GTA V Trevor Animated

Theme by charli_el_

I recommend you to put the background brightness in -1. This theme is a request from a friend of PSN (InfiniteBailey).

I tried to keep the highest resolution possible in the render (Trevor) and in the caravan, and after making some fixes, it looks better. As always, the preview is recorder with the Remote Play for PC, so it have a bad quality and resolution (the GTA V logo is cutted, but in the PS3 it isn’t cutted).

The icons are from the GTA V Ultra Slideshow theme of the incredible uLtRaMa6nEt1c 😛

Also thanks to InfiniteBailey, ’cause he said me the failures of the theme to fix it.
Download Here


14 thoughts on “GTA V Trevor Animated

  1. Could you please do a Glaceon dynamic theme please! I love Pokemon as well as Glaceon!

  2. Great Game. The theme looks really good. Keep it up, and make great themes.



  3. @brian I can perfectly visit and a bunch of other sites via Internet Search. Maybe it’s something with your settings

  4. really good theme. flawless.
    on another note, why do they make this site nigh on impossible to access using the ps3 browser unless you switch javascript off 1st. seems a bit stupid to me

  5. Thanks to all! 😉

    @uLtRaMa6nEt1c: It would be nice to do, but on Monday I start school 🙁 Even if the first few days I haven’t to do much, I think I could make the backgrounds 😛

    @quin6123: try to add me, but I don’t know if I have the limit of friends. Send me a message from PSN if I have the limit.

    @TheLoneWolf989: Yes 🙁 If the shirt looked good, the smoke and trees don’t hahah

  6. Good try, the shirt doesn’t look right and the loop isn’t perfect but if those were fixed it would be an awesome theme.

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