MGS3-HD Dynamic Theme

Theme by J4M13yes

MGS3 Dynamic Theme with custom icons based on the trophies in the HD collection of the game
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6 thoughts on “MGS3-HD Dynamic Theme

  1. i actually really like it, hell i dont know why people complain, its better than the ones in the stores , and the ones in the psstore is 1.99 also no specialized icons, so well done J4M13yes 

  2. To be honest i wasnt pleased with the end result, i just tried to get the whole camo feel but it didnt work out as id planned, when i can work with dynamic themes better il look to improve this one.


    WARNING! Will cause epileptic seizures!

    Theres a little warning when you boot up a ps3 that actually covers epilepsy so i would assume people would be prepared for that, Thanks for being helpful though

  3. Ah, unwatchable. Very good artistic feel, great colors, and nice design. Utterly dizzying and even though I’ve been a 15 year fan of MGS, I deleted this immediately. Great for 15 seconds.

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