Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c
Made with Adobe Photoshop & Adobe Flash. Custom icons (main icons inspired by in-game glyphs). Sounds taken from official Flower Dynamic Theme. {1st theme: The mountain glows, the sand sparkles, 2 sets of moving clouds, ribbons and cloak move.} {2nd theme: The mountain glows, the sand sparkles, clouds in the sky move, fog moves against the mountain base, ribbons and cloak move.} Enjoy.
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wow, this might be the first dynamic theme ive come across that has more than one background! we need more of these.
absolutely stunning beautiful mdt & with
my fav dynamic theme sounds which is
the flower dynamic theme thank you so
much perfect 5/5
Oh and a further fact. Just add a few RAF datas to your theme and edit the XML data. The p3tcompiler will convert them to anim.jpg.
Alright! I analysed your theme now. Thanks for the help, you really pushed me up to a higher level of knowledge! And it seems that every animation has 35 pictures.
Great theme. Thank you!
Keep up the good work.
totally thank You!
yep. each theme has 34 pics.
If anyone wants to add me my PSN ID is uLtRaMa6nEt1c
and so You can put 2 themes with 34 frames into one theme?
oh no prob ultra just trying to help. lol
Thanks lisa. I fixed it to fit 16:9 too. Thanks for reporting that problem.
Thanks lisa. I fixed it to fit 16:9 too.
wow all these theme been meh so far and this is the only good one i seen in a while.
@Nightgrowler with 1920×1080 themes you can only use 15 pics (which I use for slideshows). At 1280×720 you can use 34 pics (which I use for animations). To get 2 themes you have to edit the xml and add an extra anim_1.jpg (rename it anim_2.jpg). If you extract my theme with p3textractor you can open the xml in notepad to see what it looks like. I use ‘notepad++’ because it displays the text better, but notepad will do.
how did You put two animated themes into one???
keep up!
Is this possible with 1920×1080 themes???
P.s. Totally dreat work
Yeah I did it on purpose because there are no colors that look good with both themes.
Hey ultramagnetic, something I wanted to ask you. On the part of the theme that’s equal to your first theme did you forgot to add notification box or did you removed it on purpose?
Looks weird without it, maybe because I’m used to see always a box there when I receive a msg XD
great theme, looks clean and simple
thanks for the comments ppl.
@Vitalogy That disagree baffled me too, but you can’t please everybody.
@RADZ I made a PS3THEMES Dynamic Theme too. I’m gonna up it soon.
@RADZ I’m not lazy, i don’t own a computer i’m on my ps3 with these comments lol
@TheLoneWolf989 like i said in my first comment i like the ps3 default key tone its not loud.
Lazyness is a b!tch XD
Why don’t people just extract the theme file and remove the sounds then re-pack it not hard.
Great improvements, thanks for this new version of this exelent theme
@FFV_XIII91 you can turn the key tone off in sound settings and nice theme uLtRaMa6nEt1c
Excellent theme, like the addiction makes me not get enough of the theme as it will change between boots. Don’t get the disagree it has but hey, we can’t argue tastes. Keep up
@uLtRaMa6nEt1c PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can you upload a version without sounds!!!!!! I’m in love with this theme but i’m not a fan of sounds because i text a lot and its just to loud when my volume is high. I like to just use the ps3’s default key tone. I would greatly appreciate it if you would do this man
This theme is a masterpiece!