GOW 3 Animated

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 GOW 3 Animated theme for “majid212tube” with custom icons by : Montage Mik and original sounds. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings – Background – Brightness – I recommend -2 or -3.This theme have HD quality and like always for free 🙂
Download Here

6 thoughts on “GOW 3 Animated

  1. help please, why is it that when i use themes such as this one and the MW3 similar to this, i turn on my ps3 and instead of this background i see the original ps3 background instead, i know i can just go over and set it back, but is there a way i can get it to stay even once i turn my ps3 off?

  2. @Faxtron

    i think i got it working thanks a bunch. Now i can finally add new icons and such.

  3. @ThAt1GuY0o0

    If you talking about the .p3t is the same as the others, so put it in the same directory and install it like you do always.

  4. Hey Fraxton i know you’re like a PS3 Theme making pro and i need your help. I got version 2.5 working good and everything, but when i download the version 4 how do save it in the same install directory as 2.5 so it’ll overwrite the files and fix bugs. I will appreciate any advice, thanks.

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