Theme by xXx
Icons i created myself,,this theme it’s not a big deal,,it’s my first dynamic,,this theme is more like a test,,i promise that i will upload more version with animations added etc. 
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by xXx
Have you ever played the first GR titles? They were really good at that time.
But I have to agree that the console versions are not as good as the older ones.
1) at the beginnig i didnt know that this is a SOCOM,from the website they told that this backround is ghost recon and i believed them because i have never play socom
2)after i made this theme i realized that the background is a SOCOM background and i’m sorry for this
sry for my english too
How dare you use a SOCOM background for a shit game like Ghost Recon!
Not bad, mate!
And I really like the “Space Destruction” theme! +1
theme preview: