HAZE – Mantel Global Industries

Theme by SaintDaveUK

A theme based on MANTEL GLOBAL INDUSTRIES, a globalised corporation key to the storyline and setting of Free Radical’s HAZE.
Includes an entirely original set of new icons, 9 backgrounds, each related to an individual activity or service provided by one of MANTEL’s massive enterprises (such as Military, Avionics and Finance), each with a unique image and MANTEL slogan.

This is the MANTEL difference.

Thanks to: Mutton-Chops (from the Official HAZE Forums) for kind use of his Promise Hand image; sparrowhawk_287 and Rokashi (from the Official HAZE Forums) for their quality assurance and testing; Free Radical Design and Ubisoft for the idea of MANTEL GLOBAL INDUSTRIES, Official HAZE Forums for their support, and you, the HAZE fan, for appreciating and downloading my work!
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