Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out!! Theme
16 Backgrounds
5 Custom Sounds from the game
Row Icons made from scratch
Custom Column Icons
5 Custom Sounds from the game
Row Icons made from scratch
Custom Column Icons
I love this game, so I had to take my time and do the best possible job I could to make sure I did it justice. Enjoy!
^^I was slightly red eyed & eating one @ the time I wrote that. Just putting it out there- Gyros are one of the best foods ever! Happy I could help!!
theres ‘alot’ going on. its crazy. gotta admit, i feel like one day the lights are gonna go out and they will never come back on. but on the other hand maybe its just a series of sizemic events that we can live through. but the only advice i got so far was that gyros are delicious.. im going to go get a gyro.
and i DONT believe in myan gods… lol or anything the myan people ever believed. myan weirdos. lol. but when im eating dinner and im watching the news and i see the meteorologyst standing infront of a digital map of the united states that has hundreds of twisters spanning from the west coast across the bourd to the east coast. ice tea almost shot out of my nose.. lol.
the myans wher so f***ed in the head that they offered sacrifices to invisible gods too! my belief is that i believe in scientists, NASA type beekmen mofos. i believe in geniuses… not santa clause… lol.
yeah, i dont think its gonna be like your average action flick like the ‘2012’ movie where everything seems to happen all at once. i think its gonna be crazy over time. like whats going on now.. well everyone keeps talking about the myan calender n how it just stops, and religious fanatics latching on to all the hooplah and trying to come up with a mathematical equasion as to when jesus is coming by trying to use the bible like a calculater, LMFAO. if there was a bible way back then its been re written so many times that its definitely not gonna lead anyone to an answer. christ ‘Edgar allan poe’ wrote a ver of the bible..
Something is happening all the time. Shit’s happening right now- FACT!
Just because the Mayan calender ends doesn’t mean the world will. The calender @ my office ends December 31st. So does that mean the world ends then?
yea somthing is happening , i read in the news paper today that a storm is heading this way i mean where i live, it happened in 2006 & again in 2008 , it was a total disater, i dont know if its a Coincidence but they always happen at this time of the year ……….!!!!!!!!!!!!???????
i dont beleive that the world will end in 2012 bur as OPTIMUS sayed ((SOMTHING IS HAPPENING))
Yeah… lots of things are happening all around the world: earthquakes, tornados, wars, rebellions and so on… and it seems all these things are increasing day by day!
Time ago, here in Italy we also had an earthquake that completely destroyed 2 cities which will remain uninhabitable forever.
And 2 weeks ago, right in my town, there was a tremendous flood that paralyzed all activities… it’s been a total crisis: the rain was so strong that in just 5 minutes the water level reached 1 meter in the area where I live, and even 2 in other areas. I’m even been trapped in my house while I was going down to pull out of the garage my car, which is almost sunk like the Titanic…
Well, 2012 is coming: maybe it’s not the end like fanatics say, but… holy $hit, something’s happening for sure! O_O
I think gyros are delicious. So I’d eat more gyros
im not a fanatic, but when nutty snit starts happening, i think its wise to prepare, as apposed to ‘not prepare’ what would you guys do?
@optimus, yeah i wouldn’t want them to loose the disks ether, but my other ideas wer pretty pimp! i like your coffee maker idea lol. seriously tho. i dont think they are gonna improve grafix too drastically, more like features and capabilities, but keep in mind that this ps4 thing aint gonna be out till after 2012, hopefully my house will still be standen lol, there was a earthquake here yesterday… um i dont live in LA.. i live in philadelphia folks, it was only a 1. sumthin on the rictor scale, not too drastic but let me say that sentence again… there was n earthquake in the north east yesterday in bucks county…… ok. the last time that happened was um i dont know, NEVER.. lol also tornadoes are runnin wild all over the place like mexicans on meth.. im not one of those people that runs around with a cardboard sighn that says the ‘end is near’ but god damn.. silly things are starting to happen. getting me a little paranoid.. lol. it could turn out to be like that movie ‘the road’ lol. crazy thought.
i totally want ps3 manhunt to happen.. you guys see that new ‘resident evil’? sounds like the balls! lol. i didnt really get into RE5 but this new RE looks like a page from part 2&3,, racoon city is back beotch!!
