GTA The lost and Damned Dynamic Theme

Theme by STAR™

GTA The lost and Damned Dynamic theme.
My second GTA Theme with Dynamic smoke and mc logo.
You dont see much in the preview!
Enjoy 😀
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Babun :
Ty 😀 and the background images is 1080p HD only.
So i guess its your own error.


Yeah, very nice, but why background pic isnt full screen? Or it is only my own error?


You know, I’ve been here some years, by now, but still nobody’s popped out saying to be older than me.
Lol! It really seems that I’m the grandfather of this site… 😛


Hahaha okay 😉



euhh.. are you kidding me guys? im almost 16 O_0

Lol! No, it’s not a joke, unfortunately… 🙁
I’m a longstanding player (I started in the early 70s, when I was just a baby)… I think I’m the oldest here 😛


euhh.. are you kidding me guys? im almost 16.


euhh.. are you kidding me guys? im almost 16 O_0 😛



I’m pretty good leaving bad comments but only when they are deserved!!!! I got nothing negative to say about this theme. OPTIMUS already stated that the icons are missing. Other then that, nice theme.
Oh & I’ll be 30 on the 10th. Fuck I’m getting old =(

Hey, welcome back, mate!

Oh man… you think you’re getting old?
Sheesh! I would sell my soul to the devil to be 10 years younger like you… 😀


I’m pretty good leaving bad comments but only when they are deserved!!!! I got nothing negative to say about this theme. OPTIMUS already stated that the icons are missing. Other then that, nice theme.

Oh & I’ll be 30 on the 10th. Fuck I’m getting old =(



Can i ask,How old are you guys?

Uh, well… I’m almost forty 🙁


Can i ask,How old are you guys?


jamesr631: btw anyone who take their time out off their day to do something for me personally they have my complete respect… and i dont care how long it takes i will not be irritated and angry because your not fast enough and leave Yeah, constructive criticism is one of the good ways to improve… but be prepared, because what I meant is there are always guys who leave bad comments just because they like to do that… So, just don’t care about them, ok? 😀 As for your theme… well, it will take a little longer than expected because… Read more »


btw anyone who take their time out off their day to do something for me personally they have my complete respect… and i dont care how long it takes i will not be irritated and angry because your not fast enough and leave


hey trust me i love this community and i love how everyone is so helpful. i will continue to make themes aslong as there are people to to accept them and give me feedback p.s. constructive critisism isnt that bad either


jamesr631: Im so happy… i finally got my first theme out yesterday! I cant wait until it uploads to the site.. it’ll probably suck though Hey, mate! Oh, I see you got your (gr)avatar too! And… as a Metal Gear Solid fan, you’ve obviously chosen the Fox Hound logo… 😛 Glad to hear that you’re making themes: I welcome you to the “family”! 😉 Well, you’re just at the beginning, so don’t worry about how your themes may look like… TheNextProdigy is right: much likely there will be negative comments, but it doesn’t matter because you have all the time… Read more »



ummm, i got a question…
how do i upload a profile pic???
oh yea , very nice theme STAR™

Nevermind…i found out how




Great! I’ll Be Lookin Foward To Your Themes


thank you man… what i meant is i didnt know how to do the theme that well and i tried to teach myself and i just gave up after a while. my later themes will be better because i learned alot



Im so happy… i finally got my first theme out yesterday! I cant wait until it uploads to the site.. it’ll probably suck though

Don’t say that 😀 You should see my theme, i took the negative comments a little too personally. But then i just started getting tips from veterans and in my opinion i got better. Im sure your theme will be great


Hehe 😀


Im so happy… i finally got my first theme out yesterday! I cant wait until it uploads to the site.. it’ll probably suck though


Great theme for a great game, especially TLAD ! The gang wars in it are terrible. Thanks for sharing


TheNextProdigy : No problem mate, Do what evere you want to do with them i dont care 😉

izerhoff™ : Go to and follow the instructions , OPTIMUS told me that 😀

To all othere guys , i’ll try to improve my theme. Im newb! 😛


Good theme, and it´s a nice change after these tons of soccer themes (I would have uploaded 2 of them every week, and not all at the same time :D).


It’s a decent, but I’ve seen a majority of smoke related dynamics. In your next improved theme try to add some original creativity.


Nice theme. I didn’t notice the missing icons, that’s gonna bug me now 🙁

Love GTA though 🙂


ummm, i got a question…
how do i upload a profile pic???
oh yea , very nice theme STAR™


Great! Mind If I Use These Icons?


Thnx! 😀

Yeah i know some the icons are missing 🙁
But i’ll try to fix it for my next themes.
And yeah my avatar Yippi! 😉


Nice one, mate!

Well, I see the Minis icon… but you still need to add the 2 other missing icons (Video Uploader and Chat Room Text)

Good job, anyway!

(Glad to see you got your avatar… :D)