Theme by HollowBattousai
As requested by Senya Saigyouji, a theme for Hyperdimension Neptunia mk2. This theme comes with 7 backgrounds that should work on HD and SD displays. Enjoy 
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by HollowBattousai
por favor, haz un tema de mi anime favorito, shakugan no shana, pero que solamente salga shana, please..!!!
The reason Noire is so popular is… hell I don’t know but I love her personality and dat hair, I have a thing for those long pigtails, what is wrong with me..
@BankaiNoJutsu: I’m planing one for the anime as well :D, I would say Neptune also and Noire as my second favorite.
You know what would be great, making a theme based on the anime show that hyperdimension neptunia will be having. Also Neptune is my favorite character from the series, who’s yours?
@young_tuzy: I’ll see what I can do, good game btw
hollowbattousai can u make a cross edge theme
@ShadowSkilz: Thank you.
Victory is a great game I’m sure you’ll like it.
Well done !
I enjoyed HN an MKII I can’t wait to put my hands on Victory. ^.^
@ lol yeah Neptune, I got it mixed up with the game title XD, Noire is probably popular due to her tsundere attitude or probably because she represent PlayStation?
I’m glad you liked the theme, took a little longer but it had to be done the right way.
about the static theme, I’m doing it because I found many backgrounds that look really nice and 7 are not enough.
I think you meant Neptune when you mentioned main character, w. Neptune herself said not to get the game’s title and her name mixed up in a strip of dialogue in Victory. XD
I honestly liked Ge-Ge better than her older sister, but mk2 was my first game, so that sealed Nepgear’s position in first place on my favorite character’s list. However, I think Purple Heart’s design is just too cool.
I don’t get why Noire’s so damn popular. >_<
Anyway, you truly outdid yourself for Victory's theme. o_o DEM ICONS.
I got it ASAP, and "looks good" is an understatement. It's, as Neptune describes hard candy, asskickery. All of my respect.
m(_ _)m
So you’re making a static theme too? You sure you’re not going overboard for a minor request? Was my flattery that effective? XD
(I really appreciate you going above and beyond though. You’re too noble.)
@Senya Saigyouji: I agree, I have all 3 games and the first one was good but MK2 was a big change and had a lot of improvements. I just liked Neptunia as the main character so since Nepgear was the main character it felt odd to me. as for the Victory theme I decided to make 2 themes for it, one will be a Pro Slideshow theme and the other will be a static theme with HD and SD backgrounds.
The Pro Slideshow theme is ready and you can download it from my blog by clicking on my name. I worked on it none stop and I think it looks good.
its been uploaded on this site which should be up soon.
Now, now, now, don’t be so quick to bury mk2.
From what I’ve heard, it’s a great improvement over the first game. Give it some credit. >_<
While I agree Victory is the most polished of the three, the scout system, Iris Heart, abysmal drop rates, Iris Heart, absurd difficulty spikes, Iris Heart, and the overall tedious nature of material finding was, in my opinion, even worst than the shares system in mk2. Did I mentioned Iris Heart?
Still, in our own Gamindustri that’s oversaturated with FPS and tough guy protagonists, here’s to Compile Heart, and their franchise that has touch the hearts of Otakus everywhere. \(^0^)/
@sonicdude: I agree, I’ve been playing the game and I’ve been enjoying it.
HDN mk2 we all know HDN V is the better game
Senya Saigyouji: I’m glad you liked it :), The Hyperdimension Neptunia victory theme is taking a little longer but you’ll like it once I’m done with it.
You’re a God amongst men for fulfilling my request. No amount of sappy text can truly show my gratitude.
Thank you.
I’ll use this theme forever and ever…as soon as I get my PS3 back due to some circumstances.