Theme by Faxtron
PS3 Mega Man 2 Animated. Custom icons created by mlanes7 and original sounds. The animation used is created by : rickonami .
For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3.
For the best experience possible please drop the backgrounds brightness. Theme Settings — Background — Brightness — I recommend -2 or -3.
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how do you get the sound to work?
@EvL1 Thanks bro…You know is created using an animation created by Rickonami and in my opinion this guy create the best that create animated tribute videos of 80’s games on the web this days. I recommend to all to take time and visit the rickonami channel on youtube to saw all your videos. This guy create awesome animations in honor to all those classic for the past.
10/10 Outstanding work!!! Cult classic done right…
In the forum of this site Glowball create a Tutorial on how to create this class of themes.
Hey how are you making these animated themes??
@Dark Yes mate, only give me your ideas and went I get time I will do it.
Hey faxtron this one is so good especially for my friend who likes megaman the most. by the way are u open for some requests ?
It’s cool guys, I was just curious. I have a 50″ HD Plasma TV so I only go for HD anyway. I was just unsure of a few things on this site due to lack of description. I actually made a Scarlett Johansson HD theme over the weekend, I guess it’ll be posted soon. I’m a IT Admin/Photoshop guru by trade so it turned out decent for a first try. Thanks guys.
Thanks to all for your comments
@DeepFriedNeil Like said OPTIMUS this themes are HD. These themes can be used in SD TVs but the theme look cutted and don’t show all the aspect of the theme. There are a way to fix it by edit the .xml but Sorry my friend
I don’t have an SD tv so I can’t create a SD version of this themes for now because I can’t test it. BTW : Its a time consuming trying to create a SD supported animated theme because editing the xml is an try and a fail process and I don’t have time to do that. So sorry for that, for now those themes are HD and if you want to use it on SD TV you can but the theme don’t be show complete.
Its both its just what tv you have i think cos mine work ih full hd on my 50inc and in sd on my little tv with rgb cable to ps3.
@FAXTRON: Oh yeah… I got it! I got it!
Thanks, my friend!
@DEEPFRIEDNEIL: Sorry, mate, animated themes are HD only…
Classic game, this might be cool. Why did you not list if this is SD or HD?? Am I missing something here, no one ever gives good descriptions on their themes.
This is fun m8 and looks nice and clear great job.