Yep! As I said, they definitely killed another good old game: exactly like happened to Golden Axe time ago…
Splatterhouse was never on my radar & I guess I was right…It sucked, LOL. So far Sony is just in the “Ok we’re going to make another system” mode. No specs or anything really on paper yet. Just getting their money together to start planning it. It’ll be another 5+ years before we see it. I can wait.
Lol! For the most part, you’re practically describing PS3 when it was announced and shown for the first time…
Remember? It was full of USB ports in the front and rear side, technical specifications looked like those of SkyNet :P, it seemed even possible to display games on 3 TVs at the same time in full HD, and stuff like that…
But, as always happens, presentation of a new system is only used to demonstrate the public what that system would be hypothetically able to do: indeed, the PS3 we all have bought was quite different from the one shown… that’s because every new hardware always has “potential capacities” which however are never used from the beginning, but usually implemented over time to extend the product’s life (like accessories, for example, or new internal features in the case of PS3)
So, from the presentation day to the sale, the console is “downgraded” (also to keep low the production costs) which is precisely the same thing that happened to the NGP recently.
As for your proposals, well… I think many of them could be implemented (but you forgot the ability to make coffee :D) while many other surely do not depend on system.
Anyway, I still prefer to buy disk stored games: I really like to read manuals, see illustrations, or simply smell the disk just packed, and most of all, I absolutely like to collect them physically… you know, all these things would not be possible with digital delivery, also considering that not everyone has the possibility to always buy online (that’s why the PSPGo has been a flop, if not even an “epic fail”)…
they might do away with disk based games all together, improve the network functionality, slightly improve the grafix, find a better way to keep the proseser from getting fragged, more usb ports, better air intake, better servers, better desktop features, better audio frequency, bigger video chat capacity, muti functional tasks like personal music during game play or picture n picture during game play so you can chat while you play, a caller id that appears when someone calls your house, or better yet… the ability to take house calls through your system using the gaming headset so you can keep playing while your on the house phone line,, a wireless eye toy with a led screen for if ya want to take a stroll to the back yard n flip some burgers while in a chat. a function that turns a regular tv into a 3d friendly.. hmm did i miss anything? lol
thats phenomenal.. im curious as to what its new features will be,, maybe its a miny transformer that fights crime in the streets while im sleeping!? seriously tho.. lol i honestly am having a hard time thinking about how they can top the ps3.. they better not be stupid and make another non backwards compadible system again, i wonder what the price of it will be aswell? i better wait for the ps4 slim too! lol j/k optimus,
@ THE_DEAD_NG & DOOM: Well, yeah, fps games themselves are not so bad… but what I really cannot stand of this genre is the fact you can only see the hands of your character. I hate this fact, especially in those games where you can create your hero: I mean, it doesn’t have sense for me to create and customize a character you’ll never be able to see in his entirety, except in the cutscenes…
The only game that I managed to play ALSO in first person mode has been Oblivion.
Yep! Just two days ago, my japanese friend confirmed to me that Sony’s working on a new system: well, guys, I’m not surprised considering that PS3’s 5 years old, already…
For the technology, 5 years are like the eternity. O_O
ps4? wtf?
ps4 is coming woooohoooooo XD
hhhhhmmm i like fps but i prefer thps,
that doesnt mean that fps r bad games
i mean, there r so many great fps like , cod , bulletstorm, crysis 2& so many other fps
(hey could any1 please make a bulletstorm theme)
Lol! I told you: I’m an old school player…
Yep! With the next gen Splatterhouse they definitely killed another great old school game…
@penning, your f***kin smoked in twisted metal… watch.. lol. killins what i do best boys N girls! lol
@optimus, you dont have a psn account and you hate fps games… well god damn.. lol, i still love ya man. lol
damn penning, splatter house is already out, its like $30 now
Yep, I could try it, but… well, unfortunately I don’t really like FPS genre…
Splatterhouse is going to suck. Looks way too repetitive. Twisted Metal should be great though. Bring on the online multi player!!
also awaiting twisted metal, i can not god damn wait for that game,, looks beast. check out the ‘ps3 twisted metal trailer’ on youtube! had my eye on splatterhouse for a little while too.
