Theme by uLtRaMa6nEt1c

Updated version of KILLZONE 3 Cover Dynamic Theme
(2 Backgrounds, Custom Icons, I made the snow finer, other major and minor changes).
Credit to Bastart and quiquerivera for the sounds
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Although we have made the ​​extraction with p3textractor, one might think that with p3tcompiler we could re-compile; Unfortunately this is not so, and we do by hexadecimal (winhex) everything to put it back all the files in the anim_1.jpg and I know it’s tedious and consuming a lot of time but I think its the only way for now. I will map for all of us here and make it public in the forum all the aspect on the jsx script to everyone here can understand the script and edit without problems.


Well Im working a lot to understand every aspect of the dynamic theme modification. I sucefully decode the archive jsx and edited all the parts I want the only problem is to encode again all the files to anim_1.jpg. I will put all the files again manually with the hex editor because its the only way I have at the moment. I read that someone its working in a tool to do this more fast and simple. Went I have all organized information I will come back and I will share with all of us. And of course I will… Read more »



You are a user you didn’t ask for help you used somebody elses help and you use this site. You haven’t even uploaded a theme. Now you have spat your dummy out cus you thought you were clever until you realised that you are not.

btw this site is about ps3 themes not hacking. decrypting/encrypting and hex editing is hacking.


thanks for the theme buddy if you still need help youtube me. Don’t want to hear from Ovni lol


And GlowBall I know you use the file that came in : C:\Users\……\Dynamic Theme Editor 32bit\Original Anim_1\Prince Of Persia for the process and that file is a simplyzip pre-descompresed file prince of persia anim_1.jpg for that reason works fine with p3textractor. But if you use the anim_1 from any theme you download and want to use this method dont work. for that reason if someone want decompress any anim_1 you have first edit with hexeditor and then descompress with simplyzip. Why you dont say that i dont know ? because I know you knew.


Hey uLtRaMa6nEt1c can you tell us how to put new sounds to the dynamic theme ?


Thanks for your answer and for all your help here but I saw that you dont want share this knowlege if you want to keep this onfo for you fine I will find my anwer in another place. Thanks god youre are not the last man on earth and you are not the only one with this information. Dont worry I will find how to do this and went I find the way I will come back here to share the info for others. I seen that do not give complete information and you’ll have your reasons. example: You say… Read more »



Hint! 🙂

Ask yourself how you got the file and where it came from?

Then you will be “Solved” again


Thanks Glowball ! but once edited how to put all the files back to anim_1.jpg.


you use Rcomage but put this in the command prompt

rcomage.exe vsmxenc pop.js pop2.jsx

or maybe I forgot something lol 🙂


Awesome info guys. What commend do I use to recompress the file?


Cool man. I didn’t have to do that but if it works then it’s good :).

Hope you will share some nice themes here with us!


Sorry to : 56 53 4D 58 00 00 01 00


Thanks GlowBall for the information but you forget to tell us something. before decode/decompress the pop.jsx first this archive have to be edited in a hexeditor like winhex for example and change in the first 16 digits 02 for 01 like this :

56 53 4D 58 00 00 02 00

to :

56 53 4D 58 00 00 02 00

After that you can satisfactory decode the file without problems. That its ! (Solved )


@-.- Ovni Not to be rude fella, but I am giving help without a written up tutorial to feed from. All I can say is that I got this working on my own. I figured out that it was a VSMX file I downloaded the correct progrom I decrypted the file, edited, then encrypted it back again. That’s all, if you have errors your not doing what I have done +100 times. It could be your OS, it could be rcomage is running as admin when command prompt don’t work correctly like this or it could even be that you… Read more »


Yes but the pop.js its empty 0 kb and went I open the file with notepad++ its empty.


To answer the question about the files in the “anim_1”. The .dds files are compressed (like most files on the ps3) into .gtf files. If you look in the dynamic theme editors tools folder you will see a dds2gtf.exe. This compresses .dds into .gtf. So if you want to reverse it you need gtf2dds.exe. As for the errors on the p3t extractor. The p3textractor was not created for extracted anim_1 and I think the errors are for trying to convert to .gim to .png anyhow.

Now the VSMX error(ignore it). My question to you is do you have pop.js now?


‘Of course’ I’m having some problems. cmd is telling me “Reading VSMX” “Error: Not a valid VMSX file.” another question: I was assuming most of the other files in the extracted ‘anim_1’ file were .dds, but when I change the extension I can’t view them in Photoshop. I tried other extensions with no results. I dropped the Original ‘anim_1′ file in the p3textractor – as it’s extracting I notice a lot of “errors’ in the cmd window (it goes by so fast I can’t see what the actual errors are), I still get a folder with the extracted files in… Read more »


Why this error when try decompress/decode ?

c:\rcomage\Rcomage>rcomage.exe vsmxdec pop.jsx pop.js
Rcomage v1.1.1, written by ZiNgA BuRgA
A general purpose RCO creation and manipulation command-line tool.

Reading VSMX…
Error: Not a valid VSMX file.
Error: Failed to decode VSMX.



@-.- Ultrama6net1c Sorry fella here is the message I sent you on youtube. Tell me where you are going wrong. If you have RCOmage v1.1.1 you will need to open your command prompt and go to the RCOmage folder directory of which contains rcomage.exe. cd C:\Users\…\Rcomage again dots are where you installed RCOmage. Now copy and paste your pop.jsx into the same folder as the rcomage.exe. Once copied and you have “cd” into the directory, type the folowing command in the command prompt to decompress/decode the pop.jsx (VSMX file). rcomage.exe vsmxdec pop.jsx pop.js Then you will find the pop.js in… Read more »


r u using rcomage v 1.1.1?


