Mortal Kombat (HD only)

Theme by SoundOfDarkness

There are so many MK themes, but none of them had all my favorite wallpapers. So again I decided to make my own and since I still suck at making icons, I borrowed them from yogosan’s “Mortal Kombat: Sub Zero” theme.
The 16 HD only wallpapers include the DLC fighters Skarlet, Rain & Kenshi, but unfortunately I couldn’t find a decent Freddy pic.
Download Here

4 thoughts on “Mortal Kombat (HD only)

  1. Hey great theme, im wondering where u got the scarlet PS3 wallpaper from, been searching for it, its beast

  2. This is probably the best MK theme I’ve ever seen. Even if it is based off of the new game. Which was great. Great job.

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