Theme by VitalogyPJ
The original of this theme can be found here »
After a little misunderstanding I decided to pick this great theme made by AUDIODEVIANT and add my own touch, so the changes are:
– changed icons: used custom icon pack (original from static “Air Paint” theme)
– added sounds: used 2 sounds from “Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One Village” static theme and 3 sounds from “Windows 7 System Sounds”
This is my own interpretation of this theme which were never possible if it wasn’t for the great visual animation made by AUDIODEVIANT.
Since this is the first time I put my hands on the custom themes I decided to pick a theme I like and start with baby steps by editing what I know, maybe later I can produce animations.
I was making this for personal use but even if it sucks to the eyes of many, I decided to share because I got it for free usermade so why wouldn’t I share what I made too? Whether you like it or not, at least its free.
Side note: I don’t have means to make a preview, sorry.
Download Here
@Vitalogy .. your right! i am sorry man its all good, lets start over ok ! no more drama! cool
I’ll just say this:
“pick this great theme made by AUDIODEVIANT”
“if it wasn’t for the great visual animation made by AUDIODEVIANT”
Just stop with the drama already, enough is enough.
yes you did but its not the point ,dude ya cant just take someones work and , change it a little bit and uploaded it ,, its just not cool , if everyone did that were would we be, what if i got one of faxtrons or uLtRaMa6nEt1c themes changed the icons and uploaded it , im sure they would be pissed to.. (dont say you wouldnt lol ) im fine with people using my icons just like the rest of us but when ya take my work and claim it as yours its gay as
Yes, I’ve added icons and sounds too but I haven’t forgotten to mention who did the rest have I? :p
considering its my vision, all you did was add different icons and uploaded it …
I could care less the votes specially who did them. I made sure to mention who the original author of the animation is. Like I said, I could kept this just for me but who knows, maybe there’s someone who actually likes my vision and since it’s free why not share :p
But thanks for your f/b as I might give another shot with different icons using the same fx.
PS: I’m not here for votes, not in the run for the whitehouse LOOL
I like the color and the glow of the icons, but not the style. They’re too ‘happy’ for a theme like this. Even just the normal icons with this color and glow effect would’ve been cool. AUDIODEVIANT did a great job on the original, but I would’ve done brighter icons too.
lol, I bet AUDIODEVIANT gave you a dislike.
(I didn’t vote as this is largely not your work)
Be sure to leave your feedback whether you like it or not