it comes to ‘wolfenstein or doom’ there are only one of eatch, and the doom one sucks..
@penning, nah not what you think at all.. all i see in these dynamics are a small sphere or object spinning or some kind of smoke cloud on the bottom of the screen, i was pushing these dudes to try to be more creative in a way, obviously you didnt remember what i said about me not being impressed with these dynamics,
damn, whered everyone go?
LOL! You can still use your feet, mate! 😀
And… on both your questions: ehm… nope… 😛
But I’m studying a way to make them too…
Well, that’s what they really are, in my opinion… 😉
@-.- penning, well if you dont remember it will seem new!! lol,
@-.- optimus, did u see the add for the new twisted metal!!??
holy rusted metal batman!! lol 🙂
did anyone catch that easter theme? wasnt i just talking about the idea of 3d themes i lil while ago!? i wish i could type more but i shredded my thumb at work.. sux.. 🙁
Doom- Seen it but I don’t remember anything about it, LOL.
Yeah cracked ones, to each their own. “pseudo-dynamic”- I like that. It fits.
I’d use the LBP theme if it also changed the sackboy to look like the one you have customized in the game. I thought it was going to do that. I guess I just think too big or outside the box? Sometimes I don’t even think at all o_O
Oh yeah, I remember… When it was released, I saw a video that showed its features: very well done! And that’s what I was talking about: to reach a very good result like the LBP theme, the only way is to use the SDK provided by Sony. Every other way is just something like a “stopgap measure”… not to mention the really hard work needed to animate a background like that. The tool they’re using to make those dynamic themes, only allows you to replace some parts of other existing themes (which are limited to those already included with the… Read more »
@Penningstoned420 i recomend that you see the movie ‘SUPER HIGH ME’
@OPTIMUS i have that Lbp theme, i belive it is thee most creative theme because it works with your personal time zone, when its dark outside of your house, the sun in the theme goes down and it becomes night time on the theme, and vice versa… im thinking it works with your time and date settings.. i havent seen one do that before or after that.. check it out!!!
Well, I never used “cracked” programs, if that’s what you mean, and surely I will not start to use them just to try making incomplete and pseudo-dynamic themes…
Ooooh yeeeaaah, there were stars!!! Don’t worry, bro, I don’t need to snap on you: you’re absolutely right! 😀
Sorry but you remember wrong, the icons did not swing. There were stars that moved on strings but they were part of the “dynamic” background, not the icons
Please don’t snap on me beacuse I corrected you, like others do!! 🙂 JK
Yeah, iI might come off as an ass to some but I got back up- These really are not “dynamic”. Sure something moves in them, cool? The smoke effects are awesome, my pot head ass might use them to make the ultimate 420 theme, or I might smoke too much & just forget about it!? It is what it is. I’m on your page OPTIMUS, the themes just seem incomplete/not fully all there yet. I respect the work but just not for me, yet. LOL, OPTIMUS, who pays for things now days? Photoshop is free if you know where to… Read more »
I was kidding, too… 😛
Yeah, I agree, it would be really awesome and… maybe I’m wrong, but if I remember correctly, the Little Big Planet dynamic theme that was released on PSN had also dynamic icons… I seem to remember they swung attached to ropes.
hell, i was just kiddn, but that would be extremely cool. you know me, always thinkin…
Oh man, I think that making even dynamic icons would require so much time that one would be able to create only 1 theme per year… 😛
bring me dynamic ‘icons’, that might make me crack a smile… lol. did you see the dbgt dynamic!? it reminded me of ‘chris rock’s’ stand up, when he was talking about putting spinning rims on a toaster… lmao, i was looking at the theme and i was like “its spinnin n**** its spinnin!!!” lol
im with you guys on that,, these dynamic themes are really not all they are cracked up to be, i saw sick a** ones in the ps store,.. i do appreciate the efforts that these guys put into these five finger discount dynamic themes, but like penning said.. they are lacking a bit.. i think the best one ive seen so far is the ‘rain’ ones. the crash bandacooter one aint half bad either. but i dont think ill be impressed with these too mutch for a while…
LOL! 😛 Well, it’s because that tool only allows you to replace images or other components of an existing theme, so… you can’t do so much. Also, as you already noticed, missing the new icons (like minis, video upload, etc): I think that’s because the tool uses the old version of Theme Builder to compile the theme… Well, let’s say it’s a good start, but for me it’s not worth wasting time to make an incomplete theme even if it’s dynamic (especially considering that it must be used in tandem with a very expensive program like Photoshop…): that’s why I’m… Read more »
U made yourself his best fan, don’t give this mear mortal that much credit…LOL! You became a fan of his first, not the other way around. Yeah as intriguing as these “dynamic” themes seem- They don’t seem as idk ready as I’d like them to be. I’d like to see people like us be able to make themes like the zebra africa theme or something of the scale. Like be able to edit that theme & have a lion jump out a rip the crap outta that zebra! Blood splatters across the screen as the lion eats the zebra. Now… Read more »
