Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Mortal Kombat Theme
6 Backgrounds
6 Backgrounds
Yeah, Bastart beat me to it, but here’s the Theme I was working on. All artwork came from the website except the blood spatter and dirt overlays.
#1 Resource for PS3 Themes
Theme by Dennis “F-Rott” Ferrand
Yeah, Bastart beat me to it, but here’s the Theme I was working on. All artwork came from the website except the blood spatter and dirt overlays.
Sorry, mate: I searched for some image, but those I found are just for mobile (which means are too small to be used for a HD theme) and there are no other really suitable images to make a theme of it…
No hablo su idioma muy bien … Espero que me entiendas.
En una unidad USB, usted tiene que crear una carpeta llamada PS3: dentro de esta carpeta, crear otra llamada TEMA. Descarga los temas que desee dentro de la carpeta TEMA.
Ahora, conecte la unidad USB a tu PS3, vaya a la opción Temas y seleccione instalar: tu PS3 reconocerá automáticamente los temas.
perdon por la ignorancia chicos, como hago para que me funcionen estos temas en mi ps3?? tank you
OMG THATS EPIC… ive seen alot of theme none as good as this, i would like 2 take this time 2 say i HATE MK but ….. this theme makes the game look so cool, Congrats to the theme dude ª-ª
Hey do u know if anyone can make a fox racing theme? i have been looking for one everywhere. thanks
Yep, he did a good work too, but… I don’t know how to explain… your MK themes have something special, as if they were imbued with some kind of magic that makes them particularly close to what MK would be if it was real…
But this is just my opinion, of course.
Wow! MK vs DC Universe? Can’t wait to see it!
I’m not challenging anyone!
I think Bastart does good work, I was really, truly almost done with this.
I’ve made a ton of MK themes, and I’m almost done with a MK vs DC Universe theme as well.
Ehm… I don’t really know if you, guys, are challenging on “who’s the best MK themes creator” :D, but… if so: well, Dennis let me tell you that all the MK themes you made so far are very good, and nobody can beat you when it comes to MK.
This theme’s the proof, imho: it’s REALLY GOOD!
5 stars.