Lightning from Final Fantasy XIII v.1.00

Theme by Hikee

Hi y’all,

This is my first ever PS3 theme and believe me when I tell you I’ve put a lot of work and nerves into this. It may not be leg-sweeping, but it’s a complete work that will work for any of you Lightning fans out there.

Contents & Features (v.1.00):

12+1 backgrounds in both HD & SD resolutions, picked by meself – all credit goes to the creators of included works.

All XMB icons – the frequently missing (‘chatroom’, ‘minis save data’ and ‘power save settings’) are there too! IMPORTANT NOTE: Icons were derived from LimitedAims’ theme – the credit for them goes to him. However, the aforementioned three icons were missing in his theme as well, so using other icons I’ve put together the missing ones.

Default Font Setting: Pop

Default Theme Color Setting: Blue (to match the icons)

Hope you like it,
Download Here

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I uploaded the theme. I forgot the submission isn’t instantaneous πŸ˜› It should appear on the site soon, Omar. You just gotta watch out for it.



How do you use only one wallpaper? I like the one in the picture the most.

There’s no such option. I can repack the theme though to include only the one wallpaper you like. I’ll post a link in a bit πŸ™‚


How do you use only one wallpaper? I like the one in the picture the most.


Thank u so much!! A really beautiful and amazing theme! Lightning is the Best!!!


Thanks for the credit πŸ™‚

Really nice theme and already on my ps3.
Keep it up!