Metal gear rising revengeance 1.0
Animated light effect and also power converge, and electricity….. Enjoy
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Animated light effect and also power converge, and electricity….. Enjoy
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#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
so far, i like it. keep up the awesome work. *thumbs up*
no prob bro take all the time u need
@xLucidDream yeah sure man thats fine it might be a little while longer ok , cool
hey bro when u make the Grey Fox theme do u mind sending me a msg on psn ???? its xLucidDream btw great job on the AC3 theme
@Vitalogy , look all im saying is there is ways to handle your self and approach a compete stranger.. why not just ask if i could change the icons instead of saying they don’t mach the theme and you hate the icons ,, i was offended… you cant just say “don’t take this personally” , and it means you can say what ever you want…. and then ask me to do something for you . ps
i am chill man im a dj, loose as ., … i m not making a big deal out of anything im just saying how it is,
I like the theme except i think the icons are angled slightly too far but good overall 8.5/10 🙂 +
People need to chill more and learn to take positive critics instead of making value judgements and interpretate in the dramatic level.
If my intentions where to troll the theme and/or trash talk it and giving that “hate” significate some are implying I did, then I would also “down voted” the theme which I didn’t because I’m not that person.
You can’t even find anything in my post that wasn’t polite and I’ve also explained the reason why I thought “this and that”. It wasn’t a rant and it wasn’t a complain.
I just wanted to clear this up.
Why are you making such a big deal of it? It goes beyond me you takig this so personally, it is a matter of interpretation and I don’t think its hard to understand I didn’t used “hate” as you’re implying.
Other thing, I never said I don’t like your icon work, just that I don’t like the icons in this theme.
And just to be clear, this was never a complain and I stated that in my post when I said “Don’t take this personally, it’s just my opinion and a positive critic.”. Complain is one thing, feedback/critic is another.
You need to chill when you read because You’re making it a big deal, like I was ranting or something which isn’t true. You decided to took it too much personally and failed to interpretate. Might have been my fault also so I take ‘mea culpa’ with it.
Sorry if I somehow ofended you. Peace.
@xLucidDream ) thanks man ….
thanks bro nd dont worry about wat tht dude thinks about the icons i personally think theyre great nd i think many others would agree
@xLucidDream cool man will make a start on that for you soon ok ..
@Vitalogy well that’s your opinion , you can change them your self you know… considering you just told me you hate my icon work, that took me ages to do i do take it personally .. and they do mach there the same material as the mech suit that its got on so .. considering this the first complaint i have received i dont think i’ll be changing anything .. at this time!!
hate is a pretty strong word man it is just a ps3 theme you know , maybe you shouldnt of started with dissing my work , …. maybe i would of done what you asked
The theme would be great if it wasn’t for the icons, sorry but I hate ’em and thing they don’t even match. Too thick and dark. Also I’ve noticed that there’s no box for the notifications which I also don’t like.
Don’t take this personally, it’s just my opinion and a positive critic.
I would like to ask, if that’s even possible to you, if you can remake this theme with different icons matching the colors and brightness of the effects. I would be very appreciated with that.
im subscribed now ty :]
@xLucidDream yeah i can make that but i only make themes for my youtube subscribers , if you subscribe to my channel .. i can do that for you now worry’s .. cool beans
awesome theme u think u can make an animated 1 of grey fox ???? ive been searching nd found 1 but it doesnt look that great so im hoping u can make 1
Lol your right are you gonna get the game Fran?
an amazing game has a an amazing dy theme !!!!
amazing work 😀
Damn man im speechless im getting the game thanks for the theme lol 10/10 really great job
Electricity influence ^^ from now on im going to call you electric man+ 1
@audiodeviant looks incredible on ps3,thank you 5/5
cool man thanks 🙂 +1
cool & cool & cool
= ) (y) Awesome Themes.
Dynamic Theme Ratings : 10/10
thanks guys ..
+1 again, you are making awesome themes. Thanks 🙂
Oooh maaan… Great theme!
A “cybernetic” +1! 😀
Another awesome theme. This game is looking good too. I had my doubts, but I might have to get this. +1
Epic! nice job +1 🙂
Thank you! +infinity
watch a demo of my themes .. here