Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Medal of Honor Frontline
5 Backgrounds
2 sounds
5 Backgrounds
2 sounds
I really enjoyed Frontline the first time it was released, and I’m having a blast running through it again with the release of the new Medal of Honor. Made a theme for it. Enjoy!
Download Here
Uh, wait! Maybe I misunderstood… If you mean the “PSX picture” I used as signature in my profile, well… I created it with my own hands, then I uploaded the image on “turboimagehost” site and used for my signature.
@ OPTIMUS: Thanks man!
@ BLR_750: Go to GOOD LUCK. There’s a few problems people have had getting it to work. The key is to WAIT. It’s not automatic.
@KID+: Yeah, it’s awesome. The Aim Down Sights really helps, but the way the game was originally designed, it’s not necessarily needed. I’m on Needle In A Haystack right now. That guy you’re supposed to keep alive sucks!
You just need to go to “” site, insert your email address and follow the instructions…
Nice! I’m playing it again as well. Frontline was one of the best games on the PS2.
dude, I remember this game!! Before MoH descended to Vanguard standards! Nice theme hey! @OPTIMUS, how do you get the thumbnail pic on your profile?
i really like your themes, you do good work, i like the slayer one you did, of course slayer OWNS! keep em comin bro… 5 stars!
As usual… nice one again, Dennis!