Theme by a100miles2go
This is my second custom dynamic theme. icons belong to Montage Mik.
this is the animation used
Download Here
this is the animation used
Download Here
#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by a100miles2go
Ahh, so help me, i downloaded a couple themes, 2 or more. And all these are Lag the image is slow help me.. send a tutorial
i need help
Thanks a100miles2go… ^^
MAchoMAn17 i made a fireplace theme just have to wait on site admin to put it up.
nice theme good work
Like glowball said it’s like a .gif, 1080 HD can only use 15 frames but 720 HD can use 34 frames.
Check here for more themes and a bit of an explanation on how to make them.
@MAchoMAn17 i’ll see what i can do as that theme is made sort of the same way.
Great theme thanks !
If anyone want a theme in my infobox at the left side from my YT Channel send me a pm and u get the downloadlink
I have too themes like this i waiting for my “friend” on youtube that make my preview videoclips about the themes in HD u all can see my themes on my channel at the info box and no I don’t steal this idea now i have this idea since the slideshow effect was released u can see in the info of my themes the date… ah yh a100miles2go ur theme is good too ;D Nice work bro.
Not really the vid is only a couple of seconds long so there is probably about 25 or something. You can have loads of images you just have to use lower quality settings. My tutorial is for HD quality so you can have upto 15. Still alot better than my effort.
That Must Be A Shitload Of Images……
My guess is that the background is made up of loads of images. The slideshow style theme but more like a .gif file. Anyhow not a bad effort tried something similar but not worth uploading :(. Nice icons too
Woah…… what format is the background in? This is a sick idea, not really liking theme ( because of chopiness )
waooo great theme
this is awesome..i have a request theme..can you make a theme like this i would be so happy .. ^^