Theme by Kevinoss
Little Big Planet Dynamic Theme V2+Sounds
I have fixed some icons and the web browser pointer and the biggest thing is that, IT HAS NOW SOUNDS in the XMB!
Icons from LittleBigPlanet Theme By Mik2121. Some Icons Edited By Me.
I hope ya enjoy of this theme!
Download Here
This theme would be perfect without the sounds. Please make a version of this with the normal xmb sounds.
yo dude cool dynamic theme but I wont to request something, CAN YOU DESIGN A Little Big Planet dynamic theme where he runs over the Earth, PLEASE. Thanks Dude!
nice job i love it, the best 1 ive seen! btw can you plz make a dead rising 2 d theme i.d really appreciate it thnx
** I HAVE A REQUEST ** Can you make a Battlefield 3 Dynamic Theme using this background:
PLEASE, that would be insane if you did.
how do i take the unchartetd 2 theme i bought from psn and upload it to this site
Icons and sound are working but I can’t see any background image, why??
awesome theme mate. but can I delete the sound or something. ceause i love the theme, but everytime i type a letter it bleeps. can you upload maybe the teme with normal playstation sound?
By the way I was only kiddin’. LOL.
Wow GREAT theme! Maby you could make an Assassin’s Creed (Brotherhood) theme would be awesome!
awsome theme dude the best one there is! umm hey if its not too much trouble for you is it possible if you can make dynamic theme kenshin running in the field or slashing through haha that be bad dude neway your good at this keep it up genius!
yup…THATS MY OPINION AND I STAND BY IT, MAX. dont be so insecure.
I never liked anyones custom dynamic themes but this one is just great. You did a magnificient job at this. You should definitely continue making this stuff man, keep it up.
You should do something with Nature or ModNation racers as the person above me mentioned it already. Just do what you think will work.
Cool theme!
What do you think about a ModNationRacers D-Theme
Hey, nice theme! The Video Album and Video File icons are backwards, but otherwise, great job!
incredible stunning theme!!! What about a God Of War theme with Kratos flaming eyes?
I don’t get why anyone would still rate this below a 5, must be sackboy haters
Hi Guys, I need you to answer me one simple thing: I have v3.61, the original version, I will have any problems installing these DT? See you and thank you.
You get the right to play online for free.
i have all the games on the list, wat do i get from sony??
ya there going 2 let people 2 games on playstation store when it comes back and little big plant is on off the games and it’s free
THX. I guess mine aren’t that good oh well your entitled to your opinion.
Sorry got sidetracked how do you get the sounds in do you just put them in with the folder that contains the icons?
BIG 4/5 St*rs can you make a Joker/BATMAN Dynamic Theme PLEASE!!!!! thank you {°¿°}
nice theme i like it hey how about a deadman wonderland D-theme i love that anime there’s going out a lot of episodes if you have time do one i will thank you a lot
nice theme, and i have to agree with go gamers, a dragon age 2 theme would be epic…( and it would rock if you used black and red colours ) cheers!
Can u make a Dragon Age 2 D-THEME plzz, also it would b nice if u can make a Dead Rising theme, i might b asking 4 alot but can u make a Rise Against theme plz. i personally think that Rise Against is the best band EVERRRRR :D, if u do deside 2 do it i would appreciate it thankes 4 ur time dude
wow really nice theme:D, id love to see some more dynamic themes you have talent, its deffo worthy of playstation store! nice icons aswell, im keeping this one for good! thanks man:)
U should make a kingdom hearts theme, everyone would get it
very nice i’m using this one for now, one of few dthemes that actually makes sense with the templates
awesome theme !!! and could u make a god of war 3 dynamic theme with all the gods as icons it would be really cool and people would love it if u make one…..anyways awesome theme bro !! keep up d good work
awesome!! suggestion Marvel vs Capcom 3
good theme.
the icon for audio settings is missing though mate.
By the way awesome Dynamic.
A Demon Soul or Twisted Metal Dynamic theme would be sweet ^_^
I’d like see a ACfA Armored Core for Answer dynamic theme. (= Good theme though. lol I love it. (=
Plz Make a blazblue dnyamic theme. with the chibi (small) versions of charcters from teach me prof kokonoe. google if u didnt understand.
Hey how about a one piece theme dynamic theme. I noticed marvel vs capcom 3 dynamic themes either.
Thx man, Hahaa.. that would be pretty cool if it would get there

BTW ya peoples can put some requests for themes, I´ll make the best ideas when I´ll got time
BTW, this is the only homemade dynamic theme I have seen so far that is good enough to be on sale on PSN.
AWESOME theme! Very Creative!
Thx, Yeah but I read from somewhere that the psn is going back up at wednesday. lets just hope its true
Thanks 4 nice comment
Hey, this is a pretty cool D-theme, thanks for uploading.
Cool, wish l could play now ):