Theme by OPTIMUS
One of my last 2 themes I was working on before I leave…
-14 HD/SD backgrounds directly from GT5 Photo Mode.
-Hand made icons.
-No boring sounds.
Download Here
Oh, I don’t know… π
Thanks a lot, my friend!
Well… first of all, there’s to say that I always make my icons from scratch: it means that I draw them pixel by pixel, adding effects, shadows and everything else. And it takes very long time…
Then, if I need something specific (like the camouflage you’re talking about, for example) I usually do it in two ways:
1) I find some suitable image so that I can give it the shape of a standard icon.
2) I draw a texture from scratch and then create the icons I need from there.
Anyway, whatever the case is, if this can help you, I use a program called “RealWorld Paint.COM”: it’s a free program (but with professional features) that allows you to create everything you want, so give it a try.
As I always say: the only limit is the imagination… π
How did I miss this? Good job OPTIMUS!
@OPTIMUS very nice theme. i wanted to ask you something since you have made many themes on the site. how do design yor custom icons. for example i want to give my basic icon a camoflauge look but im not sure how to do it. any advice would help. thanks if you read this
dynamic themes are a little more then just a “looping clip” bro. It’d take way longer to make a dynamic theme then a regular theme. It’s almost like making a game.
i have to keep my homies updated, so they know i’m working hard, i was actually goona update my red dead theme, a few better icons, and a generally cleaner look all around, i hated my first one.
@DOOM: For me, the best Resident Evils ever remain 1 and 2. 3 and 4 were not so bad, but for 3rd they looked ran out of ideas, and the 4th doesn’t excited me so much (and I don’t liked its gameplay).
Not to mention RE5: I bought it and started to play, but I reached only the 2nd chapter, then I stopped…
You should absolutely find the first one!
As for dynamic themes… Well, I decompiled the Heavy Rain theme and I seen they use some kind of “animated” JPEG images.
But Yogosan’s right, because they can be made only using the SDK (Software Development Kit) which is reserved only to developers and Sony will never make it available… π
@YOGOSAN: Yeeeaaah! Now it’s much better! π
Yum…! Can’t wait to see it!
also, theater mode.. all those personal clips people create in theater mode get saved straight to the servers PLUS the previously played games, your last 100 previously played matches ranging from five to 15 minutes long, multiply that by half a million people every day… and cod got real stupid with the wepons, im not gonna get into that but they really did a botchy job in a LOT of areas in BO. i was verry disappointed, but hey i guess thats the breaks..
but none of it should happen, i watched a youtube vid called ‘black ops lag fix’ the guy in the video said that the more friends that you have on your list that play black ops the more laggy your gameplay will be because of the constant tracking of your friends achievments and contract updates
actually yogosan, it was in waw too, i remember it happening alot when i was toying with the flamethrower, and you said switching to your primary wepon when respawning, actually after you respawn the glitch is your character seems to be in the process of reloading.. although when someone lags out of the room thats when the switching wepons crap happens…
OPTIMUS i cant find the personal messaging thing anywhere and i combed the site, i looked through the home page, contact, dashboard, and the forum is smashed together like it was in a car wreck.. it may be invisible like that time i tryed ‘gravatar’. idk man, im sure i examined the whole site, i was hoping i could find it because now i feel like im bugging you.. :\
somebody should try to figgure out how to do it. its just a looping clip. jeez. lol
thats just a ps store thing
@optimus im gonna try it after i eat, i think i may actually have that theme the RE tribute. but RE2 was my all time favorite.. dont get me wrong i liked them all, never played part 1 tho, 2, 3 & 4, i beat 4 so many times lol. i beat the village chief with a damn handgun… lol. i have a question.. is it possible to do a dynamic theme? or is that just a ps store thing?
oops, π
Hey, Yogosan! Ehm… I think I can only trust what you’re saying about your theme because I clicked on the link, but… I don’t see anything: it doesn’t load at all!
it’s actually the same games that always seem to carry the same bugs. any COD online player will notice how sometimes when you respawn your in the process of swithcing back to your primary weapon for no reason, that slight animation bug has been in cod4, mw2, back ops, but not world at war, obviously because treyarch didnt get to modify infinity wards engine!
this killzone theme might not take as long as i thought, the metallic icons i will keep, i’m not sure what to overlay them on, those diamond shaped things are a bit too fancy for general icons, i might use them for albums or something.
TO EVERYONE: Holy $hit! Are you all “creatures of the night”? π Man, last night there was nobody…
@DOOM: Ok, mate, try that “personal messaging” stuff I told you and let’s see what can we do…
@YOGOSAN: So glad to hear that! Can’t wait to see your Dead Space theme (and GT5… and KZ3… and lots of other stuff I’m still waiting for… :P)
@DOOM: You know, the real source of our skills is just the passion we have when creating themes.
Sure, you have to know how to draw and other stuff like that, but I think the only limit is the imagination…
As for Resident Evil… If you’re interested, time ago I made a “Resident Tribute” theme using the original items taken from the 3 games for PS1.
