Theme by Adam_150
-16 HD wallpapers
-HD Only (Sorry SD TV gamers)
i used the icons from Color Icon Pack (9 themes)
Black, and thanks to the creator of the pack RIDER121
its my first theme, and i hope everyone enjoys it
i used the icons from Color Icon Pack (9 themes)
Black, and thanks to the creator of the pack RIDER121
its my first theme, and i hope everyone enjoys it
How do I get these black icon’s?
I’m glad to hear that!
As you can see, improving step by step, things look different when you observe them from the right perspective…
i tried to draw the liittle big planet picture of sack boy sitting on earth, it actually wasnt bad lol
lol thats true
Don’t mention it, bro!
And remember… as I always say to everybody:
imagination is the only limit!
wow thanks alot, i must start drawing lol, ill let you know how thing will go lol, i never thought of any of that, not even to take into conciteration, but now i have great tips, thanks again for all your help
Well, when I said that someone could teach you technique, I meant the theory or at least the drawing basics. But you already know them, otherwise you wouldn’t be able to draw at all…
The fact that, watching an image, you drew Kirby, means that you’re perfectly able to “reproduce” something you’re observing: thus, you already know the basics.
Actually, the REAL technique is simply the personal drawing style that one can develop over time: it’s related to the basics knowledge, but it’s also related to inspiration and imagination.
Remember what I said? My sketches were devoid of personality because I’d only copied what I’d seen. That’s because I never put my “personal touch” in what I drew, and I needed those 2 things.
So, you already know how to draw (basics): now, you just have to develop your own style (personality) by putting inspiration and imagination together.
To do that, you could start simply trying to “modify” what you draw… well, when you’ve added Link’s hat and the sword slicing through the air, you already did it “unconsciously”: in other words, you’ve somehow reinterpreted your vision of Kirby, i.e. you’ve put your personal touch…
Obviously, it doesn’t mean you already got your own style because, drawing Kirby, you’ve only added something more, but you had a clear idea of how Kirby should have been, so… you had an inspiration and you used imagination.
That’s the trick: you just need to practice by doing the same thing you did with Kirby, but instead of “reproducing” what you see, start to think what you want to create (inspiration) by focusing on how you’d like it was (imagination), then draw it by interpreting what you imagined (personality/personal touch)…
No matter if the first results are not what you expected: it’s just the beginning, and you only need to practice and follow the path.
lol, i never thought of it like that, thanks for the help, i have a really good imagination (so ive been told) because i love to write and i write stories, i was thinking i could write and illustrate my own graphic novels, comic books and themes lol, i try to draw wat i think of, but it looks crappy, it kinda resembles somthing lol, but wat techiques are there? btw theres only 1 thing i ever drew perfect like artist, Kirby with green hat like Link (The Legend of Zelda) with a sword slicing through the air, but i was looking at a image of it lol, i want to draw characters, environments, weapons… everything lol, i understand imagination, kinda the inspiration, i just have no idea wat techiques to use or wat there is lol
Well, your mom’s right: practicing is the only way to get results in everything…
You know, veeery long time ago, when I was a child, I really liked to draw, but no one ever taught me how to do it… so, watching cartoons, I started sketching every kind of stuff and I kept doing that for months and years…
After about 3 years I was quite good: anyway, I realized that my drawings had no personality because until then I had actually only copied what I had seen, and I felt there was something missing… then, I understood that I needed 2 things: inspiration and imagination!
-Inspiration is just the ability to get a clear idea of what you’d like to create (like a character, for example) and how you’d like it was, by focusing on it.
-Imagination is the ability to develop that idea, by finding different and creative ways to do it.
-If you wanna leave for a holiday, you think to use your car and you decide where to go, so… you had an idea, and you focused on it. In other words, you had an inspiration.
-Once you’ve taken your car, you’re not forced to go straight from point A to point B, but you can decide to follow a different route by using alternative streets. It means you’ve also developed that idea, by choosing different ways to reach your goal: shortly, you had imagination.
So, my friend, maybe you just need to find the right inspiration, applying your imagination to develop your ideas: you know, someone could only teach you the technique, but no one can give you those 2 things.
So, just try to focus on your ideas and use your imagination as best as you can…
i love to draw, but i get frusterated and i quit, my mom just tells me to practise but theres gotta be somthing for me to get better, many years of drawing and no improvement
ive been trying to draw, i suck and cant draw shit lol, id be so happy if i could draw, can you help me? i love old school games, i still play my MK on my SNES still lol
Well… I’m working on a MK theme, a tribute to celebrate the return of the series to the good old days. But since I’m an “old school guy”
I’m working hard to create an “old school style” theme (like my Old Glories one): that means I’m drawing everything with my own hands, as always, but in this case it takes longer than usual because of the specific icons and effects I’m creating…
I enjoy playing on and offline lol its kool
Wat kind of theme is it?
Hey, bro, you’re back!