yup RAGE rage is going to be awesome , i played doom 1 2 3 & i loved them all , im sure Rage IS GOING TO B AS GOOD AS DOOM, im going to add it to my ps3 game collcetion 100%, but not after “((DARK SOULS))” maaaaaaaaaaaan i cant wait for this game
OPTIMUS U SHOULD TRY IT im sure ur going to love it if like extremly diffecult games
Lol! First thing I thought when I read about Rage has been: “Oh man… I’m sure a BIG FAN like Doom is eagerly waiting for this game!!!”
did the bgm and some of the sound effects, i cant wait for ‘rage’ and ‘doom4’ to hit the ps3. i wish id software would bring ‘quake areana’ to the ps3 aswell.. HASTE!!! LOL. i remember being the assassin dude doing backflips over dudes n shootin them through the top of ther heads, the artificial inteligence in that game was epic at times.. it felt like i was battling a real person sometimes and those strafeing moves and backflips wer actually needed to fight like a kungfu movie, lol
i appreciate your givin me your email n everything. i did not know that doom64’s development team was so small, heh.. crazy, i just remember it being my favorite video game at the time, i liked it because it was the darkest and most sinister game out at the time, there was alot of dim areas and the mapping and grafix at the time wher the bees kneez for N fps!! LOL. i loved playing that game. needless to say the zombie maps on cod are my new thing but it just dont have that ‘hell’ kick that doom had, i like the zombies, but id rather be ripping through hell with a chainsaw fighting ‘hell knights’ and ‘cyber deamons’. thee only reason i bought n xbox1 was to play doom3, i got half way through that game and it literally scared me. lol, theres a part in that game that is supposed to be ‘john’s’ idea of what hell would be like.. i suppose… lol. i couldn’t play for like a month after i hit that level. there wher parts in that game that literally made my heart stop for a second. so good… lol ‘nine inch nails’
well, my idea was that i can send all the material to you in psn messages, you can put all my material on to a flash drive and then compress all the material into 1 file to send him. im not good with computer stuff at all. im really only good with the ps3
, but if you dont want to do it, ill understand.
I had Doom 64 too! I played Quake 64 more though. I remember the QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ code. Did you know there was a very small development staff for the 64 version of Doom? Like, one guy pretty much made that game. I remember reading about it in an old copy of EGM.
PSN accounts won’t help get Theme Resources back and forth. but e-mails will. I’m not real sure I know OPTIMUS’ e-mail, but mine is darthfrott * @ * gmail * . * com .
Just remove the spaces and asterisks.
in short, its too perfect to mess with.. lol
@F-Rott, yeah i got that! and i like it! but i feel its time for a 64 ver. what i have in mind has all the items, wepons and enemys. i got some sick backgrounds too.. if you have a psn account, maybe you could help me get my material to optimus! as everyone knows by now i suck w computers.. im starting to learn but i still suck, lol. if ya cant help me dont worry about it, no biggie.. im still rockin this theme, lol this is like the only theme that i havent applyed my own background to.. lol
…and you did a GREAT “old school” work, my friend!
What’s your next project, now?
Lol! Thanks mate!
As for Yogosan: well, I don’t really know. But I’m sure the bomb is about to explode…
Thanks for all the kind words guys. I really spent a good amount of time working and tweaking and re-tweaking this theme before I released it. Hey doom, did you ever check out my old, old, OLD Doom theme I made a few YEARS back?
hi again , hey could any1 do a bulletstorm theme please
OPTIMUS there is just NOWAY , u’ll do a bad theme , im 100% sure that ever1 will love it
hey what about yogosan is he too nearly done with his theme?
Well, my MK theme is nearly finished: icons are almost done, then I’ll have to make the “special effects” for the backgrounds. Uhm… I think it’s about 60% ready.
Anyway, I have to say the project started as “totally old school theme”, but… because of the backgrounds (which are inevitably taken from the modern game) I had to change direction. So, let’s say the theme is a mix…
Hope you’ll like it, anyway.
i gotta say, this is one hell of a theme. more oldschool please..
@ OPTIMUS is ur next theme ready yet buddy
Justice has been served playa
I love this game.Ty only thing I play on my wii
Loooooooool! I totally agree with all the guys!
It reminds me the good old NES days!
1000 “punchy” stars, my friend!
holy smokes!!!! outstanding!!!
Fuck yeah!! 100 stars!! One of my favorite games too!
Great job!
The preview pic doesn’t quite do it justice since it’s layed out differently though, hopefully others realize this too.
Like the pixelated main icons too