can you make a dynamic theme of the COD W@W pic of were the soldiers died and their guns were standing were they were burried, with rain or fog going across? i tried making it but my pc isnt good enough, ill be greatly appreciated
awsome theme its one of the best i seen, i just noticed 1 thing, the downspout has water flowing out not blood, just thought id point that out lol, but really well-done great job 5*****
how do i install it i just dont know how
awesome theme man 5 stars
Haha yeah this is my favorite theme too ;D
But it was a bit difficult to recolor the rain but the hard work has paid off
Sry for my bad english I hope u understand all what I say ^^
Now this is what I’m talking about!!! F**cking awesome! It doesn’t get any better then raining blood. Always reminds me of SLAYER!!!!
you’re awesome just pure awesomeness
is there a ! pc theme for heavy rain ?
I can only say … Thx again
This theme has not left my friends PS3 since he downloaded it months ago. Once again Great Job!!
kick ass theme you should put some sound in it if you can
TV icon is a europe thing
does it have sound??
i was talking about the XMB
^^ i think he was talking about on the XMB (where the iplayers are)
Great theme thanx alot
^^WHAT!!!??? O_o
Literally no idea what you are talking about.
how do you get that TV thing? anyone know?
you are the best dynamic theme maker i have EVER seen. you kick ass.
LOVE IT Just wish background sounds could be added to themes.
1menaryproduction is there any chance i can get the psd’s or what ever to make myself a personalize background stamp and add a zombie or 2
Hi guys,
Check this out :
Send your idea!
ill greatly appreciate it
can you make a dynamic theme of the COD W@W pic of were the soldiers died and their guns were standing were they were burried, with rain or fog going across? i tried making it but my pc isnt good enough, ill be greatly appreciated
awsome theme its one of the best i seen, i just noticed 1 thing, the downspout has water flowing out not blood, just thought id point that out lol, but really well-done great job 5*****
how do i install it i just dont know how
awesome theme man 5 stars
Haha yeah this is my favorite theme too ;D
But it was a bit difficult to recolor the rain but the hard work has paid off
Sry for my bad english I hope u understand all what I say ^^
Now this is what I’m talking about!!! F**cking awesome! It doesn’t get any better then raining blood. Always reminds me of SLAYER!!!!