Noire Pro

Theme by HollowBattousai

As requested by Idontknow, A theme for Neptunia’s Tsundere Noire! Honestly my favorite character from the Neptunia games. πŸ˜€
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Kiryu Asamiya

Can you please make a theme of Iffy? please, she is my favorite, so please make it u.u


: I’ll try, sometimes is hard to find wallpapers to use for some characters. But yeah I’ll make it. πŸ˜€


Can you make a Plutia or Peashy theme?


Master SHADOW: Same here πŸ˜€

Dark Master SHADOW

Awesome my favorite character


lol its no bother, I like having conversations with everyone. πŸ˜€

Well I might cancel my tales of xillia pre-order, I found out they didn’t add JP voice overs and if the cast is like the one on Graces F then I’ll pass. I herd Milla’s voice and its awful. sorry to anyone who likes dubs but I just can’t stand them.

Senya Saigyouji

Thank you for your feedback. That’s all I needed to hear.
lol, I thought I was too biased on the poor performances, but it’s nice to know I’m not the only one that thinks this way also.
The only time I turned on the dub was when I wanted to understand the bonus voice clips, and even then, it was cringe-worthy. DX

Well, I think I’ve bothered you enough. It was nice talking to you. See you later~ (^^)/


How I felt about the English dub? well to put it in a few words, Nisa needs to find new talent. I hated most of the voice actors. They sound to winy and some did not fit the characters at all. from sounding way to old for the character or not matching the attitude that the character was showing from facial expressions to emotions they were feeling. I seriously listened to the English dub for about 10 min and I switched to the JP track after that. I have not touched the Eng dub since. I would give the voice… Read more »

Senya Saigyouji

lol, I see you didn’t answer my question.
I have a tendency to verbose everything so much that the original purpose gets blurred out.
Forgive me. ^^;

My question was:
How do you feel about the English dub’s quality for this game? I explained my reasoning already in my last comment. I’m interested in your opinion as a veteran anime fan and thememaker.


when it comes to English Dubs I don’t dislike it 100% of the time. In anime or video games and there are a few of them that do a great job and the cast gives it their all. But theirs also A lot of a animes and games that most of the cast just sound awful. bad dubs can ruin good anime and video games, if I only get English voice overs and the cast is terrible well that’s not going to end well in my book. like you said some actors wont put their all to this game because… Read more »

Senya Saigyouji

Speaking of voices, how do you feel about the English dub’s quality for the already present characters? At the risk of sounding like a Wapanese, it just sounds…unenthusiastic to me. Dubs vs Subs is a controversial topic, so let’s try to avoid a war here, but I feel that the English voice actors didn’t give it their all. Some characters sounded older or younger than they are judging by their voices’ tone. It’s like as if the voice actors didn’t bother to mask their voices to make it more fitting for their character’s age. The “spirit” of their acting breathing… Read more »


I see I’ve never would of known that lol I also use Japanese voice overs my self.

I hope they keep their promise I mean I cant wait for more characters to be added to this game. I also want to play as 5pb, she was one of my favorite characters on MK II.

Thanks for letting me know about the dlc dungeon, I’ll hold back and buy it once I’m ready to play that area. I can’t believe this game characters can get up to 999. XD

Senya Saigyouji

EXPOSITION TIME!! When Ultradimension (DLC) IF and Compa was released back in May 7th, NISA apparently (I used “apparently” since I haven’t confirmed this because I always use the Japanese voices) messed up big time with the English dub voices. According to the GameFAQs HDNV board: * IF’s English voice is just Peashy’s, ripped right from the latter. * Compa didn’t even have a voice, and was completely mute. (The Japanese voices were untouched fortunately.) To clean up their fine mess, NISA decided to hold off the other DLC characters until their English dub is finished. And there you have… Read more »


Yeah I cant wait! πŸ˜€ I’ve been waiting for the dlc characters, especially the new character Tekken-chan, I can’t wait to see how she plays. I need to play this game more but I’m really low on time these days and I don’t have the time to play like before. πŸ™ I also herd about the censored avatars, makes no sense why they would do that. good to know that their fixing it. As for the the dlc fiasco no I’m not aware of it, did something happen? I purchased the young IF and Compa characters dlc. just a week… Read more »

Senya Saigyouji

Out of curiosity’s sake, are you nearly as anxious as I am for the DLC characters’ release? (Assuming that you’re still playing this game.) Normally, my patience is limitless, but since school is just fifteen days away for me, (still below eighteen; shocker) I’ve grown a “little” bit tense. You’re familiar with DLC IF and Compa’s English dub fiasco, yes? Ever since that, it has been…what? four months, (five since July’s almost over) and yet not a single character has been released. I probably have no idea how time-consuming dubbing can be, but isn’t four months plenty of time to… Read more »


Thank you :), I know people dislike her which is fine we all like a certain character more than others. πŸ˜€

Senya Saigyouji

Although I’m not too fond of Noire, I’ll refrain from flaming said character, and there’s no doubt this is still a magnificent theme, as usual. Keep up the great work. +1

– Someone you know quite well.