Killzone Isa Sky Dynamic Theme

Theme by Faxtron

PS3 Custom Dynamic Theme : Killzone Isa Sky with custom sounds . Drone and clouds moves.

Thanks to :

1.Glowball for all the help he gave me in modification of position in .jsx script.
2.zembor0 for give us the tool : Dynamic Theme Editor.
Download Here

19 thoughts on “Killzone Isa Sky Dynamic Theme

  1. @A75278

    You can check on top of this page and see a “install” link in the banner enter there because the instructions on how to install themes its in this link. You need a USB FAT32 formatted and in the root of the usb create a “PS3” directory and inside PS3 directory other folder called “THEME” (ALL CAPS REQUIRED) and inside the directory THEME copy the .p3t theme. Looks like this :

    /PS3/THEME/Killzone isa sky.p3t and install from XMB on theme settings in the PS3.

    You can also download the file .p3t from the PS3 browser and installation of the theme will be automatically once be downloaded.

  2. hey can u tell me how to install this theme into the ps3 system….. i tried using a theme from another website & i put it into a pendrive and tried to install it keeps on sayin theme cud not be found…..please help me…ill check back 2 moro…

  3. No bro this is not an easy process but not imposible. You have to take a few hours to get the trick for the edition of the script. Its a try and a fail process to edit the script and get the animation you want. .In other words is easy to explain but hard to process. Give it a try and see that in a few hours you will get it.

  4. Faxtron:

    Already linked the tutorial but for some reason the message dont show up I think the system page saw the message like spam or something.
    But You can go on top of this page and enter to the forum >> PS3 themes section >> and there are a glowball post called : “How to edit POP.jsx (Prince of Persia edge script)” thats its the totorial I use to make my themes now.


    Already linked the tutorial but for some reason the message dont show up I think the system page saw the message like spam or something.
    But You can go on top of this page and enter to the forum >> PS3 themes section >> and there are a glowball post called : “How to edit POP.jsx (Prince of Persia edge script)” thats its the totorial I use to make my themes now.

    Cheers m8 i found it now 🙂 maybe gonna try it l8er. Btw have you used the tutorial and is it quite easy.

  5. Already linked the tutorial but for some reason the message dont show up I think the system page saw the message like spam or something.

    But You can go on top of this page and enter to the forum >> PS3 themes section >> and there are a glowball post called : “How to edit POP.jsx (Prince of Persia edge script)” thats its the totorial I use to make my themes now.

  6. Faxtron:

    Yes you can change the position, size, direction, speed and more only follow the Glowball tutorial for how to edit the script POP.jsx The tutorial its in the forum.

    I looked m8 but cant find can you link me bro THANX.

  7. @RADZ

    Yes you can change the position, size, direction, speed and more only follow the Glowball tutorial for how to edit the script POP.jsx The tutorial its in the forum.

  8. @RADZ

    Yes you can change the position, size, direction and more with the edition of the script .jsx that its in the anim_1. If you want to do this follow the Glowball tutorial to create variations on the POP theme and make it better dynamics themes and not make only themes with the same smoke in the same position. Here is the tutorial :

    With this tutorial and youre imagination in a few hours you can create the Dynamic theme you want. Once you get used to editing the script there will be no stopping you.

  9. Faxtron:

    Thanks radz1973 you are right its more easy to use.

    Its great isn’t it i found it by chance and have never found one so easy and quick :). Btw i know your great at dynamic themes i can make them but can only change the files in the tool that are preset is there a way to change other files or put other things in a theme that are not there already.

  10. The problem with the icon minis/PSP was the size but its already fixed and now the console will detect the icon without problems. Another change is made to the Drone animation now start the animation from bottom of the screen and end up in the right of the screen and add new sounds to the theme also in this version.

    Download for the new version here :


    Thanks for the advice about sound the theme have now new sounds.

    enjoy ! 😉

  11. @Rorek_IronBlood

    Well the icon its there but I dont know why the PS3 don’t change the icon. The same thing happend with the network icon but don’t worry Im working on that and went I get the trick to integrate the icon for the PS3 recognize it I will upload a fixed version for the minis/PSP icon.

    Thanks for your observation and suggestion !

    Anyone have a solution ?

  12. Great theme, Faxtron, but I have to point out that you are missing one crucial icon – “Saved Data Utility (minis/PSP). If you could do, an update of fix it then this theme would be spectacular. I was really enjoying the icons (till I crossed the missing one.)

    Good job though on the theme.

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