Modnation Racers #2

Theme by Yogosan

Theme based on the game Modnation Racers, custom icons 7 HD & 6 SD backgrounds, Enjoy!!!
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26 thoughts on “Modnation Racers #2

  1. i mean, we will likely not here from him ever again, i’m not going to respond to anymore of his messages, its pointless, so from now on, try not make fun of him, think of it as him being dead, so no matter how much hate there is, its just not cool to make fun of him just hours after his departure. R.I.P.- case closed.

  2. No, maybe you’re right: I think I’ve followed too literally your “have fun of the stupid things he says” philosophy and maybe I exceeded the limit and… Hey, wait a second! This means it’s also your fault!!! 😀

    You know, all this mess makes me think that maybe we’re “terrorists” indeed…
    Btw, what do you mean by saying “I doubt we’ll be hearing from him for a long, long time”???

  3. lol, i was joking when i said it was your fault, but it was the tiny scrap eveidence he needed to prove i’m with th al qaeda. but don’t worry, i doubt we’ll be hearing from him for a long, long time

  4. Well, Yogosan, what can I say? Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems you really think that what is happening now is only my fault (for that M.M. joke)… well, at this point, I suppose the only thing I can do is apologize to you: I never wanted to create such a situation.
    However, this saddens me VERY MUCH because, if you remember, in other occasions we already made fun of him, talking about his stupid things with Dahl too (even after the mess happened between Madthemez and the site) despite we were fully aware of the fact that Montage read all our comments, though…

    Anyway, given the situation, it’s useless to add other fuel to the fire, so I say only 2 things:

    1)You don’t need to write all those things to clarify your position regarding the whole matter: we know who you are and who is Montage, so we know well who’s right and who’s wrong, who’s sane and who’s not, who’s innocent and who’s guilty, who’s the victim and who’s the executioner… you don’t have to prove anything to us or anyone else, because WE KNOW YOGOSAN.

    2)As I said in the other comment (and I confirm now) it’s useless to write tons of stuff because in this way we do anything but play his game!
    I don’t know him as much as you, but I surely understood what his game is: he “launches his attacks”, then he does nothing but observe our reactions, hoping to put one against the other in order to isolate his target (or more than one) and ruin friendships.
    This is the tactics, as evidenced by the fact that after one of his foolish interventions we always write lots of comments and waste rivers of words, but he doesn’t reply because he likes to read everything we say and in the meantime he awaits the right moment to attack again!
    By doing so, we always risk to fall into his trap and every time we go closer and closer. You should know that…

  5. btw, i havn’t actually played modnation! i didnt like the beta either. but after making one of the homerow icons, i decided to go for it anyway. the rest was just looking at screens and the website. also there are very few high def images for the game so i didnt ‘force’ the backgrounds, just kept it simple. there were some good looking smaller images that were un useable for HD , the SD backgrounds are completely different. but i’m not sure how they compliment the icons. they looked ok on the computer anyway.

  6. don’t worry guys if a comment ever exceeds that limit again, i will personally refund your reading time

  7. its the stuff he accuses me of, you wouldn’t believe it, i’m just the unlucky target i guess, i ask him where he gets his ideas, BOOSTING ANIOM TAIGA, i mean, WOW. he’s either convinced himself i’m the source of ALL things that go wrong, or like himself, he wants me banned, unknown and shamed. but he has no evidence of anything, simply because there is nothing. i post themes and i chat with you guys, the only email I ever sent to the mods was asking if they would allow a 16mb heavy rain theme, they said to take out or compress the backgrounds, hardly any preferential treatment there, eh! he is 100% convinced, you and I have a gang of people voting or themes up, that we bully anyone that gives us negative feedback, that being spinky, who, while posting on f-rotts, mk theme said fuck you opt….1) not feedback, 2) not even posting on your theme! again, we ‘hijack’peoples threads to boost our image. he has alternate negative motives for EVERYTHING we do, EVERYTHING. any theme that gets near the top is because of us and our ‘friends’, now what is truly magical is 1) how in the name of god could ANYONE form these ideas, 2) none of this effects him, in any form,+ he clearly has an obsession with the site, and for all the crap he says about it, he won’t sttop coming back. 3) montage doesn’t know this, but he won’t believe it anyway, OPTIMUS doesn’t have a psn, so everything i’v ever discussed with you OPTIMUS has been in these comments, so i we did have any fixing going on it could be traced back, but thats what i mean, you OPTIMUS and i both know we only ever chat here, EVER, so can you imagine how he comes up with this stuff. it would take alo of time thats for sure. and he has spread this to his “friends”, i don’t know if he knows it, but they contacted me, one completely bluntly, “are you fixing scores on ps3themes”, i told him i wasn’t and that was it! no more i can do to deny it, no more he could to prove it! happy ever after. boosting is one thing, but boosting aniom taiga, even i was shocked by the concept, even from a guy who could be convinced i started 9/11. it just goes on and on and on. everything he says is nonsense, so how do you answer for yourself? i ask him what he actually wants but he doesnt say, last time i asked him for ages, eventually he said i voted his themes, which was bullshit, this time he claims, its because we make fun of him, (your m.m joke) which i didnt respond to, still my fault somehow!
    thanks alot OPTIMUS 🙁
    you got me talking to a wall for the week.
    i must say though, it makes you feel better about yourself, knowing you actually have a bit of commen sense. i get the feeling he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. but i could be wrong. he thought we were college students with nothing better to do, (like he does). to be honest i dont know how old you are OPTIMUS, or what you do! i told montage i was not in college, he said i was an unemployed school boy then, lol, wrong again, i just finished school, as you know optimus, and i am employed (again, yesterday!) but oi worked for two years during school, so to say i had nothing to better to was a far cry from the truth. and now that i got a job, i can go out every week again!
    @optimus! and i forgot to say, i got €3000 in redundancy from the shop that closed a few months back. the recession is looking quite prosperous for me!