I’m having trouble decrypting the vsmx file


and thanks for all the explaining and thanks for taking a look at it 😀


ow, i dont know anything of hex editing but i will take a look at it, also, i dont know how to open a edge file. but i will take a look at the files, but i think this all is too heavy for me now. 😛
i really would like to create a theme with the rain so i will try out what you explaining to me and see if i can understand any of it 😛
haha, it was funny anyway, intended or not 😛


ha ha that wasn’t an intended joke lol


If you look at post #19 on this page it will help you extract. Also when extracted all the files will have _1.gim at the end(they are NOT gim files). The p3textractor auto puts that on the end so remove it from the file to get the real file extension. If you look at the .edge files you will see that CAMAP.edge is the biggest. Before you ask why I have not decypted/edited this theme is because I am working on something a bit heavier at the minute.


Now then the heavy rain theme. There are 2 possible ways of making the dynamic background with any still image. The first is kinda complicated. You have to manualy delete only some parts of the CAMAP.edge(the editor removes the whole of it) with a hex editor. The second is what I have been doing to the POP theme. Which is decrypting the script file editing then encrypting again. I have had a quick look and managed to slow the camera movement down. But the problem with the script is that it is mainly for moving parts like the rain falling… Read more »


@-.- GlowBall yeah that would be great! because i followed your instructions above and took a look at the file you descriped and i have almost no experience at scripting at all, so i dont know what and how to modify it 😛 i checked out your theme on youtube, and it looks great. the bear on the left popping on screen with the knife is a nice idea 😀 Do you know if its possible to stop the movement in the heavy rain theme so the image will stay the same on the ps3 as in photoshop? i want… Read more »



Thanks man I will probably create a tutorial on how to edit the script so everyone can have a go. I just uploaded my naughty bear dynamic theme here on this site.



Your are a really good theme creator. 😀
thnx for sharing this information!


I was trying to do it just before going to work so I didn’t play with it too much. This is my PSN name if u want to add me.


aha, the ‘original’ anim_1 – duh


If you go to the folder. C:\Users\……\Dynamic Theme Editor 32bit\Original Anim_1\Prince Of Persia (the dots are where you installed the dynamic theme editor). In the folder there is only 1 file called anim_1. Drag and drop this file on the p3textractor. Easy.


i’m having trouble extracting files from anim_1.jpg with p3textractor.


Now then Ultrama6net1c

Step 1. Extract all the files from the Anim_1(Anim_1.jpg decompressed) with the p3textractor.exe. This will give you all of the files in a folder. You are looking for the file pop.jsx_1.gim. The is a compressed script file. Tell me when you have done this and you have the file pop.jsx_1.gim.


Yo GlowBall thanks for the reply. I’m not too bad at editing scripts I just need to know where to start. Like for instance where do I get the anim_1 script file. I kept looking at that YouTube video and I saw what u did and I was wondering how did u edit that file, lol. Definitely no diss taken but I figured since u put some work into the theme also u should post it as a collabo. I was gonna do that to the eyes too, u beat me to it.


Sorry also as for the collboration between us. I have only used up 2 moving parts. 1st is smoke 1(Snow falling) and 2nd is circular smoke 1(Firey eyes). So I would like to use more effects say like Killzone 3 logo rotating in a corner or moving on and off the screen. Like I said though I love the theme as it is so don’t want to take any diss your work and ideas. But if you theme lovers want it I will upload it.


@-.- uLtRaMa6nEt1c The answer to your question is easy to explain but hard to process. I basicly just edited the script file for the dynamic part of the theme(Anim_1.jpg). You can change the position and size of the dynamic movements(like the boring smoke for example). You can also change the timing, speed and direction too. Sounds real easy but it’s not. I have created a naughty bear dynamic theme which I have changed the position, size and speed of the rotating parts. Also added naughty bear himself popping onscreen and off with a knife. You will be able to get… Read more »


You should post it up as a collaborative effort between us.


I like that.
How did u do it?


Woah… GlowBall That Is Really Nice, Wish I Could Get The Hang Of Making Dynamic Themes


Love this theme! but the snow let it down for me, so decided to edit the snow so it falls from the top like heavy rain. Took me a couple of hours but got I there in the end. check out my quick video.


Thanks for the comments. I think I will do an Uncharted 3 Dynamic Theme.


This is friggin epic, man! Best theme on this site to date! Hands down!

But pls, PLS, I beg you to make one with Drake from Uncharted. Preferably Uncharted 3?

Looking forward to your further posts!



I LOVE THE SOUNDS <33333 awesome theme, 5*!


damn sick ass theme. hella nice




very nice theme bro….creative…..=)


The actual size of the “circle snow” is the image that’s spinning in the lower left ‘corner’ as I’m sure u know (i like your work). I was playing with the sizes a lot until I settled on that one.


Thanks man.
Not only did I use FrontRocks, I used MidPlane too.

I didn’t want to make the “circle snow” smaller because it’s the same image used on the snow that rises on the right side (which only shows about half of the actual image).

I posted a ‘dynamic theme map’ (for the PoP theme) in the forum so people can understand which images do what and make their own themes too. I love customizing stuff.


I like this theme and I see u r the first one that used the front rocks background too. But the circle snow (right bottom) is a little bit big for me.
Good work mate 😉