Theme by Faxtron
PS3 GOW 3 Animated theme for “majid212tube” with custom icons by : Montage Mik and original sounds. For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings – Background – Brightness – I recommend -2 or -3.This theme have HD quality and like always for free 
Download Here
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help please, why is it that when i use themes such as this one and the MW3 similar to this, i turn on my ps3 and instead of this background i see the original ps3 background instead, i know i can just go over and set it back, but is there a way i can get it to stay even once i turn my ps3 off?
i think i got it working thanks a bunch. Now i can finally add new icons and such.
If you talking about the .p3t is the same as the others, so put it in the same directory and install it like you do always.
Hey Fraxton i know you’re like a PS3 Theme making pro and i need your help. I got version 2.5 working good and everything, but when i download the version 4 how do save it in the same install directory as 2.5 so it’ll overwrite the files and fix bugs. I will appreciate any advice, thanks.
@RADZ Thanks my friend
Looks very clean you have improved these last 2 themes by another notch GREAT WORK m8.