Jet Set Radio is one of my favorite games and the HD version has just launched so I decided to make a theme for it. I may make another one as well with the girls but I don’t know yet if I feel like making another theme. All icons were edited from the basic PS3 theme icon set.
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It looks like an actual theme from the PSN really good. Hate to ask this but could you do one of Cube from JSRF
Please can you do a Sonic Adventure 2 HD dynamic theme. Because Jet Set Radio isn’t the only game by sega that got a HD Remake. And the SA2 game was my childhood. Thx (PLEASE DO IT)
+1 , = ) Awesome Dynamic Theme its more like the PSN Version anyways keep up the good work.
+1 max!
+1 good job, I like those icons
why the hell is there a dislike button .. some people are tools .. this is a great theme
Nice PS3 Theme, Although I find the game demo very hard. XP
@MAXTHUNDER goes well while playing music on the background thank you 5/5
Uh! MAXTHUNDER is back!
Great theme, mate: +1!
I’m glad to see a new one by you MAXTHUNDER. I just took some heat last week for commenting on how good your star trek theme is. Looks like you’re still in the groove with this theme
Nice theme. It’s been a while. +1. Surprisingly there’s a decent Jet Set Radio Theme on the PS Store too.
thats sick … love the equalizer effect that rocks .. +1