Dynamic Themes / Gaming MARIO from Pixel to Reality Dynamic Theme with sounds November 2, 2013November 2, 2013 Theme by mr_foxx thank you so much uLtRaMa6nEt1c for helping me put sounds on this theme much appreciated!! Download Here Preview:
Ultra Plz read my request on this page…. http://www.ps3-themes.com/gaming/call-of-duty-ghosts-dynamic-theme.html/comment-page-1#comment-116839
@mr_foxx Well, mate, you don’t need to worry about: like I always said, for every -1 there always is at least a +10…
Also mr foxx i request you too.
Ultra Plz read my request on this page….
Well, mate, you don’t need to worry about: like I always said, for every -1 there always is at least a +10…
lol i always get a -1 lol i think someone is doing it on purpose
@mr_foxx: LOOOOOOOOL!!!
Simply great, mate!
@ ThugKnight he speaks the truth, thanks again ultra for helping me out.
@ThugKnight > I just showed mr_foxx how to put sounds in themes. He did ALL of the work.
sick ass theme I already thanked Ultra for the sounds he put on this.
hes just tired and fed up of the same shit over and over again lol he looks stressed lol…
Mario’s ugly as sh*t in reality, LOL
I love the sounds. Awesome +1
“From pixel to reality” ahahahaha this is AWESOME.