Mortal Kombat: Raiden

Theme by Yogosan

Theme based on the character Raiden from Mortal Kombat, 1 HD and SD background, custom icons. Enjoy!
Download Here

17 thoughts on “Mortal Kombat: Raiden

  1. @glowball, well it’s hard to say, i took a few breaks in between, and i started it about a month ago i think. i probably could have done it in a few days if i concentrated on nothing else. i was working on 3 other MK themes at the same time which slowed me down quite a bit.

  2. ah fuck em!

    @1MenArmyProduction, i’m not using photoshop so the process is most likely completely different, the link i sent above is about as easy as it gets!

  3. F-Rott:

    At this point, I just give up and continue doing what we’re doing here. Making themes and having fun. I think Yogosan nailed it when he told me that they can’t take away my own ideas and creativity. Screw them. I know the truth, and one look at both and so does everyone else.

    Yeah, I agree, but… you know, surely they cannot take away our ideas and creativity, but they will always be able to keep using them whenever they want… and that’s what pisses me off a lot!

  4. @Yogosan

    hey again
    i try to make the effect with photoshop (CS5) but in the icon description are special words for photoshop they i dont know whats means in german can u make screenshots with ur steps or a how to video for me ?

  5. At this point, I just give up and continue doing what we’re doing here. Making themes and having fun. I think Yogosan nailed it when he told me that they can’t take away my own ideas and creativity. Screw them. I know the truth, and one look at both and so does everyone else.

  6. @F-ROTT & YOGOSAN: Uhm… after what I read, I decided to take a look at that site and… well, I agree with Yogosan: aside the fact they don’t have so many themes (but obviously it’s because the site’s born recently, I suppose) those few ones available are absolutely nothing special (maybe only the Dead Rising one is nice enough)…
    Anyway, I also agree with F-Rott, because the fact remains that those bastards are making money with someone else’s ideas: and maybe they’re even legalized!

    But there’s another thing that left me stunned: I discovered that many of our themes are on lots of other sites!
    I simply typed “www ps3-themes com/optimus” on google, and I found my themes almost everywhere. So I tried again with both of you, guys, and… same thing.
    Also, sometimes they’re acknowledged, but many times they’re not and very often they’re even without the icons we made for them!

    Well, I don’t really know how it’s possible, since we upload our themes only here, but it is!

  7. aha, i’m able to comment again!
    @f-rott, lets see if they can follow the instructions i left!
    are they known for taking peoples ideas? i never check out there themes, i think they’re shit

  8. I think some of those icons would fit a InFamous to perfect? 😮
    Anyway, really nice theme!

  9. Lol! Think that I uploaded my theme yesterday night, and I missed the updating by a whisker!
    With a little luck, my theme would have been here already, but now I have to wait at least 5 days: I think DeathNinja666 will kill me… O_O

  10. @Yogosan
    great theme dude u make other peoples happy with ur themes 😀

    @PS3 Themes
    hey why are not my 3 new themes are updated on the site i upload they 2 days ago O_o

  11. Oh, yeah! OOOH YEEEAH! And this is just the beginning, I hope!

    I would rate 5 stars, but there are no more stars in the sky, so…

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