Theme by Omegared
(This is a new version of “Metal Gear – Past, Present & Future” theme.)
8 backgrounds, representing:
-Metal Gear
-MGS 2
-MGS 3
-MGS 4
-MGS Portable Ops
-MGS Peace Walker
-MGR Revengeance
All in 1920×1080
This theme have the standard icons.
I DIDN’T MAKE the backgrounds, and I don’t know who did. These were anonymous. If you made these, tell me and I’ll be happy to give you the credits.
Download Here
Would you mind if anyone created a theme using all the original images?
I actually made the majority of them except the the Metal gear, Portable Ops and Revengance one. for a bit of proof heres the album i made
Well, I can’t hate a Metal Gear theme and uLtRa is right about making this a slideshow so i’ll give you a +1 now and when it’s a slideshow i’ll give it a +2
Just playin’. Nice theme. This would be dope as a SlideShow. +1