Ninja Gaiden 3 (HD only)

Theme by SoundOfDarkness

Ninja Gaiden 3 is finally out and even without Itagaki it’s a great game. As always 16 HD only backgrounds, icons are shamelessly “stolen” from Faxtron.
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9 thoughts on “Ninja Gaiden 3 (HD only)

  1. Looks awesome. The theme looks really good. Fantastic. The icons are really good as well. Make more ninja gaiden theme.




  2. @anglo4815
    The icons were created by Faxtron, not me. But I did not ask for his permission either.
    If you want to use icons created by someone else, just mention them in your description and say what icons you used and maybe from where got them.

  3. great theme ,i want to make a theme with the icons do you give me permission? , sorry for my english XD

  4. You know the Steel and Bone did seem like it was inspired from the samurai x ova’s. I also agree in NG2/S2 I gave it some thought about getting to close to an enemy that was missing a limb. I hope that team ninja makes a new NG game, I don’t care about the scores they give games I mean I play all kinds of JRPG’s and everyone can see they been under fire from western websites like IGN giving them bad scores. I stopped listening to review sites since the days of Genji 2, the best decision I ever made.

  5. @HollowBattousai
    Do you think the “Steel on Bone” technique was inspired by Rurouni Kenshin? It really reminded me on some of the fights from the first OVA.

    If there should ever be a NG4, I’d love to see the “Steel on Bone” in combination with the dismemberment from NG2/NGS2. Not because of the violence but because I loved how enemies were getting even more dangerous when they lost a limb.

  6. SoundOfDarkness:


    me being a NG fan never had anything to do with the challenging difficulty, that’s why i sold NGS, which was sometimes very frustrating even on ninja dog difficulty. the perfect NG would be a mix of NGS2 and NG3. don’t need many weapons either, don’t really need the items as long as the difficulty is like acolyte on NGS2 and you regenerate like in NGS2. upgrading the weapons never seemed to make any sense since i still needed the same number of hits per enemy to kill them no matter the level of the sword. but i too want the girls be playable again, especially ayane.

    I agree, I liked NG3 a lot more, a lot
    of ppl I know hate on NG3 because of what they read from online reviewers who have never played a game like this in their lives or just suck at it and start to hate it. I played it I beat it and I’m happy with this game. Itagaki was holding Team Ninja back and more people should see this by now. I’m also an Ayane fan 🙂 great job and keep up the great work.

  7. HollowBattousai:

    Great theme! Also I actually liked this game more than NG2 and Sigma 2, I finished the game and I was happy with the graphics and story, but I do agree that more should of been done game play wise. I want recovery items and weapon upgrades back, I would of loved some game play with the girls again too. but maybe future dlc’s. the weapon options didn’t bother me to much since I only used the dragon sword on the previous games. I only used the rest to unlock the trophies/achievements.

    me being a NG fan never had anything to do with the challenging difficulty, that’s why i sold NGS, which was sometimes very frustrating even on ninja dog difficulty. the perfect NG would be a mix of NGS2 and NG3. don’t need many weapons either, don’t really need the items as long as the difficulty is like acolyte on NGS2 and you regenerate like in NGS2. upgrading the weapons never seemed to make any sense since i still needed the same number of hits per enemy to kill them no matter the level of the sword. but i too want the girls be playable again, especially ayane.

  8. Great theme! 🙂 Also I actually liked this game more than NG2 and Sigma 2, I finished the game and I was happy with the graphics and story, but I do agree that more should of been done game play wise. I want recovery items and weapon upgrades back, I would of loved some game play with the girls again too. but maybe future dlc’s. the weapon options didn’t bother me to much since I only used the dragon sword on the previous games. I only used the rest to unlock the trophies/achievements.

  9. Thanks man, you know this game series is one of my favorites since Nes, but I have to admit that the new NG3 is realy bad. I know that the Team Ninja want to make changes to the game but this time for me was a totally disaster those changes in this game. The graphics are ok but the rest no. This time tecmo and team ninja unfortunately have been disappointed me 🙁

    But your theme is very cool an awesome thanks again for sharing it.

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