GT5: Drive Your Dream 2 (Black & Colours)

Theme by OPTIMUS

One of my last 2 themes I was working on before I leave…

-14 HD/SD backgrounds directly from GT5 Photo Mode.
-Hand made icons.
-No boring sounds.
Download Here

27 thoughts on “GT5: Drive Your Dream 2 (Black & Colours)

  1. to yogosan & OPTIMUS
    ur the best two theme makers in this site
    i want from u two to make a pes 2011 theme
    i wanna c whos the best,
    if its ok to both of u ok
    dead_ng 😉

  2. I’ve made a few themes, just never posted them on here. Some are requests for friends, where I’ll do a whole theme. Soemtimes I’ll just change an icon or 2- Someone doesn’t like the firefox icon so I’ll change it to the chrome icon if they want. Then there’s my personal theme I made just for me. I tried to make all the icons real pictures of what they represent. Like the flash drive & camera icons are the actual pictures of the flash drive & camera I own. Maybe I’ll post my theme? But to me it’s never 100% finished. Everytime I see a new icon I like, I steal it & add it to my theme. It’s kinda a frankenstein’s monster- Made up of my favorite icons & sounds from other themes and I few custom made ones by me.

  3. dead_ng:

    @OPTIMUSi sure that i’ll like ur “artistic choices”because i’ve all ur themes & i loved them allthere is jut no way that DS theme will b bad

    Wow, that’s a honour, mate!
    Ok, then… stay tuned!

    i sure that i’ll like ur “artistic choices”
    because i’ve all ur themes & i loved them all
    there is jut no way that DS theme will b bad

  5. @DEAD_NG: Don’t worry, mate, I’m still working on it. I finished all the icons (which means the hard part is almost over): I just have to do some finishing touches.
    Hey, I think the “hype” is about to kill you… 😛
    What if you don’t like my “artistic choices”?

    @PENNINGSTONED420: Sheesh… I think it’s time for you to put all your stuff together and to finally make a theme… 😀
    I’d really like to see it!

  6. Well I hit the wrong button there-

    I conceptualized a theme I wanted to make a year ago & started collecting icons & wallpapers. I’ve just not found enuff icons or the time to sit down & finish it. There’s work, recreation, video games, women & whatever I do in my real life. Just not a major priority right now. None of us get paid for making themes (that I know of) it’s just a hobby more or less. For some it’s a labor of love, everything must match, be relevant to the concept of the theme & come together. For others it’s lets find a few backgrounds or things I like or some hot nude chick & use the same icons. To each their own.

  7. @Penningstoned420
    wooooooooohoooooooooo ur working in a theme for a whole year wooooow wooooooow wow, i really cant wait to c it
    so man hows my DS theme still working on it or ur done i really cant wait to c it

  8. It’s a fact that the themes with custom icons, as well as backgrounds, get more downloads & are more apperciated then the themes with just a few backgrounds & the same old boring icons we’ve seen since day one. Now finding and/or making all the icons as well as making them work in the theme, takes time & a certain kinda artistic skill that most people just don’t have. I’ve been working on a “Fight Club” theme for about a year now, not a lot of free time for that. Sure I could just make one with all the backgrounds I have collected but thats not good enough for me. I need all of the icons to be Fight Club related too.
    If you’re going to do something- Do it 100% or don’t do it at all.

  9. @DEAD_NG: Hehehe… you’ll see, my friend, you’ll see… 😛

    Well, as I said, even the images released by the software house were very few and really crappy… Anyway, I managed to find some nice pictures: I think they’re about 6.

    And… no, I can’t: unfortunately the software to make dynamic themes is reserved only to developers: I would have tons of ideas to create animated themes, but Sony will never make that software available for everyone 🙁

  10. Jason:

    icons mean nothing to me i dont even notice icons half the time but the backgrounds make this theme good job.

    I can understand that we all have specific tastes, but… sorry, I disagree.
    Everybody could make “only backgrounds” themes, but without the icons they would be all the same, don’t you think?
    It’s like buying the most beautiful car in the world, but without engine: it wouldn’t have sense…
    Well… thanks anyway, mate!

  11. wow if DEMON’S SOULS’S icons r better than these,
    woooooooooow just wooooooow,
    what about the backgrounds how many r there

  12. icons mean nothing to me i dont even notice icons half the time but the backgrounds make this theme good job.

  13. @ADYP: Thanks a lot, mate!
    Well, I don’t think these icons are so special: they’re just made with “white-faded” black discs, after all…
    But if you like them, guys… I really appreciate!
    Hey, I’m so glad to see you’re still around here… 😀

  14. @DEAD_NG & JASON2590: Wow, thanks a billion, guys!
    Yep, I agree too: backgrounds can be found everywhere (well, not always, though…) but the icons make the difference, especially when they’re hand-made (but… hey, these icons are nothing special, I think)
    That’s why I always try to help guys who want to start making themes: icons are the “spirit” of a theme…
    Anyway, I think that also sounds are fairly important: the only thing is that they have to be pertinent to the theme, and they must not be exaggerated (but even so, they’re not always appreciated…)
    Thanks again, guys! 😀

    @DEAD_NG: Hey, bro! If you like these simple icons so much, then I don’t have to be worried about your Demon’s Souls theme… 😛

  15. Both themes are very good mate, but the icons in this one are stunning………great work matey…………….5* of course……!

  16. dead_ng:

    u know, 4 me ps3 themes r not just backgrounds its the icons that really cought my attention,
    my opinion
    icons take 80%
    backgrounds 19%
    sounds 1%
    4 all themes

    got to agree with you on that, icons are most inportant and also most time consuming to make, good work optimus, both themes are great,.
    red line this baby right up to 5 statrs 😛

  17. u know, 4 me ps3 themes r not just backgrounds its the icons that really cought my attention,
    my opinion
    icons take 80%
    backgrounds 19%
    sounds 1%
    4 all themes

  18. this is fantactic , i really love the icons , i reeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaally loooooooooooooooooooooooove the icons
    wow 5 stars man

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