Theme by BigBossPatriot
13 HD and SD background of the wonderful and beautiful Jill Valentine from Resident Evil.
All credit for the icons goes to a wonderful and talented artist on DeviantART and the wallpapers are mostly from Google.
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GREAT NEWS! IT UPLOADED! haha. there are a few white background ones is hard to see some of the text in a few areas :/ So sorry about that, but i think I did a decent job. Hope you like it!
I think it will work. I uploaded it again after this long, and as you can see my metroid one came up just fine. So, wait a few more days, then if by next week it doesnt, THEN I will send you the file. Thanks for waiting! SORRY for the wait! D:
Sorry for the late reply, i was waiting for the upload lol, and yea you send me the file
For some reason, i do not think the upload is working. It has been way to long lol. But I will keep trying, if you want though, it works for me when I put it on a flashdrive and installed it that way. So, I could send you the file if you have a flashdrive and you can put it on your ps3 that way
CHIBI ^_^ awesome that you found a bit everything, looking forward to the theme, and thanks in advance!
Yeah I finally figured out who SHE was. I did get some sexy ones and other cute chibi ones…and some normal ones. so all in all! I mean, lots were sexy but to make them the right size..they would of all been pixels. so yeah. I got some sexy ones though
Please make a resident evil revelations theme its the number 1 requested theme….
It’s actually a girl lol, she is from the anime and manga Ghost in the Shell. As for certain pics, i guess any that show her sexy side lol
I don’t know who that is but I’d be happy to do it. If there is anything I need to know feel free to tell me. Like his hair or any certain pictures you want.
Nice theme, since you take requests, might it be possible to make a Major Kusanagi theme?
Uploading it right now. Haha you should see it in a couple of days.
yeah. sure, ill get right on that.
Can u make dynamic kingdom hearts with most of the guys?
Very cool theme!
Think you can make an Ada WOng and Claire Redfield themes?
i do take requests btw. so feel free to ask