@YOGOSAN: Yeah, guys make great works on Deviantart, but I think many of them surely use very expensive programs (just like Nevada with his “Aniom” themes…)
@PENNINGSTONED420 & YOGOSAN: I totally agree! New Vegas really disappointed me: I thought it was a great game like Fallout 3, instead…
Well, the game is not so bad (even though there’s nothing really new) but it’s so full of bugs that I stopped playing. Also, I downloaded the patch, but even so the game freezes when I try to enter the Strip: I tried and tried and tried again, but everytime the game starts to load, it doesn’t let me in and all I got is a black screen… π
i play that black ops game online, atleast when the servers get trashy once N a while ‘i mean’ more trashy than they are regularly.. u can play thir zombie games w four people = hardly lag most of the time. when will a game company come out with a decent bug free game? i got my fingers crossed waiting for RAGE & doom4, obviously im a fan. i think when doom4 comes out its gonna put these buggy b****’s to shame. the godfather of FPS games can never fail…
See I really didn’t even like 3 but thought seeing everyone else lliked 3 & it did well…New Vegas should be better! Wrong, failed, lost. Charlie Sheen, right now, could make a better game!!- WINNING!!!
probably the only game in my life that i paid for and didnt finish. it wasnt better than fallout 3 in any aspect. unless you like game breking bugs. fallout 3 only froze on me during the chinese robot part near the end, and i can understand that. new vegas froze on me every hour i’d say. i’m very close to the end but the story is so crap i havn’t got much motivation. the game deserves a meta rating of about 4.
Yeah, I can not believe that New Vegas was real. It had to be a joke. My brain just can understand how the people who made thought it was good enuff for release. Really WTF was going on behind the scenes there?
the most difficult thing about making themes is being patient. i have scrapped many themes in the past, because i’d get bored of making so many new icons and end up starting a new theme, and forgetting the old one. i was about 75% of the way through my dead space 2 theme, i got bored and ended up starting a syrim theme, a killzone 3 theme, and re-started my gt5 theme, which i started about 6 months ago! i never finished my new vegas theme (mainly because the game turned out to be crap) i just didnt want to make about 40 icons for a game i ended up hating.
at the same time doom, i look at some of the art people do on deviant art and other sites,which is on another level entirely. i wouldnt be able to do some of that advanced art at all. not on a computer anyway!
hey yogosan! im doom! lol. i kinda feel left out in a way.. i wish i had the skills you guys have with making themes, id be able to let my imagination loose, just thinking about some ideas for themes i totally want to be able to do what you guys do here, i would totally make a ‘zelda’ a link to the past’ theme, id use all the stuff from the item box for icons!! lol, did anyone ever make a tetris theme!? lol resident evil2 gun icons and items.. i always hoped that i would find a dynamic theme of ‘the matrix code’ just scrolling like rain on my ps3 desktop.. or like the original mario bros dynamic theme, and all the top icons are question boxes and when you hit X on something it makes the coin sound!! i could think about creative stuff all day like this.. i just wish i was up there with you guys doin it!! lol
i uploaded my dead space theme, hard at work on the gt5 and kz3 themes. 4 the gt5 one i’m just gonna use the in game black buttons from the main gt life screen. we’re all back in full swing now!
im just a guy with N idea for a theme that i want to dedicate to someone, i spent a worthy abount of time hand picking these icons from google, i belive optimus is the man that can orchestrate it to completion,. wer just a couple of mad scientists with different sets of skills,, so to speak.. lol
but still my avatar would be beast… lol
i can get unlimited free movies and music, chat conference with 5 people from five different countries at the same time. enjoy ps3’s awsome video and crisp audio, .. but i cant upload a one inch avatar on here, im not putting this site down, i belive its the psn’s fault. but this is my dilemma. do you have any idea how glorious my avatar would be!!?? lol j/k.
hey administration guy! well the problem with your solution that i completely appropriate by the way IS, that i dont have access to a computer at all…. im working with my ps3 ONLY.. i searched ALL of my icons and bacgrounds using only my ps3 and as we all know thats where it stops…. i was trying to find someone to help me just throw it all together, and i made a statement before that i am N idiot when it comes to computers.. ive had a ps3 for quite some time and picked up a few skills with it as far as downloading icons off of google, downloading a theme from here and applying a different wallpaper.. but its a completely different network than a regular computer to me.. i think the last time i messed with a pc i was bs’n with aol and myspace.. like when myspace just came out….. i used it for nothing else. so its safe to assume that i missed like a decade of stuff that i didnt realy understand to begin with.. lmao.
There’s a software called Winrar ( if you have another zip software that works as well! Download it and install, select all the images on your PC for the theme in file explorer, then right click and choose “Add to FILENAME.rar”. Voila! You have just added all your images into one file, this file you upload to a file host ( Then just give the link to the uploaded file to Optimus and it saves both of you alot of time and trouble.
it would be totally awsome through email, it would be a little time consuming because i can only send 1 at a time BUT it would WORK! ill make a day of it! LOL. if you would allow it, i think it would be the enevitable end of my networking capabilities with my power plant.. lol. just let me know.
hey new themes! awsome sauce! lol. yeah man looks like you fixed the issue. sweet! yeah im going to hafto try that messaging thing on this site. i havent seen a message thing on this site.. probably the same issue as when i tryed gravatar to create N avatar,
Thanks, bro!
I mean really, do you make bad themes? π
They are all great additions to my collection, thanks.
Thanks, mate!
very nice theme man , i like the icons