ok cool , & thanks for making me 1 of ur best fans,
Don’t worry, mate, I could never be mad with you: you’re one of the best fans I have, after all… 😛
I only explained you why I prefer to avoid using that tool: I could have use it already, instead of studying an alternative way to create dynamic themes… but I don’t really want to spend 700€ for a program that doesn’t interest me, and most of all I don’t wanna risk to brik my beloved PS3 🙁
ooooooooooo, ok buddy i got it , srry to bather u , i hope ur not mad at me
Well, I perfectly know that Zembor0’s Dynamic Theme Tool: it looks intersting, but the BIG problem is it must be used in tandem with the very expensive Photoshop (about 700$: how many of us can buy this program???)… In addition, this tool requires the DDS plug-in: DDS files (Direct Draw Surface) are used in DirectX libraries to store uncompressed and compressed pixel formats and/or particular textures used in certain games. That means you also need other specific tools in Windows to correctly display and use those files. Another big problem is that uninstalling this plug-in for some reason, may cause… Read more »
hey OPTIMUS good news man u can make dynamic themes now , so yea make 1 pleeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaase ,
the other guys were really very good,
but i know u can make a super dynamic theme
Oh man… if it’s so, I think it’ll be hard to obtain something decent for your theme: I already searched on google and I found several images, but the problem is they’re all 1600×1200, which means I will have to enlarge them to 1920×1080, but this way the final result would be very crappy… 🙁
i got them from cruzin google image…
LOL! Hey, mate, don’t worry: you’ll get your theme! 😀
By the way, I started searching for some good images to use in your theme, but I think it’s better if you tell me the sites where you got the material: I would save lot of time…
Sorry you feel that way. If you think someone telling you something you don’t know is a sign of hate, you are going to have a rough life.
A simple, thanks I didn’t know that, would have been nice. Now you know. And knowing is half the battle!!!!!!
wow Penningstoned420 sound like u hate me hehe
so yea im going to stick with dead_ng
@-.- OPTIMUS looking forward for ur next theme man 🙂
Dead ng, just log in with THE_DEAD_NG on your PS3, duh. You can log in with what ever screen name you want regardless if it’s on your ps3 or laptop. And $150 is about the norm for quality headphones. A friend of mine has a pair that’s around $250, no gold just plastic & metal.
well i advise that you never buy em guys, because if they ever break ill hafta buy em again… going back to regular headphones would be like getting rid of your hdmi cables and going back to three prong glass tube television.. and ill shut up about the headphones now.. lol
my theme is NEXT! ‘SUCKAS!!’ GET TO THE BACK OF DA LINE FOOLS!!! lol j/k
Don’t mention it, bro! I just hope you’ll like it!
Have a nice schooltrip, mate! 😉
Hey OPTIMUS, Im going on a schooltrip to London tomorrow, so I wont be able to comment and thank you for the homefront theme 🙁 I will be back friday, then Ill check it out immediatly! Oh before I forget : thanks already xD
Oh, I got it!
Well, looks like those headphones are really good: I think they would be very useful for me, when I compose my music…
Yep! The only problem is I hope to find good images of it: you know, every Kojima project seems to be a top secret file coming straight from the Area51… 😀
Well, the Homefront theme for Duco is nearly finished, so… be prepared! 😛
wow awesome man , enjoy ur new headphones,
@-.- the dead, i got the “skull candy sk pro’s” they are the high end ones, the sound quality is nasty… its like, it blocks out all the noise of the public without jamming some plug a** ear buds in your ears, the sound quality, how can i explain.. ok, its like the headphones that ‘dr dre’ would use to listen for inperfections on his beat tracks. so in retrospect when your listening to music with these kind of headphones, your listening to it in the most perfect sound quality possible.. its kinda like a concert in your head, lmao..
oh me n dead ng wer talking about headphones on the psn. i have conversations on 2 different networks… lol, sorry about the confusion.
MGS Rising Theme? Can’t wait to see that! 😀
duuuuude u really got 1 of those headphones , wooow 1 headphones for 150 $ it must b made of gold , so what kind did u get?
hi man when ur going to upload ur next theme , i wanna add another theme to my OPTIMUS theme collection 🙂
heeeeellllllooooooooo , im back again , so yea , about Daed_ng , dead_ng & THE_DEAD_NG , the first 1 was spelled wrong , then i changed it to dead_ng then i changed it to THE_DEAD_NG in my laptop but my laptop is broken, so now im using my ps3 & i cant change dead_ng to THE_DEAD_NG , thats it
It’s not but you should make a Mayan prophecy theme. Seeing all the requests you have, it should be done right around Dec 21 2012!!
Oh, well… let me see…
The Homefront theme for Duco is nearly finished, then I’ll have to make:
1) Doom theme (for Doom)
2) MK theme (for LegionsoftheBrave)
3) Monster/Rockstar Energy theme (for CrazyGorilla-PR)
4) MGS Rising theme (for Jamesr631)
5) and now, a Daft Punk theme as just requested by XRinzlerX…
Oh, man… I’m almost hoping the Mayan prophecy is true! 😛