Uhm… good question… well, let’s say I’m about at 40-45%.
You know, the theme I’m working on is totally hand-made as always, but this time it takes longer than usual, especially because of the main icons and the special effects I’m creating for the backgrounds…
Well… sorry, mate, but I’m not on PSN: I’m an “old school” player, so… actually, I’ve never been interested in online playing, chat or stuff like that…
hi OPTIMUS so hows ur theme r u almost done or what?
to me it doesnt matter if i dont have 3 icons missing lol, psn is back up, if you want to add me my psn: Adam_150 lol
Oh, got it! Everything’s ok, then…
Anyway, remember that PS3 Theme Builder 3.0 doesn’t have the 3 new icons included: you need to add them manually…
So, if you have problems, let me know!
lol i figured out how to use theme builder 3.0 and i was talking about uploading the preview picture, but the theme builder 3.0 has the section were i can make preview picture, my other one didnt lol, its all good now, thanks for the help, i dont know anything about a graphic program lol
No, mate
I didn’t mean the Theme Builder program: I was talking about the “graphic program” you’re using… haven’t you asked how to make a preview image to use for the theme uploading? Or did you mean something else…?
And, speaking of PS3 Theme Builder 3.0… what’s the problem???
i figured it out, i just uploaded my Call Of Duty Collecive theme, it should be up soon lol
i just downloaded the Theme builder 2.5 and 3.0 update, and i dont know how to use it lol i have no idea, i feel retarted wen im sitting here looking at it lol, can you help me?
the program is actually called PS3 Theme Creator lol i just checked
do you copy and paste individual? i use PS3 Theme Editor, which program do you use, i dont think mine will let me lol
Good, I’ll be waiting!
Well, I don’t know what program you use…
Anyway, whatever the program is, you just need to copy and paste the icons on the wallpaper by following the XMB’s right order (take a look to my previews to get an idea of what I mean)… then, you simply have to save it.
thankyou for the expertise lol, i have a Call of duty collective theme all icons are 100% made by me and there all there lol, ill upload that one next, and i have my pictures saved but how to i make the icons go on the pictures?
Hey, mate! Here I am!
So, let’s talk about your theme (but I’ll be very honest in judging
Ok, considering this is your first theme… you did a good work, anyway.
I really like the backgrounds you chose (especially the Skyrim one, you know why…) because they’re very good (except the MK one which is maybe a little too grainy, but I know it’s not your fault because the wallpaper is exactly like that) and they represent each game quite well.
The black icons are good for this theme, because they fit enough to some backgrounds: well, maybe they almost tend to disappear with other wallpapers like Demon’s Souls, but it gives a nice atmosphere and a good effect anyway.
Ok, now the bad news (but not so bad, after all)…
Maybe who “reviewed” your theme just before me didn’t notice it, but… there’s the usual problem of the missing icons, which are “Video Upload”, “Saved Data Minis” and “Chat Room Text”: but again, I know it’s not your fault, because you used someone else’s icons… that’s why I always say everyone to try making icons with their own hands: this gives to themes more personality and at the same time allows them to distinguish themselves from others.
That being said, this is just a constructive criticism to allow you understand what’s wrong and what can be improved…
Anyway, better if you keep in mind this: don’t worry too much about what people say of your work, because there will always be someone who complains for something…
The secret is if you really like to make themes, just keep making them! And everytime you’re making one, try to use all the passion and the imagination you have!
Well, you got my “professional themes maker” impressions
as you’ve asked… and I think you did quite well, mate!
So, keep up your work!
As for the theme’s preview image… just choose a wallpaper from those included in your theme (better the one you think is the best), apply the icons on it (as you can see from my previews, for example) and then save it separately, so that you can use it as the “Image File” that is requested when you’re uploading a theme.
See you to your next theme, mate!
Wow, im glad you liked it lol thank you very much, ill continue making themes lol, i really wasnt expecting a great review like that lol, thankyou
honestly, this is a GREAT theme. i am typing on the PS3 so I know what I’m talking about. for a new theme artist, you do what others can’t. I am a theme reviewer and i know a good theme along with artist when I see one. i see a good future for you. i can’t make any themes and i thank god people like you exist. now the theme. great HD, awesome wallpaper choice, and overall, better than PSN. 5 out of 5 stars. i wanna hear what you think about that.
i cant figure out how to get a preview pic of my theme with icons
i need some help lol
thanks for the advice
i dunno how to make my own preview pic, can you tell me how? id appreciate it
Don’t let ratings stop you from making more, most people on here only give high ratings to known posters, dynamic themes, and pics of naked women
I am not able to try it out though since i’m on an SD tv, so I won’t vote, i’ll leave you with a piece of advice though.
Make sure the preview pic you post for your theme is a good one, because no one ever downloads before casting judgement.
for the 16 wallpapers i chose games that i enjoy and games im looking forward to get, this is my 1st/only theme on the site, comment if its good, rate, just so i know weather or not to continue making more themes