Theme by JKX13
my very own first custom PS3 Theme of God of War i hope you guys like it. it has 12 backgrounds in both HD and SD formats ,and special thanks to NJ/Sony for the icons from his theme God of War: Chains of Olympus Official Theme
Download Here
it would be rather satisfying if there was a plethora of hd themes in multiple categories. Nontheless,the site is superb and well organised
Any news on the PSPgo icon yet JKX13 ?
Hi JKX13 , thanks about trying the PSP GO thing for me.
I have a post about this in the THEMES FORUM.
I’m unsure about this icon –
My next theme “Modern Warfare 2 mt” also contains this “PSP go” icon & included “Media_GO” it’s same icon but i’m unsure of the correct codename for it.
If it doesn’t show on assassins creed 2 theme it may show in Modern Warfare mt coming soon.
And yes Please feel free to use my 3.15 icons that was part of the reason i posted it so others could get up to date icons.
(I was tired of installing themes to find missing icons)
Find me in forums at top of page for any help.
Hey Sorry JKX13, meant no offence – I LIKE the theme i was just giving feedback.
If you let me know which builder you use i may be able to help with adding icons & such.
At least you showed the icons on the preview ,many people don’t bother.
Will try help if i can.
@madthemez well im sorry but as i say in the description it is the first theme i ever made so i dont have to much knowledge of the tool i used and i used the icons of a friend of mine but as soon as i get a little more practice i´ll post a better version
I’d use this if it had current firmware icons,
the chat setting icon changed a while back & more icons have been added to the PS3 since then.
out of date but Still nice though.
Thanks for sharing.