@F-ROTT: Lol! I didn’t notice that this theme was yours…
Oh man, I love the voice that screams “Snaaake!”: I find it has been one of the most distinctive features of the game, which remained in the collective…
Great job, F-Rott!
Thanks Kwazy! I thought the SNAAAAKE! sound was too funny to pass up. Got it from a YouTube video. Got the rest from this MGS4 sounds zip file.
awesome website
@F-ROTT: Lol! I didn’t notice that this theme was yours…
Oh man, I love the voice that screams “Snaaake!”: I find it has been one of the most distinctive features of the game, which remained in the collective…
Great job, F-Rott!
Thanks Kwazy! I thought the SNAAAAKE! sound was too funny to pass up. Got it from a YouTube video. Got the rest from this MGS4 sounds zip file.