  8. LOL! “The theme makers guide to the galaxy”… too funny 😀
    I think I’ll buy a copy: I lost the frisbee and my dog has nothing to play with… 😛

    Seriously, Yogosan, is totally useless to write tons of stuff everytime he says some of his bullshits: in this way we just play his game (a real cure for his sick mind…) don’t you think?
    Instead, I believe that for every comment he writes, it would be more than sufficient to answer always using just 2 simple but magical words: try to guess what…? 😀

  9. OH AND, the last time montage sent me pages of harassment and conspiracy, he capped it off by asking me to use my “leverage” to convince the mods to let him back on the site, and that is not just some made up crap! says ALOT about the guy who continually bashes the site. thats pretty much the cherry on top. he said this months ago, but i actually felt bad for him so i didn’t tell you guys but since he’s plagueing me again, i think it’s quite fitting. i never did ask the mods after, it would be like inviting PETA members to a bull fight.

  10. of couse a screen of my lack of rating would be obsolete, because the mods will have rigged it, isn’t that right montage. montage could disprove gravity!

  11. you can try all you wnt to bring me down a peg, or prove your ridiculous theories, at the end of the day i will still make themes, comment when and i want. i chat with people here like i would my psn friends. if you have a problem with that….., which you do, then you obviously are too arrogant and elitist to be taken seriously.
    anyway back on topic,
    theres a new book coming out called, the theme makers guide to the galaxy, a story where schizophrenia ego and obsession combine to destroy a boys dream of becoming a modern day van gough, sounds interesting,maybe a little self indulgent, but i imagine it has more plot twists than an M Night Shyamalan movie to make up for. only problem is the price 🙁 it costs 5 stars. i don’t think i can afford it

  12. HAHAHAHA!!! LET HIM BURN, Yogosan…!

    Wow, Montage Mik, you’re back! And I see you’re still OBSESSED with ratings… and I wonder why… why are you so obsessed? Surely even you could not answer!
    Well, if you don’t like how the ratings system works in this site, simply do not come here anymore.
    You know, if you were really interested in sharing your themes, you would focus your efforts on that, instead of boring people with your stories…
    What you really don’t want to understand is that we don’t care about ratings and THERE’S NO LOBBY PUSHING ITS OWN THEMES IN THE TOP TEN: we all started from the bottom, always trying to improve our skills, and if our themes are at the top is because other users begun to appreciate the work we do (and it is obvious that they express their appreciation not only with comments but also with votes)!
    When I started to upload themes here, I was nobody, but over time other theme makers learned to know me, many of them started to appreciate my work, my style and my artistic ideas and now I often find myself in the top ten. That’s it, nothing more nothing less…
    So, instead of continuing to argue about everything YOU THINK doesn’t work, you should start to use your skills to create and share your themes like everyone else do: surely, if you tried to convert in creativity the same energy you waste to criticize, probably you would be in first place like us.
    But I also realize that everything I said is just a waste of time because of your STUPID, NARROW-MINDED beliefs…

  13. nothing i say will convince him i don’t boost, even not voting at all, i think he’s jealous, not of my themes, i always said montage makes great themes, some of the best! he’s jealous that i’m here with my “crap” with seemingly the best scores (it must be boostin) and he’s pretty much unknown, but it’s his own fault, he’s taking out on me, cleary. he’s name is montage mik, not modest mik, just tio make it clear. if anyone does take my side, he will say because of the ‘scheme’ i have going. nothing will convince him, nothing.

  14. i don’t think i even need to try to cover myself here, this is coming from a guy who thinks i boost my themes and even the taiga themes! and montage thinks i have a scheme going with the mods, i’m sure the mods can bring up a screen proving i havn’t voted on ANY of my recent themes, just like they had one of your countless 1 star votes. i’m glad you posted here, let everyone know how foolish you are. also f-rott, montage believes myself and OPTIMUS only comment your themes to boost our image! i guess i just pretended to like Tool and Deftones just to get my name out there. and f-rott i would consider a friend, so i’m sorry my charm hasn’t gotten you to the top! and OPTIMUS I should warn you montage has and will continue to read all our comments, he told me! it was your m.m joke that sparked this, montage commenting right now is the punch line. he was pissed at me for adding fuel to the fire, even though i didn’t respond to it. nothing i say will convince him i don’t boost.

  15. No offense to me, but my Mortal Kombat II theme should have never been rated higher than this theme. I’m voting 5 Stars for this one and hope it goes to #1. I’m not at the same level as Mr. Yogosan here. YOU DESERVE IT! 😀

  16. bitchin theme yogosan

    like it alot more than the ones that are on the pns store.

    like how you did the backgrounds too

    5 stars

  17. Hey guys! Stop talking about those things: there’s innocent and pure people who listen… 😛
    Great theme, Yogosan!

  18. Yeah I totally know what you mean – One time I was using rubbing alcohol as lube while watching porn on the ps3…and one thing lead to another…

    Just kidding:)

  19. Woooahhh. A WHILE ago, haha surprised someone remembers! 🙂

    I kinda got back into playing my games? Don’t rly have much time anymore. But it IS summer, so maybe I’ll do some themes? WHO KNOWS! Actually I just did a RLY quick one with your Silver Lining icons. 🙂

    Your PS3 broke or something eh? I had a YLOD once…Sucks.

  20. i know that name, you did the neon theme, and the kinda disappearing icons theme, long time no see!

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